Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1363 Special Makot Gymnasium

"Papa papa..."

"Not bad..." Seeing the damage caused by the "Super Water Vortex", Liang Ren held back his applause for the Monarch Snake and said.

"Yah Duo~?(?*?????)*Wow~"

"Beep Eagle~(???)? Si Guoyi~"



Not only the beloved, but also a few Pokémon outside the open space.

Including Bi Diao, Silly Beast, and Iron Armored Beast, the three Pokémon whose strength has exceeded the Heavenly King level, all couldn't help being surprised by the damage caused by the "Super Water Vortex" of the Monarch Snake.

Ever since the power of water attribute was awakened on the Ice Island, and the dual attribute power of water and grass in the body of the Monarch Snake was balanced through exercise, Liangren understood that balancing the attributes is the way for the Monarch Snake to take in the future.

When I was traveling on Little Orange Island a while ago, because my beloved trained and mastered the four powerful grass-type ultimate moves of "Strong Whip, Sun Flame, Flying Leaf Storm, and Hardened Plant" for the Monarch Snake.

Although the power in the Sovereign Snake's body has not lost its balance, but in terms of the means of dealing damage, the grass type is more or less stronger.

But now that he has mastered the Z-movement "Super Water Vortex", the beloved doesn't have to worry about the powerful water-attribute skills that the Monarch Snake doesn't deal damage.

"Monarch Snake, you did a good job. I didn't have much confidence at first, but I didn't expect that the first experiment would be successful."

The beloved looked at the Monarch Snake with a happy smile on his face.

Although the Z move is very expensive for him and the Monarch Snake, and it can be used at most two to three times a day, the power of the "Super Water Maelstrom" has surpassed the four grass-type tricks learned earlier.

It even surpassed the combined skill of "Water Oath + Grass Oath", and became the most terrifying ultimate move among all the skills currently mastered by the Monarch Snake.

"Wum—^_^" looked around, as if the woodland at the scene of a mudslide disaster, Monarch Snake was also very happy.

It was hard to catch up with Lucario, but he didn't expect that Lucario suddenly had a 24-hour on-hook training clone, which made the Monarch Snake feel a sense of urgency again.

Now that I have mastered the Z-movement "Super Water Vortex", such a big killer move,

The pressure in Monarch Snake's heart was also slightly relieved.

"Alright, in order to celebrate the Monarch Snake mastering the Z move, let's go to the restaurant for a big meal at noon."

"Bi Diao, Dumbly Beast, you two go to the beach to pick up Chenglong and Fluorescent Fish." The good man handed Chenglong's pokeball to Dumblybeast and said.

"Yah duo—|?ω?)? Good~"

"Bi Diao—(???)? Received~" After receiving the command from the beloved, the two Pokémon seemed to be competing for speed, and instantly soared into the sky.

Monarch Snake has mastered the power of Z-moves, plus he was invited to participate in the "Promotion Night" of the Big City City Arena two days ago and made a lot of money, and the Mega Pokémon energy projection in the super energy space has the effect of hanging up practice.

All kinds of happy events came together, my beloved, he really had a very strong urge to celebrate.



After picking up Chenglong and Fluorescent Fish who were still playing at the beach, they returned to the town with the help of the slow-moving beast. Liangren found a restaurant that specializes in local dishes and has a very old-fashioned decoration to celebrate.

My beloved doesn't chase stars, doesn't play games much...he has very little leisure and entertainment content in his life, and usually thinks in his head, either training for Pokémon, or arranging for himself to practice martial arts.

Pokmon's strength has been greatly improved. For him, this is a very happy thing.



After eating at noon, Ryoto bought a homestay for Nanako and the Pokémon to rest, while he himself came to the Makot Gym with the Slowpoke in his arms! ! !

The gymnasiums of the Orange Alliance are different from gymnasiums in other regions. The gymnasiums here are not created according to attributes.

Regardless of whether it is the four gymnasiums of the Southern Cross that have always existed or the newly established gymnasium of the Big Dipper, there is no division of attributes in theory, and it can be said that they are all gymnasiums with comprehensive attributes.

The Marcott Gym on Marcotte Island is one of the few gyms under the jurisdiction of the Orange Alliance, and it is even the only one that clearly indicates the attributes of the Pokmon used by the gym trainers.

Makot Island is a famous worm island in the Orange Islands, and Makot Gym is also a worm attribute gym.

Different from the gymnasiums experienced before, the gymnasium architecture of Marcotte Gymnasium is very special.

According to the navigation on the mobile phone map, he came here, and what appeared in front of him was not a magnificent building, but a huge vegetable greenhouse.

If it wasn't for the logo of the Pokémon Alliance Gym hanging above the gate of the vegetable greenhouse, Liang Ren would have thought it was really an ordinary vegetable greenhouse.

Open the curtain door made of transparent thick plastic and walk in. Inside the greenhouse is indeed a row of vegetable fields.

Cabbage, cabbage, lettuce growing close to the ground...

Green peppers, eggplants, tomatoes growing on a shelf...

At the moment, there are workers in the vegetable greenhouse wearing work uniforms picking fresh vegetables. At the same time, there are some insect-type Pokémon like Ba Dahu and Ba Ladybug flying around the vegetable field.

"Hi, sir. This is the Marcotte Gym and the Green Insect Vegetable Garden. May I ask who are you looking for?"

The good man was holding the dumb beast and was looking at the situation in the shed curiously. A worker who was picking tomatoes closer to the door of the shed came forward with a vegetable basket and asked.

"Hello, I'm a trainer who travels through here and intends to challenge the Marcott Gym. Is the owner of Mogu here?"

The beloved said to the visitor modestly and politely.

"Do you want to challenge the Gym? I'm very sorry, although the Makot Gym has been established, it will not be officially opened until around February next year, and it will accept the challenge from the trainer—"

Hearing the purpose of my beloved's visit, the vegetable picking worker replied apologetically.

"I know, but my status is a bit special, and I just happen to be able to challenge the gym before next February." Liangren said with a smile.

"You are?" Hearing the words of the beloved, the staff raised their heads and looked at the beloved's face carefully. Slowly the beast canceled the superpower spell on the beloved's face, and the beloved's true face was exposed to the staff. .

"You are... Mr. Liangren!! Sorry, Mr. Liangren, I didn't recognize you just now." After seeing Liangren's face clearly, the staff said in a panic.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize. In fact, I let Slowbeast use a little trick on my face. If I don't take the initiative to reveal my identity, it is really difficult to identify my identity."

"Excuse me, is the owner of Maogu in the gym now?" Liang Ren waved his hand and asked after a brief explanation.

"Yes, yes." The staff nodded hurriedly, "The owner of the gym went out to observe the insect-type Pokémon this morning. He just came back and is now in the gym."

"Mr. Liangren, let me take you there—" The staff put down the vegetable basket full of tomatoes in their hands, patted the mud and dust on their bodies, and walked in front to lead the way for Liangren.

"OK, thanks."

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