Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1280 Completely master hardened plants

Monarch Snake practiced the skill of "Hardening Plants" all morning yesterday morning, and when the lover returned to the camp to make lunch at noon, Monarch Snake offered to practice for an extra half an hour.

However, Monarch Snake has not mastered the ability to harden plants.

And the "mastery" mentioned by the beloved is just like the "powerful whip, sun and flames, and flying leaf storm" that have been learned before.

As for overcoming the stiffness of the body after using the skill, this is the content of the advanced skill training later.

For the Sovereign Snake, whose skill proficiency hasn't reached a high level, and who can't even do instant casting, this is not what it needs to consider now.

When they came to an open forest not far from the camp, Liangren also started training with the Monarch Snake.

"Monarch Snake, the old rules, first review and consolidate what you have learned before." The good man said to the Monarch Snake.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake looked at his lover and nodded seriously.

When the Monarch Snake was a Vine Snake, it had the same amber pupils as my beloved. After evolving into an Ivy Snake, the amber color turned into garnet red, and after evolving into a Monarch Snake, it became jewel-like garnet red. It turned into a charming bright red again.

The color of her pupils is constantly changing, and her personality has gradually changed from cowardly and inferior to assertive and confident, to the current cold and arrogant charm.

The Monarch Snake is constantly changing and transforming, but its seriousness in doing things, as well as its reverence and gratitude to its loved ones have never changed.

Training is very boring, whether it is physical fitness, attack, defense, speed, dodge... these basic abilities, or learning and training skills.

If it was in the past, Monarch Snake would also feel very irritable after such boring training for a long time, but after it established a bond with its lover.

During the training, the lover is always by its side, through the sensory sharing of the fetter link, after accompanying it to experience this boring time and time again, the originally boring training is no longer boring in the eyes of the monarch snake.

To evaluate whether a trainer is good or not, it depends on whether he can guide and develop the hidden potential of Pokémon, unearth the potential of Pokémon, and make it powerful and outstanding.

It can be said that the excellence and excellence of the trainer is based on the excellence of the Pokmon.

To become an excellent and outstanding trainer, as long as the talent is not too bad, the correct method is found, and sufficient and effective efforts are made, it is actually not difficult to achieve.

But to become a very outstanding trainer, hard work alone is not enough, it also requires some characteristics and personal charm that ordinary people do not have.

Liangren pays attention to the inspiration of Pokémon's personality and teaches them the ability to think independently, whether in life or in battle, so that they can think independently and make judgments.

In the eyes of other professional trainers in the circle, Ryoto's ability to change Pokémon from 50% to so-called 100%, allowing Pokémon to be independent, undoubtedly pushes Pokémon to the opposite of trainers.

Let Pokmon no longer depend on the trainer, and let Pokmon live and fight well without the trainer. This is something that other trainers shouldn't think, and it also makes them feel scared.

The profession of a trainer is closely tied to Pokémon. Trainers rely on and need Pokémon, so trainers also do everything possible to control Pokémon, so that Pokémon is unwilling, unwilling, and unable to leave the trainer.

Let Pokémon have independent thinking, independent judgment, independent living, independent fighting, and the ability to be independent.

Other trainers believe that the ultimate consequence of this is that the Pokémon abandons the trainer, and the trainer loses his own elves.

And Liangren believes in himself and the Pokémon under him, and he has always unswervingly implemented his own concept of "independently" cultivating Pokémon.

And the final result is that the Pokémon under Liangren are smarter and stronger.

Breaking through to the Heavenly King level requires a clear understanding of one's own body,

When wisdom is needed and a clear plan for one's future path is needed, the Pokémon under Liangren's hands are easier to break through the fog and break through to the next stage than those under other trainers.

What other trainers feared: Pokémon would question the trainer's instructions, question the authority and correctness of the trainer's instructions, and the situation that Pokémon would eventually abandon the trainer did not happen.

On the contrary, after all the Pokmon became smarter and more independent with the help of their beloved, they became closer and more dependent on their beloved.

It seems that just like the degree of favorability has been upgraded to become a bond, the relationship between partners and partners has also evolved and upgraded to become a family~

""Strong Whip"..."

""Sunshine Flame"..."

""Flying Leaf Storm"..."

It took less than half an hour to review and consolidate the three powerful grass skills learned earlier, and then the lover and the monarch snake, and then began to harden the plants.

It has been trained all morning yesterday. Although the Monarch Snake has not fully mastered the skill of hardening plants, it is not far behind.

Take high-level proficiency and instant skill as the goal, if there is a progress bar, the Monarch Snake has mastered at least 80% of the "hardened plants"~

The next training is completely a process of practice makes perfect.

Considering that "Hardening Plant" is the most powerful move among the grass-type skills, Ryoto has also given the greatest patience to the training of Monarch Snake on hardening plants.

In this morning's training, my beloved, he didn't simply let the monarch snake mindless, mechanically and repeatedly cast skills over and over again.

Instead, I chose to return to the original intention and the original point, and patiently accompanied the Monarch Snake to re-disassemble the skills into subdivided steps and processes.

Work hard on each subdivision again like a beginner.

A real master always has the heart of an apprentice. This philosophical sentence was not spoken by a beloved man, but at this moment he wants to pass on the spiritual connotation contained in this sentence to the monarch snake.

During the training yesterday morning, because my beloved said that this skill is more difficult than the previous three skills, and it took the same morning, the Monarch Snake may not be able to learn and master the hardened plants.

Eagerness for quick success has turned into excellence. Under the guidance and companionship of my beloved, one person and one pet patiently improved and trained all the links of the hardened plant one by one.

ps. Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets...

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