Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1290 Leveling, 2 levels in a row! !

Hu Huashu didn't expect the elf on the opposite side to be so strong, and the falling rock he hit was crushed by the opponent so easily.

Seeing the falling gravel, Hu Huashu dodged in a panic, while screaming 'Hu Zao~Hu Zao~'.

"Mini dragon, the opponent is a melee attack spirit, be careful not to be approached by the opponent."

The mini dragon smashed all the falling rocks with a swipe of its tail, and when the mini dragon fell down, the beloved also took the opportunity to give it instructions.

"Yiyou~" Hu Huashu on the opposite side is still in a hurry, and the miniature dragon who received the order from his beloved here has already started to move flexibly as soon as he landed.

"Wow~" Among the dry fallen leaves in the woodland, the miniature dragon moved nimbly like a slippery little snake, with big eyes like purple mist grass, staring closely at the nonsense tree opposite, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Nonsense~" Hu Huashu on the opposite side finally recovered from the panic, and looked at the mini dragon angrily with a pair of black bean-like eyes.

Immediately afterwards, it really did what the lover said when he reminded the mini dragon, it walked like flying, and rushed towards the mini dragon.

"Retreat to keep the distance and use the tornado." When Hu Huashu launched an attack, Liangren also gave action instructions for the mini dragon very punctually.

"Wow..." The mini dragon walking through the thick fallen leaves quickly retreated. After the speed and distance between the two sides remained relatively stable, the mini dragon flicked its tail and directly set off a tornado to kill the nonsense tree.

"Huh la la la!!" The tornado swept past, sucking all the fallen leaves on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the tornado turned into a tornado of withered yellow leaves.

Although it is not as powerful as the flying leaf storm, it does add a bit of power visually.

In addition, unlike Dragon's Fury's single-target attack of the dragon flame bomb, the tornado is a large-scale whirlwind attack, and it becomes more difficult for the nonsense tree to dodge.

Especially at this moment, the nonsense tree is rushing towards the mini dragon with a lot of energy, but the mini dragon turned its head and shot a tornado. Caught off guard, the nonsense tree seemed to rush into the tornado on its own initiative.

"Nonsense~" The Nonsense Tree, who was caught in the tornado, let out a scream.

The reason why the dragon family is called the attribute above the attribute: the name of "high-level attribute".

It is because in the face of dragon attacks, except for fairy-type elves who are immune and steel-type Pokmon who have higher resistance, other Pokémon will suffer 100% damage.

At this moment, the nonsense tree is used as an object to attack the rock-type elves, and the special defense ability is not outstanding. After being attacked by a tornado, the damage it receives is higher than that of ordinary Pokémon.

"..." The tornado roared across the border, and the nonsense tree that had almost rushed in front of the mini dragon was thrown far away at this moment, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"Mini dragon, use Dragon's Fury!!" Seeing Hu Huashu fell to the ground with serious injuries, Liang Ren showed no mercy on his side, and commanded the mini dragon to take the initiative to attack without hesitation.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." The miniature dragon walked through the fallen leaves in the forest, turned back and evaded just now, turned around and rushed towards the fallen nonsense tree.

The miniature dragon remembers what my beloved said, the elf in front of me is a melee attack type, so although it charges,

But in terms of controlling the distance between the two sides, the mini dragon is still very standard.

When it was about three meters away from the nonsense tree, the rushing miniature dragon braked, stopped for the first time, and opened its mouth to spit.


The Dragon's Wrath, which had been accumulating power during the charge, turned into a volleyball-sized dark red dragon flame fireball with white spots shining on its surface, and blasted towards the fallen nonsense tree in front of it.

The nonsense tree had just been hit by a tornado. At this moment, it was thrown to the ground, staring at the stars, but it hadn't recovered yet. Naturally, it couldn't dodge the dragon's wrath attack of the mini dragon.

"Boom!!" Hu Huashu, who was hit by Long Yan's bomb, seemed to be thrown flying out of a landmine buried under him.

"Bang——" He hit a tree trunk behind him and fell down. The eyes of the nonsense tree had turned into two spirals of mosquito coils, and he lost the ability to fight.

Ding, experience +110

Ding, picked up attack attribute value +1

Ding, pick up defense attribute value +1


The level of the nonsense tree is not lower than that of the mini dragon, and the overall strength of both sides is actually at a similar level, but the mini dragon has received systematic training in combat, while the fighting quality of the nonsense tree is relatively much worse.

Of course, this is not unique to the nonsense tree. Although most wild Pokémon are more fierce than the Pokmon cultivated by trainers, there is no way to fight.

Although it is true that one force can drop ten times and one force can break ten thousand methods, if one's own strength does not greatly exceed the opponent's, brute force and ruthlessness alone cannot beat the magical beast who has received special training and is commanded by a trainer. baby.

The nonsense tree was defeated by the beloved miniature dragon in less than five rounds, this is the best example.

"Lucario, use the waveguide to wake up the nonsense tree, and then feed this blue orange to her~" After putting away the two attribute coins emitting white light, the beloved also took out a blue orange and threw it at Lucario Said.

"Aww~" He raised his hand to catch the blue orange thrown by his lover, Lucario nodded, and followed the instructions to use the waveguide to wake up the nonsense tree, and then threw the blue orange to the other party.

The targets of the battle are all militants screened with the "white glass whistle".

For these Pokmon, awakening a blue orange that restores physical strength after defeat is already the best that Liangren can do, and he will not care about it after that.

"Nonsense~" After glaring at the defeated self-defeating mini-dragon, the nonsense tree recovered a little bit of energy, quickly got into the bushes and disappeared without a trace.

"Let's go, find the next Pokmon to fight." The beloved who looked back from the nonsense tree, clapped his hands and said to Lucario and the mini dragon.




The good man and his party headed towards the lake surrounded by woods in the south. Whenever they met a Pokémon along the way, the good man would ask Lucario to play the white glass whistle to pull the monster.

If you are startled away by the whistle, the lover will naturally not let the mini dragon attack. If it is a militant Pokémon and is irritated after hearing the whistle, then the lover will not hesitate to send the mini dragon to fight .

The closer to the lake to the south, the higher the frequency of encountering wild Pokémon.

Moutaihua, Gala Gala, Vine Monster, Da Jia, Scared Horn Deer, Alidos...

As the number of next battles increases, the release of Mini Dragon's skills becomes smoother, and the cooperation with the lover becomes more tacit.

Of course, with the battles in the field, after winning the battle, absorbing the experience mist burst out by the opponent, the level of the mini dragon stayed at LV.12 for a long time, and when it was almost dusk, the level of the mini dragon has been raised to LV.14

It took two afternoons to upgrade. It has to be said that the strength of the mini dragon improved very quickly.

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