To accomplish anything, you need to make corresponding efforts, and to become stronger, the effort you put in is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Many people who are no novice and have not entered this professional field think that Pokémon trainers only need to subdue rare elves, and they can become very strong after casual training.

This kind of thinking is obviously wrong and ridiculous. If it is really that easy to become stronger, there will be more than one champion in the regional league and more than one four kings.

If it was really that easy to become stronger, the alliance would not vigorously recruit him and entrust him with important tasks as soon as half of his body squeezed into the realm of the king of heaven.

Just like normal weight loss, although everyone knows that you can lose the scale if you keep your mouth shut and open your legs, it is not as easy as you think in practice.

And even if you can strictly control your diet and ensure enough exercise to create an energy gap, the effect will not make you scream with excitement.

This process often encounters a bottleneck period, and the weight will no longer drop. If you exercise unscientifically and blindly, it will even cause permanent irreparable damage to the body...

It is more difficult for a trainer to tame and cultivate Pokémon than to lose weight, because it does not mean that there will be gains after hard work. Scientific theoretical guidance and strong execution are only the most basic.

Because unlike losing weight, which is just a personal matter, you can see results if you manage yourself well. The trainer's cultivation of Pokémon is not the trainer's own business, and the Pokmon needs to cooperate enough.

Discovery of potential, training at various stages, battles... etc., whether it is a trainer or a Pokémon, as long as one of them fails to do well, the final result will not be ideal.

And this is a long-term process of persistence. Whether it is strength or confidence, it is accumulated bit by bit, and not everyone has the patience to persevere.

The most intuitive point is that most trainers in the professional circle like to tame Pokémon whose combat power has grown to be very powerful.

Only a small number of people like to take in cubs or start raising Pokémon directly from hatching elf eggs.

why? It is because training and cultivating Pokémon requires too much time, energy, and resources, and the process is too long and boring.

And there are very few trainers like Liangren who can persist in helping Pokémon to train for a long time and even enjoy it in the professional circle——

Because many people like to show off and find someone to fight with if they have a little bit of strength.

Relying on my own strength to gain a little fame, I lose myself and sink into it, and become chasing fame and fortune~

The trainers who can always keep their original intentions and can still train Pokémon with peace of mind in Vanity Fair are all outstanding people in the trainer circle.

And Liangren has this potential to become an outstanding person, and he has achieved considerable results and achievements.


After eating two blue tangerines, drinking a glass of plant dew, and resting briefly for five minutes, Liang Ren and Monarch Snake started training again.

"Monarch Snake, you have now figured out the principle and mechanism of "Hardening Plants", and you have also mastered the skill of "Hardening Plants".

The next advanced intensive training is actually not too difficult for you, so you don't have to be too nervous. "

Seeing the monarch snake waiting in full force, the beloved said with a smile.

"Wum~" Hearing what my lover said, Monarch Snake's expression softened a little.

"For the skill of hardening plants, we have to overcome two points in the advanced intensive training:

One is to increase the proportion of self-supplied energy to increase the power of the skill, and the other is to solve the problem that the body becomes stiff after casting the skill and cannot move for a short time. "

"I already have a solution to the problem of being stiff and unable to move, but these two problems are generally less difficult for the former."

"We don't have much time left this morning, so in the remaining two hours, let's change the proportion of self-supplied energy to enhance the power of the skill."

The beloved explained briefly, and then made arrangements for what the Monarch Snake would do next.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake nodded, looking at his lover with bright eyes. What he admires and likes about his lover is that no matter what he does, he always looks confident and logical.

"Then let's start..." My beloved didn't know what was going on in the Monarch Snake's mind, but patiently began to guide it for training.

To cast the skill "hardening plants", the four kinds of energy needed are grass, ground, rock, and water. The ratio of the four kinds of energy is 4:3:2:1~

After research and experiments by skill scholars, this energy ratio is fixed and cannot be changed.

The use of energy when performing skills is not like the use of seasoning in Chinese food, which is described by 'appropriate amount'.

It's not like scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Change the order of cooking ingredients and the ratio of ingredients. It is still edible to change scrambled eggs with tomatoes into eggs and scrambled tomatoes.

In the casting of skills, if the proportion of energy is changed, the light will reduce the power, and the frame structure of the heavy one will directly disintegrate.

The types of energy required by "hardening plants" and their respective proportions have been obtained through experiments by researchers. For the time being, Liangren will not be without innovative ideas, at least not at present.

Grass: Ground: Rock: Water - 4:3:2:1

100% of the energy needed to cast hardening plants is based on the energy ratio fixed above.

The more types and total amount provided by itself, although the consumption will be greater, but the control over the skills is higher, and the lethality of the skills will be enhanced with it.

The Beloved Monarch Snake is a Grass + Water Pokémon. Although it cannot provide a higher proportion of ground and rock energy, it can only provide a total of 50% of the grass + water energy.

However, compared with pure grass-type Pokmon, which only provide 40% of the basic energy of grass attributes, 60% of the energy of other ground, rocks, and water needs to be absorbed from the outside world.

The Monarch Snake, which can provide 50% of the energy of grass + water, has enhanced the power of the hardened plants.

And what Monarch Snake needs to do right now is also very simple. When using the skill "Hardening Plant", on the basis of originally only providing 40% of the energy of the grass attribute, it also provides 10% of the energy of the water attribute.

This process is not difficult, it is just a slight change of habit, and then there is an extra step, or half a step.



Sovereign Snake has already mastered the skill of "Hardening Plants", and now adds a step to mobilize the energy of the water system.

The Monarch Snake trained for forty minutes, and completed the training without even using it for an hour.

"Monarch Snake, use "Hardening Plant"! ! ! "On the open space, the beloved gave orders to the monarch snake loudly.

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