Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1375 The phone call, Xiaozhi's determination! !

The latitude of the Kanto mainland is much higher than that of the Orange Islands, and in the current cold winter, the daylight hours appear to be very short.

My dear man, it was just dusk and dusk on his side, even in Kuye City, a city at the southern tip of the Kanto Continent, it was already completely dark at this point in time.

The day's work came to an end, and after dinner at night, Xiaozhi took Pikachu out for a walk on the coastal road.

Under the street lamp, the snowflakes and snow particles falling from the sky are very clear, but with Xiaozhi's character, he is obviously not the person who can appreciate this beautiful scenery——

"Tread, tread, tread..." The thermal insulation snow boots made a crunching sound as they stepped on the dirty slush that had been trampled by many people during the day.

"Pikachu, you can't catch me."


Under the street lamp, a boy in a dark blue down jacket was running ahead, and a Pikachu was also chasing after him quickly.

One person, one pet chasing and fighting, interpreting and highlighting the deep emotional bond between humans and Pokémon.



One person and one pet ran and chased on the side of the snow-covered road for a while, but the boy running in front suddenly stopped because his Rotom cell phone made a special ringtone.

The contacts stored in his mobile phone are all over the Pokémon world, but the contacts and friends who can be set as special reminders by him can really be counted on one hand.

"Beep?" Pikachu looked puzzled when he saw Xiaozhi stopped and no longer played chasing and fighting games with him after dinner, and then kicked his legs flexibly and familiarly sprinted onto the boy's shoulder.

"My beloved sent me a video just now." Sensing the doubts of his partner Pikachu repeatedly, Xiao Zhi explained with his mobile phone.


"That's right, dear man, he is traveling in the Orange Islands, judging from the news about him that was updated on the "Sun Daily" yesterday, he should leave Big City for the next island now. "

"Pikachu, do you still remember the frog seed that was abandoned by the mayor in Big City and has been living in the sewers of the city since then, and was regarded as a monster by the citizens?"

"Beep~" Pikachu nodded.

"That's right~ it's the Frog Seed that took away the 'Frog Seed'. Wasn't it abandoned by the mayor of Big City because it couldn't evolve?"

"After being rescued by us, the frog seed was adopted by Miss Joy of the Pokémon Center."

"Miss Joy has been working hard for the evolution of the Frog Seed for these years. My dear man, when he arrived in Big City this time, the Frog Seed had evolved into the Frog Grass under Miss Joey's efforts."

"However, due to the lack of evolutionary genes in the froggrass, and the lack of exercise in the sewers of the city, the evolutionary potential of the body was wasted, so the froggrass has no way to evolve into the frogflower."

"However, when I was in Big City this time, I learned about the froggrass and that it needs a "miracle seed" to make up for the lack of evolutionary genes in the body, so I gave a miracle seed in my hand to Miss Joy. "

"Now the wonderful frog seed that was once abandoned by the trainer and was regarded as a monster living in the dark city sewer, unable to evolve,

Now it has evolved into the final form of Frog Flower-"

"I heard from my beloved that Frog Flower has now become Ms. Joey's right-hand man working in the Pokémon Center."

"Beep! Beep! Beep!!"

"Yeah, it's great that the frog seed can evolve, but this time it's also thanks to the help of my beloved."


"By the way, I was so busy talking to you that I almost forgot to watch the video my beloved just sent me."

"Pika~p(??\u003e???\u0026lt;??)!!!" Amidst Pikachu's teasing, Xiaozhi also hurriedly clicked on the video just sent by his lover.

The video is not long, only more than two minutes. In fact, before watching the video, Xiaozhi just clicked on the video and saw the Ba Dahu with a faded yellow cloth scarf around his neck, Xiaozhi became red orbital.

"Beep beep~"

"Yes, that's right, it's Ba Dahu, it's my Ba Dahu." Xiaozhi, who loves his Pokmon very much, said excitedly.

"It's been so many years, I didn't expect to see it again." Looking at the warm picture of Ba Dahu's family of three in the video, Xiaozhi suddenly covered his eyes, but tears still flowed out through his fingers.

"Beika~beika~chu!!" Pikachu, who was lying on Xiaozhi's shoulder, stretched out his little paw and gently patted Xiaozhi's head to comfort him.


"Target is Pokémon Master"

Whether in the fire, in the water, in the grass, in the forest, in the earth, in the cloud, in that girl's dress

Although quite

quite very hard

but gotta get it

get pokemon

Farewell to Zhenxin Town

i travel with it

Continue to win with the tricks you have trained, and add companions to the next town...

Just after watching the video sent by the beloved, the Rotom phone in Xiaozhi's hand reminded the beloved to call.

"Hey, dear man"

"Hey ~ Xiaozhi, are you okay? Listen to your voice, have you cried just now?" Hearing Xiaozhi's slightly trembling voice on the other end of the phone, the beloved asked with some concern.

"It's been so many years since you released Ba Dahu, I didn't expect that I could still see it." Xiao Zhi said with a choked voice on the other end of the phone.

"So, you've confirmed that this Ba Dahu is the one you had back then?" the beloved asked.

"Yeah, yes, that's right, it's my Ba Da Hu. No matter how long time passes, I will never forget its appearance. This is my Ba Da Hu." On the other end of the phone, Xiaozhi's voice was very affim.

"When the bat butterflies were released, it happened to be the spawning season of the bat butterflies. Many wild bat butterflies migrated collectively. Many trainers who tamed the bat butterflies also released the bat butterflies and gave them freedom."

"At that time, Ba Dahu fell in love with the pink-fronted and different-colored Ba Dahu in the video. Although I was very sad, I finally released it out of Ba Dahu's consideration."

"Although I haven't seen it for so many years, I can still recognize it at a glance. It is the Ba Da butterfly I released back then."

"My dear, where did you take pictures of Ba Dahu?" On the other end of the phone, Xiaozhi blew his nose and asked.

"In the jungle on Makot Island..." My husband didn't hide anything, and told Xiaozhi about Nanako's going into the jungle on the island in the afternoon to find Ba Dahu, and he would take photos of Xiaozhi when he released him. In fact, this Ba Da butterfly was more or less accidental.

"Isle of Insects? I have been to this island during my travels before. I remember that Xiao Jian tamed a flying mantis on this island." After listening to his lover's explanation, Xiao Zhi nodded and replied.

"Then Xiaozhi, Ba Dahu is living in the jungle of Marcotte Island now, what are you going to do next?"

"Would you like to come and have a look at it?" My beloved asked Xiaozhi.

"Of course." After the beloved asked this question, Xiaozhi on the phone replied without thinking.

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