Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1453 Benefits, Super Leveling Rogia! !

"Woo~~~ (But this is the first time I've seen a trainer like you, my beloved.)" Lugia, who was having a barbecue, looked up at his busy lover and said.

"Oh, what kind of trainer is a trainer like me? Is it different from other human trainers you know in Lugia?" Liangren asked back like a friend chatting while spreading the roast .

"Woo~~~ (how should I put it, although many of you trainers in the human world treat Pokémon very well and love them very much, but in the end, they still treat them as beings lower than themselves.

As for your beloved, your attitude towards your Pokmon is to take care of them as Pokmon and respect them as human friends and partners. The relationship between you and your Pokmon makes people feel very relaxed and happy.

This is indeed very unique and very rare in my opinion. )” Rogia said.

"Haha... Really? But shouldn't the relationship between the trainer and the Pokémon be maintained like this?"

"We should not only take care of them as Pokmon, but also treat them as friends and partners with equal status to ourselves." Ryoto said of course.

"Woo~~~(You are right, human trainers should indeed maintain such a relationship with their Pokémon, but few people can realize this.

Even if some of the outstanding trainers can gradually realize this after they become stronger, they can't do it, or they can't do it as well and naturally as your beloved. )" Rogia expressed his feelings.

"Maybe, anyway, I've always been with Pokémon like this. I think that if it's me or Bi Diao...they will feel more at ease."

"Of course, this kind of relationship and attitude is limited to my own Pokmon, and I can't do this to other irrelevant Pokmon." Liangren also explained.

"Woo~~~ (Of course.)"

"Woo~~~ (Speaking of my beloved, Lucario, your strength has reached the limit of the quasi-king level, have you thought about how to help it break through the level of the king?)" Lugia looked up at the beloved man and asked road.

"Lucarioka has been at the peak of the Quasi-Uranus King for a while, and I have done almost everything I can do. Next, it will be up to Lucario himself." My beloved said.

"Woo~~~ (Well, it can be seen that this little guy's foundation is very solid, and he is only a step away from breaking through to the Heavenly King level, but he has been stuck in the bottleneck for too long, and it is the most difficult to take the last step.)"

"Oh ~ Rogia, do you have any good suggestions?" My beloved's subordinates stopped and hurriedly asked.

For a strong man like Lugia, just a few words of advice can save him and his Pokmon a lot of detours. This is the advantage of experience and experience. This is what Bao' said.

"Woo~~~ (There are two ways for Lucario to get over this last step. The first is to lose the burden and relieve the pressure. It is best to completely forget that you are stuck in a bottleneck and cannot break through. .

The second method, of course, is to prescribe a strong medicine, increase the pressure, and give the little guy a stronger external stimulus. The above two methods, no matter which one is, as long as it can be done,

I believe it will be easy to break through~)”

As an "experienced person", Rogia has a high-level view. Regarding the problems faced by Lucario, how to break through the king level, Rogia easily found the crux and proposed solutions.

"Drop the burden, eliminate the pressure, or increase the pressure and carry out stronger external stimulation?" Liangren repeated Lugia's words.

"Woo~~~ (That's right)"

"Lucarioka has been at the bottleneck of the Uranus-level for a while. If you want him to completely forget that he is hitting the Uranus-level, it may not be possible."

"However, applying pressure and strong external stimuli, you can try this." After thinking about Lucario's current situation, he also expressed his opinion.

"Woo~~~(Well, it's up to you, but breaking through to the Heavenly King level doesn't require any comprehension of the power of nature or the power of laws, it's just a clear understanding of oneself, and a strong spiritual willpower to help the power complete a transformation.

The shorter this process takes, the better. The longer it is delayed, it will erode Pokémon's self-confidence and drive. )" Rogia analyzed as an experienced person.

"Woo~~~ (In addition, although your Lucario's foundation is very solid, it can be seen that its previous life seemed somewhat comfortable and smooth. It has not experienced any setbacks or tribulations. It is pursuing greater strength in breaking through the bottleneck. In this matter, determination and willpower are not strong enough.)”

"Woo~~~ (Aren't you going to instruct your Bi Diao to learn "Air Blast" in the next three days? This little guy, let me help you with the training too.)" glanced at Luca who was serving the plate Leo, Rogia offered to help.

"Really!! That's really troublesome for you, Lugia~"

"Lucario, quickly get Rogia a barbecue. In the next three days, you have to listen to Rogia's words and train hard, and try to break through directly to the king level." Liang Ren put the grilled seafood on a plate, and then handed Tell Lucario.




After dinner, it was already late at night, and the sky was high and blue, sparsely dotted with jewel-like stars.

After chatting with Lugia for a while, Lugia plunged into the bay shrouded in bright moonlight to rest, and my beloved also went into the tent to rest after a brief wash.

One night without words, the next morning! !

As soon as the mobile phone alarm clock rang, both the lover and Nanako from the tent next door got up immediately and took the Pokémon to wash up.

Then start a new day of morning exercises against the rising sun——

After running back and forth on the beach for half an hour, Ryoto and Nanako also separated, each arranging training tasks for their Pokémon.

Having just finished challenging the "Wendan Daoguan" on the Seven Fruit Islands, Ryoto plans to stay on this island with lush vegetation and plenty of food for two more days to help his Pokémon do some intensive training.

However, due to Lugia's arrival and Lugia's statement that he has three days to help Bi Diao as a guide, Liangren also decisively increased the stay at sea from two days to three days.

Moreover, Bi Diao and Lucario have Rogia to help guide them, and Liang Ren also has more time to help Mini Dragon and Magneto to train.

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