Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1306 Winning, Advanced Tacit Understanding

Facing two Pokémon that were nearly full and stronger than his own Frogweed, Joey did not sit still.

After the froggrass broke free from the shackles of the ice, it chose to take the initiative to attack.

Joey: "Frogweed, use Flying Blade on Lucario."

"Dana~" After receiving the instruction, the calyx leaves around the pink buds on its back glowed green, and then shot a string of energy leaves like darts at Lucario.

The flying leaves pierced the air and made a sharp sound of 'chi chi swish'. Froggrass's move of flying leaf sharp knife was very powerful, and the audience supporting Joey outside the venue kept applauding.

But looking at Feiye Kuaidao who was shooting towards him, his lover's expression was very calm.

Froggrass attacked first. Seeing that it was too late for Lucario to dodge at this time, the lover directly issued an order that surprised Joey and the audience outside the field.

"Lucario, block it." My beloved ordered.

"Aww..." Lucario, who was under the attack range of Feiye Kuaidao, nodded upon hearing the sound.

Staring at the incoming Feiye Kuaidao, he crossed his arms and made a blocking posture.

Just when Feiye Kuaidao was about to shoot Lucario into a sieve, Lucario mobilized the power in his body and then separated and transformed into steel attributes.

The "Iron Wall" skill was activated, and Lucario's skin and hair instantly metallized, turning silver-gray.

"Ding ding ding ding..." The flying leaf knife, as sharp as a dart, hit Lucario's body, making a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

The leaves that had completed their mission and lost their energy support whirled and fell, and then turned into energy planetesimals and dissipated in the air.

However, looking at Lucario, who was attacked by the flying leaf sharp knife, after the skin and hair were demetallized, there was not even a tiny wound on his body.

"How come..." Looking at the intact Lucario, Joey frowned.

Lucario took Froggrass' flying blade, but Froggrass's face changed color on the spot when faced with the attack from the Snow Demon Girl——

At this moment, the situation on the field is two against one. When the Frog Grass attacked Lucario just now, the Snow Fairy then attacked the Frog Grass.

"Hoo hoo..." The freezing wind that made it suffer so much just now hit again, and Froggrass crossed its legs and kept moving backwards.

However, the freezing wind is a range attack skill, and it is not so easy to dodge.

Without mastering the skill of "Flying Leaf Storm", Joey couldn't help gritting his teeth in the face of the Snow Fairy's attack.

However, the snow demon girl's freezing wind has already hit, and she can only bite the bullet at this moment.

"Froggrass, use the light wall to block it." Joey, unable to counter it with his skills, had to order Froggrass to defend.

"Hoo hoo..." The freezing wind blows down from the sky, and half of the arena where Froggrass is located is instantly frozen into a crystal clear ice field.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka" Although Froggrass used the light wall to support the protective cover at the last moment, the protective cover was quickly overwhelmed and cracked in the face of the onslaught of wind and snow.

Surrounded by bitter wind and snow,

There is only a shield the size of an iron pot in front of it to block the wind, and Froggrass is unable to move within it, so it can only use all its strength to send power into it to maintain the normal operation of the shield.

Although she was not frozen into an ice sculpture in the first place, but "being in the icy world and facing the cold and icy wind and snow", Miao Frog Flower's little physical strength is also passing away as quickly as if the water is released at this moment.

"Froggrass, hold on~" Joyce shouted anxiously, and at the same time, she was also full of surprise.

The public only knows that Ryoto is talented and dazzling, but they inadvertently ignore Nanako who has been standing by Ryoto's side.

It was at this moment that they fought against each other, and Qiao Yizhen really understood Nanako's strength.

Nanako: "Snow Fairy, increase power output!!"

"Milu——" After receiving Nanako's order, the Snow Fairy danced her wide sleeves in the sky above the arena, setting off waves of snowstorms that were more severe and violent than before.

On the field below, Frog Grass struggled to resist.

On the lover's side at this moment, he didn't take the opportunity to launch an attack together, but temporarily stood still, letting the snow demon girl consume the stamina of the frog grass.

Ice Defeats Grass, if Joey and Froggrass cannot change the current situation on the field, it is estimated that Froggrass will run out of energy and lose the ability to fight in a short time.

In order to help Froggrass accumulate experience and evolve, Joey, who has been playing games in the city arena for a long time, naturally understands the predicament he is facing at the moment.

Knowing that if he can't break the boat, Frog Grass will be defeated in a short time. Joey also made a decision at this moment.

"Froggrass..." However, before Joey gave the order to fight back, the lover who had been standing still before gave the order to attack.

"Lucario, use the Frozen Fist." My beloved shouted at Lucario full of momentum.

"Snow Demon Girl~" Nanako also had a tacit understanding, calling Snow Demon Girl, and the looming Snow Demon Girl in the sky immediately stopped the indiscriminate attack of the freezing wind.

"Bang—" On the field below, Lucario, who was instructed, jumped up suddenly, and then raised his fist, using the potential energy of his body's falling gravity, to smash down the ice crystal pot that fell to the ground on the ice.

"Bang!!" The Frozen Fist, shining with ice crystal shards, unstoppably smashed through the barrier of the light wall, and then smashed the shivering Frog Grass hiding behind it into the field.

"Frogweed..." Joey shouted in a panic.

However, with a seriously injured body against the wind and snow for so long, Miaowahua's physical strength has already reached its limit, and she was just holding on, but now she was hit by Lucario's freezing punch.

Ice overcomes grass, double damage bursts out, this is not the last straw that overwhelms the camel, but the last ton of steel that overwhelms the camel.

Facing Lucario's freezing punch head-on, Froggrass didn't even have time to let out a scream and wailing, and had turned over and fell on his back in the cracked ice pit, losing his fighting ability.

"Froggrass can't fight. So far, the two Pokémon of the Shuangshu combination have lost their fighting ability. I declare that the winner of this game is the Muna combination."

Froggrass fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight, and the referee on the sidelines also decisively announced the result of the game.

This 2v2 doubles match ended unexpectedly, and at the same time, it was won by Ryoto and Nanako as expected.



At the end of the game, there was a burst of warm cheers from the audience outside the stadium.

Although no one supported Ryoto and Nanako's hidden identities at the beginning, the "Mina Group" was formed, but most of the audience outside the venue were fans and supporters of Joey and Junsha.

But here in the city arena, the strong are still respected when they fall to the ground.

In the game just now, the two sometimes performed their duties without interfering with each other, and sometimes cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding. When one side attacked, they either retreated to give way, or helped to contain and control.

If uniformity is the lowest level of tacit understanding.

Then there are solos, duets, quartets, harmony and accompaniment. This kind of tacit coordination of multi-part vocal choral performance is a high-level tacit understanding.

And the cooperation between Ryoto and Nanako in the battle just now showed and performed such a high-level tacit understanding.

So after a game, the two people who were originally 'unknown', at this moment the audience cheered loudly for Mu Nai's combination.

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