Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1473 The game begins, the challenge of the young Chundao! !

Because after arriving at Ponkan Island and being recognized at the Pokémon Center, Ryoto has already released the news that there will be a ring challenge in the afternoon, and the news will be released again at the Ponkan Gym.

The news that Liangren was going to hold a ring challenge at the Pokémon Center in the afternoon spread from one to another, and after more than an hour, 90% of the trainers on Ponkan Island had received the news by now.

Many trainers had rushed to the battle hall of the Pokémon Center early to occupy a position, and those who were a little slow to respond were always paying attention to the news on Lianren's Weibo.

When Ryoto announced the official start time of the "Ring Challenge", Ryoto gave himself and the trainers on the island half an hour to prepare.

At the same time, regarding the ring challenge competition, Liangren explained that there are two types: formal and informal.

You can fight fiercely like a serious game to determine the winner, or you can simply exchange ideas and exchange ideas, or just go to the field to consult with your beloved for some experience and skills, and he welcomes all of them very much.

In order to collect as many talent red coins as possible and earn as many experience points as possible, Liangren also uses the above-mentioned methods to attract and gather as many trainers on the island as possible.



Teleporting back to the upstairs room of the Pokémon Center, the time passed by every minute, gradually approaching the start of the ring challenge, and the Pokémon Center downstairs also became lively.

Even if the door is closed in the upstairs room, the lover can still hear the noise in the hall downstairs.

Ryoto underestimated the number of people who came to participate in the ring challenge, and at the same time underestimated the enthusiasm of the trainers on the island, in order not to affect the work of Ms. Joey in the Pokémon Center, and in order not to disturb the trainers who registered for the night upstairs.

Liangren went downstairs to tell the trainers who came to participate in the challenge of the ring that the venue for the ring competition was changed to a small square outside the Pokémon Center.

Compared with the limited capacity of the Pokémon Center, the square outside the Pokémon Center is very open. Although many trainers came to participate in the event, it didn't look crowded at all.


Soon the time came to 4:30, which was also the start time of the ring challenge announced by Liangren's Weibo update.


It's Mr. Liangren~"

"Mr. Liangren is here—"

"Ah... Mister Liangren!!"

"Mr. Liangren, we love you."



When it was time for the start of the group arena, as agreed in advance, Liangren's side 'borrowed' a professional referee from the Battle Hall of the Pokémon Center.

He also took the Pokémon, and led Nanako out of the Pokémon Center to the crowded square outside.

Seeing the arrival of the beloved, there was a burst of warm cheers in the square, and at the same time, the crowd in front of the beloved also consciously parted to make way for him.

"Everyone, good afternoon~" Arriving at the battlefield in the middle of the square, Liangren greeted the trainers on the square with a sunny smile.



"Mr. Good Man~"

"Mr. Good Man~"



A few days ago, because of Rogia's appearance and the exposure of the identity of his beloved Rogia's messenger, the Orange Islands, both trainers and ordinary people, have a kind of fanatical admiration for him.

Seeing him in such a large public place at this moment, although the beloved just greeted them with a smile, many people in the square were still very excited.

There were even some female fans who had liked their lover a long time ago. Seeing his lover look around, greet them with a smile, and scream excitedly, they almost fainted.

Such scenes and pictures were only seen in Michael Jackson's concert videos in his previous life.

Liang Ren never imagined that one day he would have such terrifying popularity, never imagined that one day he would be able to make fans scream and almost faint with just a slight smile.

Looking at the excited and fanatical fans in the square, Liang Ren was filled with emotion for a moment, but he did not forget the business.

"At present, the Pokémon of my third echelon: Miniature Dragon and Magneto need to pass the actual combat, so today I will hold the ring challenge here——"

"So if the Pokémon level in your hand is between LV.20-LV.30, I hope everyone can fight against my miniature dragon and magnetite."

"Of course, you can also challenge the Pokémon of the first and second echelons under me. In short, thank you very much for coming to this informal challenge today and my personal informal meeting."

"I hope everyone can have fun fighting and having fun. I hope everyone can come and return with fun."

"So without further ado, the challenge is officially starting now. I have posted a small registration program on the Weibo homepage. Everyone can click on it to get a number, and then everyone can play according to the number."

Liang Ren showed the registration applet on his phone and said.



As soon as the words from the lover's side fell, the square became lively again, and everyone rushed to the Liangren Weibo homepage to sign up.

Liangren didn't make the off-court trainers wait too long. When he saw that No. 1 had registered successfully, he didn't care about other trainers who were still making appointments, and directly stood on the field and called their numbers.

"Others continue to sign up, please number 1, the trainer nicknamed "Niao Nan の Dao Naughty" on Weibo, come on stage. "

"It's me, it's me—" After the lover called the number, a young boy in his early ten years old in the square, who didn't look old, squeezed out of the crowd with his hands up and replied excitedly.

"Hoo hoo..."

"Hello, Mr. Liangren, I am your fan. I have followed your Weibo a long time ago. I have a figure at home that you made when you participated in the Mega Evolution Invitational Competition in Fangyuan Zijin City in the first half of the year."

"It's the first time I saw you in person today, I'm really happy and excited...I..." The boy who ran to the field said excitedly to his beloved.

"Thank you, thank you for being such a fan of me. May I ask what your name is? Are you a native of Ponkan Island?" Liang Ren looked at the boy across the field with a smile and asked in a very easy-going tone.

"Mr. Liangren, my name is Chundao, and I am a native of Ponkan Island." The boy replied excitedly.

"Okay, Harushima, I'm very happy to be able to fight with you on the same stage, I believe you understand the rules.

In order to allow the people behind to compete and exchange ideas, the rules of today's Challenge arena are 1V1

If there are other Pokmon under my command who want to exchange ideas with me, they must register for the second time. "

"So are you ready?" Looking at the nervous yet excited teenager in front of him, Liang Ren asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm ready." The boy on the other side nodded heavily and said.

"Okay, then which Pokémon do you want to challenge, what is its level, and which Pokmon do you want to challenge in my hand?" Liangren asked patiently.

"Mr. Goodman, my Pokémon is Marylou, level LV.18, and I want to challenge your third echelon miniature dragon." The boy replied.

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