Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1284 Enhanced version: petrochemical skill! !

The force of the earth entering the body will eventually cause the body to become stiff, and the way to relieve the body's stiffness is naturally to expel the force of the earth lingering in the body.

However, it is easy to invite God, but it is difficult to send God off.

The Monarch Snake does not have the property of ground rocks, so it is easy to introduce these two types of heterogeneous energy into the body, but it is not an easy task to excrete this part of the heterogeneous energy from the body.

But fortunately, this is just the energy of a different kind of attribute, not a stubborn toxin, which itself is slowly passing away.

As for how to expel the ground and rock-attributed energies trapped in the Monarch Snake's body, the good man actually came up with two measures at the beginning.

1. Let the Monarch Snake learn the grass-type skills, and through the root system that penetrates into the ground, it can guide the ground and rock attribute energy retained in the body into the ground.

This plan is feasible for the good man to ask Super Personality No. 2 to help analyze and deduce it, but it is not without disadvantages to use the energy of different attributes.

In order to overcome the stiffness of hardened plants, run to learn a new skill, which is troublesome at first.

Secondly, while the skill is in effect, the Pokémon cannot move. In order to relieve the body's stiffness, directly making the body unable to move is obviously not worth the candle.

2. Use to release the heterogeneous energy in the body.

Compared with using rooting to introduce the power of different attributes in the body underground, the method of petrification is obviously more in line with the needs of the beloved.

However, although there is the word petrification in the name of the petrification skill, the principle is the confinement of mental power similar to the power of thought.

Therefore, using the petrification power to release the energy of different attributes in the body, this plan has been calculated by the super personality, and there is no guarantee that it will be successful, and the success rate is only 60%.

But for Liangren, the 60% success rate is already very high. The reason why the super personality gives a 60% probability is because no one has tried it, and he is only analyzing it theoretically.

In fact, it is really up to the lover to evaluate the success rate of this plan. The lover thinks that the probability of success should be 50%, either it will succeed or it will fail, and the probability of both is the same.

Super Personality No. 2 felt that the success rate of this plan was higher than the probability of failure. After a series of analysis, he felt that the power of the earth made the Monarch Snake's body stiff, and the effect shown was very similar to the petrification power.

On the Liangren's side, seeing the calm and rational Super Personality No. 2 gave an optimistic attitude, he also believed more and more that it is feasible to use petrochemical skills to channel and release the power of the earth.

However, if you don't try it in practice, just analyze the probability of a plan's success theoretically.

So the beloved explained to the Monarch Snake the reason why "the body became stiff after casting the hardened plant", and at the same time he proposed two solutions.

Seeing that the Monarch Snake had understood, the lover also began to formally conduct the first test with the Monarch Snake.

"Sovereign Snake, don't worry, follow what I just said.

First convert part of the grass + water mixed dual-attribute power in the body into the non-attribute energy required for performing petrification skills. "

"Then use this non-attribute energy to pull and engulf the power of the earth lingering in the body, and then use this 'mixed' energy to outline the operation formula of the petrification kung fu..."

It is an ordinary skill. Before using this skill, you need to convert the power in your body first, and then use this part of the converted energy to cast the skill.

It is a genetic skill acquired by the Monarch Snake after activating the power of the awakened bloodline. Among all the skills it has learned so far, except for the aria of bubbles, petrification is definitely the most proficient skill that the Monarch Snake has mastered.

At this moment, according to the instructions of my beloved, the Monarch Snake operates very skillfully.

First, convert the dual-attribute energy of grass + water in the body into non-attribute energy, and then use the non-attribute energy that can be fused with any attribute to guide the power of the earth lingering in the body.

In the process of guiding, the non-attribute energy controlled by the Monarch Snake 100% is fused with the power of the earth. After being very stubborn to be fused with the non-attribute energy by the power of the earth, it becomes a mixed energy that the Monarch Snake can control.

Although the Monarch Snake's control and operation of this mixed energy is somewhat sluggish, it can be controlled at least.

After the fusion of the non-attribute energy and the power of the earth, the Monarch Snake also manipulated this mixed energy, and began to outline and describe the operation formula.

The petrification skill is not a powerful whip, sun flames, flying leaf storm, or hardening plants. The energy formulas operating inside it are different from the latter in terms of number and complexity.

In addition, Monarch Snake is very familiar with it, although it is the first time to try, Monarch Snake is a little cautious.

But nothing went wrong in the whole process, and the Monarch Snake easily completed the construction of the energy spell.

After the energy formula is successfully constructed, the subsequent process steps are much simpler.

"Wum~" The activation spell started to run, and the monarch snake raised its head and let out a long cry.

The charming bright red eyes instantly turned into bewitching gray-green snake pupils, and the two eyeballs were like two small searchlights.

The Monarch Snake stared at an oak tree not far away, and the eyes of the Monarch Snake instantly released gray-green fan-shaped petrified beams.

Under normal circumstances, he was hit by the petrification skill, but he was imprisoned by a domineering force in the dark and could not move. Even if the wind blows, the branches and leaves of the big tree will not shake in the slightest.

After the big tree in front of me was petrified by the Monarch Snake, its branches and leaves did not shake anymore, but other than that.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..." Amidst a slight froze sound, a layer of gray stone shell gradually appeared on the bark of the big tree, as if it had been sprayed with rock paint.

The lover who saw this scene was full of surprise. He stepped forward and tapped the stone shell on the surface of the tree bark lightly with his knuckles.

"Kuukou..." The stone shell made a crisp sound, even if the lover increased his strength a little, the stone shell showed no sign of breaking.

"Not bad~" There was a smile on the lover's face.

This tree is very tall, but the petrification skill of the Monarch Snake actually covered the surface of such a tall tree with a layer of stone shell, and the defensive power of the stone shell is still so hard.

If the petrification effect is applied to a smaller target and the thickness of the stone shell is thicker, then how terrifying the confinement effect will be.

Of course, compared to marveling at the petrification skill, the confinement force becomes stronger because of the addition of a power of the earth. In addition to the confinement of spiritual power, there is an additional physical confinement of a stone shell coat.

The happiest thing for the beloved is that the experiment with the plan to eliminate the power of the earth in the monarch snake's body was successful.

Now the Monarch Snake not only does not have the disadvantage of being stiff, but now it has an enhanced trick——

In the next battle, if the Monarch Snake fails to knock down the opponent with hardened plants, the opponent wants to take advantage of the moment when the Monarch Snake's body becomes stiff to launch a counterattack.

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