Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1442 Wind Speed ​​Dog vs Lucario (2)



The jet flame shot by the wind speed dog, like a thick red-hot steel bar, was handed over to Lucario, the cutting machine.

The sharp cutting sound + dazzling sparks, the fierce scene on the field, brought great visual and auditory stimulation and impact to the audience outside the field.

However, it is this kind of impact and sensory stimulation that makes the audience's blood spurt even more, and everyone screams with excitement.

"Fumina... Fumina...!!"

"Fumina... Fumina...!!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog... Wind Speed ​​Dog...!!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog... Wind Speed ​​Dog...!!"

"Good man Mumu... Liangren Mumu...!!"

"Good man Mumu... Liangren Mumu...!!"

"Lucario... Lucario...!!"

"Lucario... Lucario...!!"




"Lucario, rush over and use the iron head skill." Jian Wu defuses the jet flames of the wind speed dog, and Liang Ren also unceremoniously directs Lucario to launch a counterattack.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Jet Flame!!" Fumina's reaction was not slow, and he immediately issued instructions for Wind Speed ​​Dog.


The wind speed dog blasted over with a jet of flames, and Lucario rushed towards the wind speed dog at this moment. Facing a straight single target attack like jet flames, it is actually not difficult to dodge if he is prepared.

"—→→Bang!!" He took a step sideways, dashed in a 'Z' shape to avoid the jet flames, and before the wind speed dog moved away from the muzzle for sweeping, an iron head kick slammed into the On the body of the wind speed dog.

Although the wind speed dog has a strong physique, he is a body of flesh and blood after all.


Hit by Lucario's 'iron head', the wind speed dog suddenly opened its eyes, its mouth was drooling, and it couldn't help letting out a miserable wail.

The initial damage value of the Iron Head skill is 80, and Lucario himself is a steel-type Pokémon, the skill power enjoys the bonus of this series × 1.5, and the Iron Head skill is a physical damage skill, enjoying the damage increase brought by the sword dance × 20%


Although Wind Speed ​​Dog, as a fire-type Pokémon, has a high damage resistance to steel-type attacks, Lucario's iron head skill still caused quite high damage to Wind Speed ​​Dog.

In addition, I don't know if the wind speed dog is unlucky, but the 30% chance of the fear effect attached to the iron head skill was hit by it.

Because the wind speed dog turned his back to Fumina, she didn't notice this, but the lover who saw this scene from the front was keenly aware of the emotional change in the wind speed dog's eyes.

"Lucario, use continuous lightning fists!!" Liangren didn't miss this great opportunity to attack, and directly ordered Lucario to launch an offensive.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Crush!!" Seeing the attack from the lover's side, Fumina chose to fight back head-on, not to be outdone.

But what Wen Nai didn't know was that Feng Speed ​​Dog, who had been hit by Lucario's iron head skill, had already fallen into a state of cowering. At this moment, Fu Nai ordered to attack, but Feng Speed ​​Dog didn't have a corresponding order.

"Wow~" Wind Speed ​​Dog, who heard Fumina's command to attack, not only did not attack, but took two steps back timidly.

However, the wind speed dog backed away in fear, and would not let Lucario show mercy.

The golden fist includes a fist, and the flickering lightning is wrapped around it. Lucario rushed in front of the wind speed dog with an arrow, and opened his fists left and right, launching a fierce attack on the wind speed dog like a drum.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"Aww~Aww~" The fist hit the body, the lightning ran wildly, the piercing pain and muscle soreness and twitching, two completely different feelings acted on the body at the same time, and the wind speed dog wailed continuously for a while.

——\u003e Bang Bang|———

———\u003eBang bang|——

———\u003eBang bang|—

————\u003eBang bang|

In the face of Lucario's stormy attack, Wind Speed ​​Dog was beaten back steadily, even though the pain in the body and the anxious shouting of the trainer behind him had already eliminated the timidity and shrinking in his heart.

However, in the face of Lucario's fierce attack, the wind speed dog still couldn't make any effective counterattack, and could only retreat with its neck shrunk and its tail between its legs.

Before the beloved officially helped Lucario's special attack talent to be full two days ago, Lucario just used fighting skills and close combat as important core abilities for training.

Lucario's position of being invincible in close combat at the same level has never been broken so far, especially after several rounds of confrontation, the power used by Lucario has increased from 50% to 70%.

Facing Lucario with such fierce output and firepower, Wind Speed ​​Dog can only defend passively and be beaten continuously.

Although the Thunder Fist only comes with a 10% chance of paralysis control, it can't bear being hit by many attacks, so when the wind speed dog was beaten violently by Lucario with the Thunder Fist continuously.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, who had just got rid of the cowering state, entered the paralyzed state again.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use it to burn out!!" Fumina, who finally found a gap in the counterattack after continuous onslaught, loudly ordered Wind Speed ​​Dog to launch a counterattack.

"Howling—" The oppression will eventually lead to more violent resistance. After receiving the trainer's order, the wind speed dog raised its head and roared loudly, with blazing flames on its body, like a god of fire coming into the world.

Lucario's reaction was also very sharp. Seeing that the situation was not right, he didn't need to give orders from his lover. Lucario jumped back and avoided it.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The fire element's ultimate move was used, landslides and ground cracked, magma spewed out frantically, pillars of fire blasted into the sky like fountains, and Lucario jumped back into the air before landing, and his body fell For a living target.

The wind speed dog, who was beaten continuously and fell into the wind, this wave of counterattack really showed its prestige and momentum.

However, the lover is not easy to deal with, the more urgent and critical the situation on the field, the more disadvantaged, the calmer the lover's mind.

"Lucario, don't panic, use the counter-attack shield!!" Seeing a pillar of fire blasting towards Lucario like a volcanic eruption, the lover quickly gave instructions.

"Aww——" Lucario, who was falling rapidly in mid-air, quickly mobilized the power of the waveguide in his body to prop up an energy shield with super frequency vibration after receiving the order from his beloved.

The energy shield is slanted, like a mirror, trying to reflect the incoming light to another place.

With waveguide perception for precise positioning, Lucario's counterattack shield successfully completed the way to the other, and doubled the return.






"Boom!!!" Seeing the burning pillar of fire blasted into the sky, not only did it not cause any damage to Lucario, but was doubled by the "counter-attack shield" like light reflected by a mirror, and hit the wind speed dog twice.

Faced with such a situation, not only the parties involved, Feng Sugou and Fumina on the sidelines, but even the audience outside the court were stunned by the actions of Liangren and Lucario.

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