Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1298 Combo Skill: Ocean Vortex

Seeing the "ocean vortex" of the sea star suppressing the tornado of the mini dragon at the beginning, Reimaru thought that he could finally regain some disadvantages——

Unexpectedly, before this 'potential' was fully formed, it was simply resolved by the beloved with a trick of electromagnetic waves.

——Waterspout vs Tornado——

"Hoo hoo..."


At the beginning, the tornado of the mini dragon was not dominant, and was once suppressed by the waterspout.

Now that the sea star is paralyzed, the waterspout has lost the high-speed rotation of the sea star, and the "ocean vortex" has instantly become an ordinary tidal whirl~

Against the combo skill Ocean Vortex, the tornado of Mini Dragon is not dominant, but:

——Tide Spin vs. Tornado——

"Hoo hoo..."


The waterspout, which was originally turbulent and pushed the tornado back, suddenly seemed to have lost its strength at this moment, and its momentum suddenly weakened.

On the other hand, the tornado of the mini dragon, the pent-up breath in my heart when I was suppressed just now seemed to be finally released at this moment, and I launched a counterattack with all my strength.

"Wow..." The waterspout that lost its momentum was shredded by the tornado, turning into large pieces of broken waves and falling to the ground.

"Bang!!" Sea Star, who was still aggressive just now, was twitched and paralyzed by the broken waves of the tide, and then swept into the air by the roaring tornado.

"Sea Star!!" Zero Maru yelled worriedly.

"Mini dragon, stop." Seeing that the mini dragon was about to continue its pursuit, the lover chose to stop.

Although the battle has not been enjoyed yet, and I still want to continue fighting, the miniature dragon will not disobey the instructions of my beloved.

"Yiyou~" The miniature dragon obediently stopped attacking, then turned and returned to the half court near the beloved.

"Reilaru, your sea stars have been cultivated very well, and the combination of the two moves of "sunshine gyration and ocean eddy" is also very exciting. I have seen your hard work in the past six months. "

The good man left the commanding position and walked into the field, picked up the starfish who fell on the ground, then walked to the opposite side of the field and handed it to the boy with the obedient student head.

"Really? Thank you Mr. Liangren~"

Although Ryoto stopped the game, Reimaru knew very well that he lost the game.

But he didn't expect to win this game.

He is already very happy and satisfied to be able to compete with his idol, to be able to express the gratitude he wants to say, and to be able to let the other party see his hard work in the past six months.

So seeing Ryoto smiling and praising him at this moment, Remaru was not only not disappointed because of losing the game, but was very excited.

"But compared with Mr. Liangren, I still have a lot to learn."

"Mr. Liangren, after this competition, can you give me some guidance and suggestions for my starfish's next training?" The boy named Zero Maru asked his husband very modestly.


"Zeromaru your starfish,

At present, there are two sets of combo skills "sunlight gyration and ocean vortex" in terms of attack, which are enough, after all, skills are not so expensive—"

"High-speed rotation can be used as a speed-up and movement skill, so my personal suggestion is that in the next training, you can pay more attention to the starfish's defense, physical fitness, and ability to release control."

"After the starfish evolves into a gemstone starfish, it will have super power attributes, so when you train for the above-mentioned abilities, you can also start with the moves."

"Defense is like "light wall, halved reflection", physical recovery is like "liquid circle, self-recovery", and control is like "new look""

"Of course, when it comes to eliminating negative states and unlocking control, if Reimaru's starfish has the characteristic of "natural recovery", pairing it with the move "Dragonfly Return" is sure to have a very good effect~"

Looking at the young man who humbly asked for advice and took out a small notebook to take notes, the lover couldn't help but say a little more.

People who are open-minded and serious in their work are always attractive. My beloved has been guided and reminded by many seniors along the way.

Now when he also has the ability to give advice to others, he is also willing to give advice to the younger generation who humbly ask for advice.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Liangren~" After writing down all the suggestions made by the beloved, the young man bowed to the beloved very solemnly.

"You're welcome, Zero Maru, you have a very high talent as a trainer, if your ideal is to become an excellent Pokémon trainer.

Then I hope you can keep your original intention, keep your love for Pokémon, and keep going. I believe you will achieve very good results. "

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Ryoto. My ideal is to become an outstanding and beloved trainer like Mr. Ryoto, and then become the champion of the Orange League~"

Encouraged by his beloved, Reilaru also uttered loudly the ideals he had buried in his heart.

"I believe you can do it, today's game is not over.

So you will become stronger in the future, remember to come to me to complete today's undecided battle, this is an agreement between us. "The beloved stretched out a hand to the young man and said.

"Well, when I become stronger, I will definitely challenge Mr. Yoshito again—" Holding his hand, Reimaru said with pride and ambition.

"Papa papa..."

"Papa papa..."

Although the match did not completely determine the winner, the citizens and tourists who watched knew that this was because the good man stopped the match in order to take care of the opponent's mood and not want to hurt Reimaru's self-confidence.

Although the game did not completely determine the winner, the gentle and heart-warming actions of the beloved made the onlookers feel their sincere admiration.

A truly great person will not be superior, but when getting along, he will always take care of the feelings of those who are weaker than himself, just like the spring breeze and drizzle.

In addition, just now, the good man patiently gave advice to Ling Wan, regarding the training and cultivation of starfish, and shared his own experience very selflessly, all of which made people feel very admirable~

No matter how good a rumor is on the Internet, it is not as good as seeing and hearing it with your own eyes.

I was very lucky to meet the real person in Big City today, and the citizens of Big City also found that the rumors on the Internet were true. Liang Ren is indeed a person with strong personal charm and admirable character.


After the battle with Reimaru was over, and after politely saying goodbye to the onlookers, Yoshito and his party left, preparing to go to the Big City Pokémon Center.

"Daddy, put a spell on our faces to reduce attention~" the beloved who came out of the park said to the dumb beast in his arms.

With the growing fame, it is okay in the inaccessible wilderness, but it is somewhat inconvenient in a populous city.

"Yah Duo—(????ω??`) Good~"

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