Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1319 Use Z pure crystal to perform Z moves

"By the way, number one, when you came into the super space just now, I remember that you seemed to have something to tell me?" the super personality asked suddenly.

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot, just now I got a water attribute Z pure crystal from Joey at the Pokémon Center in Big City.

I want you to help me to see if there is any way, without using the Z bracelet, I can directly mobilize the power in the Z pure crystal to use the Z move. "

The beloved raised his hand, and a projection of a blue rhombic spar cut from the middle appeared in the beloved's hand.

The boy with colorful pupils raised his hand, and the Z pure crystal projection formed by the simulation of his lover's thoughts directly left his palm and floated towards the super personality.

"Is there only Z pure crystal without a matching Z bracelet? Let me think about it..."

The water-blue Z pure crystal energy projection hovered above the super personality's palm like a real object, and the super personality No. 2 was in deep thought at this moment.

As a power that is as famous as the evolution of Mega, the Z move has often consulted relevant information before that, and the memory of these information is also simultaneously stored in the mind of the super personality.

For the lover who wants to use the Z pure crystal to use the powerful Z move without using the Z bracelet, the super personality is also using its powerful analytical computing ability to deduce the feasibility of this plan~

"According to the viewpoint of the paper published by Dr. Kukui of the Alola Alliance on "Relationship between Z Pure Crystal, Z Bracelet, and Z Moves".

Z pure crystal is actually just an ordinary crystal stone without any energy! ! !

The reason why it can cooperate with the Z bracelet to use the powerful Z skill is entirely because the Z pure crystal is permanently engraved with the energy operation formula of the corresponding attribute Z skill. "

"Because the power of the Z move is too amazing, the energy operation formula of the Z skill is also very complicated. In addition, the energy operation formula of the Z skill is formed by the overlord Pokmon with its own unique authority, absorbing the power of nature."

"Z pure crystal can be said to be a 'semi-natural' product. At present, the energy operation formula of the Z move has not yet been analyzed by the elf researchers.

Even the Overlord Pokémon that 'produces' Z pure crystals doesn't know the principle and mechanism of the energy operation formula behind the Z move.

It can be said that they are just a moving and packing worker of the mighty force of nature. "

"The Z bracelet is made of the unique ore "glowstone" in the Alola region and polished into a dial. The glowstone is like a key, which can resonate with the Z skill energy operation formula in the Z pure crystal . "

"Although the Z-movement is launched with the help of foreign objects and props, in fact, the entire process and principle are the same as the Pokmon's own comprehended skills."

"Constructing energy operation formulas and activating energy operation formulas all require strength.

Although the Z pure crystal is naturally engraved with solidified energy movement formulas, and the Z bracelet made of radiance stone can resonate with the energy movement formula in the Z pure crystal, but these two items do not have activation skills themselves. the power of. "

"So to perform the Z move, both the trainer and the Pokémon need to provide it..."

"Compared to the evolution of Mega, the emotional bond between the trainer and the Pokémon is used to leverage the evolutionary instinct hidden in the Pokémon's body.

The main energy supply of Mega evolution is the power of emotional bondage. "

"The analysis and description of Z moves in Dr. Kukui's dissertation is for trainers and Pokémon to fully understand, mobilize, and control the power of nature."

"However, the Z move is very powerful, and the force of nature required is also very large. Although there is a Z bracelet made of Z pure crystal and glow stone to help, there will be no natural force running wild and uncontrollable."

"However, to realize and mobilize the power of nature enough to launch the Z-movement with all your heart, it will consume a lot of physical and mental energy of the trainer and Pokmon."

"Generally speaking, the key to cast Z skills is the energy operation formula, and the Z bracelet only plays a role in activating and resonating with the energy formula in the Z pure crystal.

Perhaps the Z bracelet also has a certain effect in preventing the force of nature from going out of control, but in terms of the entire process of performing the Z move.

Now you already have the Z pure crystal in your hand on the 1st, it can be said that you have succeeded at least 60%, so if you can activate the energy operation formula in the Z pure crystal on the 1st, then theoretically you can cast the Z skill. "



In response to the question raised by Liangren, "There is no Z bracelet, and only Z pure crystal is used to perform Z moves", the super personality also helped to analyze it from his own perspective.

"If I don't use the Z bracelet, how can I activate the energy movement technique in the Z pure crystal?" After listening to the analysis of the super personality, the good man rubbed his chin and thought.


"On the 1st, you can try to mobilize the super evolution wave, or let the monarch snake inject energy into the Z pure crystal by itself after establishing a bond with the monarch snake."

"But to be honest, I personally don't recommend you to try it. Since the Z bracelet is required to activate the Z move, it is not an easy task to activate and resonate with the energy movement spell in the Z pure crystal."

"Secondly, in the face of the mighty power of nature, both humans and Pokémon are insignificant. It is necessary to mobilize such a huge force of nature and launch such powerful skills."

"If you lose the Z bracelet's control over the power of nature and try it rashly, I think there will be a high probability of danger, so..."

Super personality No. 2 didn't say much, but the beloved also understood his worries.

"Don't worry, although the Z skill is very powerful, but for me at the current stage, although there is a certain attraction, it is not enough for me to take such a risky attempt."

"Since performing the Z move requires the Z bracelet, and the Z bracelet is just made of the glow stone produced in the mountains near the altar of the sun in the Alola region.

And the Alola Alliance does not list the glowstone as a prohibited item, so I just place an order online to buy a glowstone, or just buy a Z bracelet. "

The good man said with a smile.

As mentioned above, among all the props needed to perform Z moves, Z pure crystals are the most precious, because only the overlord Pokémon and the island patron saint can be generated by paying a price through some special means.

The Z bracelet is just polished into a dial inlaid with Z pure crystals with brilliant stones, and then combined with a strap.

Although glowstone is considered very rare in the Alola region, mining requires the alliance to review and grant qualifications, and the annual mining volume is strictly regulated.

But for a man of wealth and status nowadays, the glow stone or the Z bracelet is not a rare thing, he only needs to spend a little money to buy it.

After all, it is not the ultra-rare treasures such as Z-pure crystals, super evolutionary stones, and miracle seeds that have a price but no market.

"Hmm..." Seeing that my lover didn't take any chances, Super Personality No. 2 also nodded in relief.

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