Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1476 Multitasking with one heart and fans of Slowpoke! !

"Hello, Mr. Liangren, my name is Xixiu, and my Pokémon here is a sucker golem with level LV.34. I want my sucker golem to exchange ideas with your dull beast."

"I've watched the performance open match between the King of Kona and you in Lingang Town, Little Orange Island, on TV before. At that time, your slow beasts were multitasking and using multiple skills at the same time, which left a great impression on me and the sucker golem. deep impression."

"Since then, the sucker puppet has been targeting your dull beasts, and I have been trying to find a way to train the sucker puppet to use multiple skills at the same time."

"However, we have been training for nearly two months, but we still have no way to get started, so today I want to let the sucker puppet observe and learn how the slow beast multitasks and uses multiple skills to fight at the same time."

"Is it okay?" The girl named Xiexie said to her lover sincerely after she came on stage.

"Do you want to exchange ideas with the slow beasts, and at the same time observe and learn the tricks of multi-tasking and multi-movement skills at the same time?"

"Okay, after a while I will let the slow beast suppress the strength to the same level as your sucker golem, and then fight against your sucker golem. I will let the slow beast use the ability of multitasking, give you and Sucker puppet to observe and study."

"In addition, if you and the sucker puppet's performance in the battle satisfies me, you can private message me in the backstage of Weibo later, and I can teach you the tricks of multitasking training."

Looking at the girl across the field, Ryoto also said with a smile.

Of course, although Liangren often guides others and makes suggestions on the training and cultivation of Pokémon, he has a unique skill for his Pokmon.

He won't teach the other party just because the other party is his fan, or say a few good things politely.

Although multitasking is not the ultimate move of Slowbeast, but if the girl on the other side wants to get it from him, the lover also needs to test the other side a little.

And in the end, he will only teach the other party how to get started with multitasking, and he will not tell the other party easily after advanced training.

After all, he was never such a selfless person.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Liangren." The girl on the other side was not dissatisfied, but because the lover was willing to let the dumb beast use its multi-tasking ability to observe and study for him, and he would teach him the skills after passing the assessment.

The girl's expression is full of joy,

My heart is also very grateful to my lover.

"Okay, now that you've figured it out, let's start." Seeing the girl's reaction on the other side, he was quite satisfied.

"What's going to happen next is the battle between the trainer Yuxie and Mumu Ryoto. The rules of the game are 1V1. Now, please send the Pokémon that the two parties want to play."

After the discussion between the man and the girl on the opposite side of the field, the referee at the center line on the sidelines also loudly issued a signal to prepare for the game.

"Sucker Puppet, the opponent in this game is your big idol, Slowbeast. You have to show your best performance." After finishing speaking, the girl also decisively threw the elf ball in her hand.


"Baili~Baili~" The elf ball opened, and a humanoid Pokémon with light pink and pink fur all over the body appeared on the field.

Compared with the previous Mari Luli, as a sucker puppet of super energy type + fairy type, it is undoubtedly much rarer and more precious.

"However, as a super power type, but also a non-king elf, facing my dumb beast, it's like a mouse meets a cat."

Lianxin murmured in his heart, and then directly threw the slow beast's elf ball: "Dummy beast, the opposite is your little fan, as a senior, let's show the other party how to multi-task for a while."


"Yah Duo—╰(*′︶`*)╯OK!!" The baby ball opened, and just like the sucker puppet, the same pink Dumbo also appeared on the playing field.

The little guy flicked his tail, and by virtue of his superpowers, he floated in mid-air like a dream or a super dream. Although he looks cute and honest, his inadvertent aura makes people feel very dangerous.



"Lin Liangren...Lin Liangren...!!"

"Lin Liangren...Lin Liangren...!!"

Although Slowly Beast is not the original Pokémon of Liren, due to the particularity of Slowly Beast itself, Slowly Beast has become a symbol of Liren without knowing it.

Throughout the entire Pokémon world, it is very rare for trainers to cultivate slow-witted beasts, let alone train slow-witted beasts as the main fighting Pokmon.

Even if there is, it is a transition, and soon the dumb beast will evolve into a hippo king or a dumb hippo, and the dumb beast can be cultivated to the king level like Liangren. This is the only one in the entire Pokémon world, and there is no semicolon.

In addition, Slowly Beast is very cute, and Liangren often posts videos of Slowly's daily life on Weibo, which also makes SlowlyMonster very popular among Liangren's fans.

At this moment, seeing Lianren sending out the dumb beasts, Lianren's fans in the square also unsurprisingly burst into enthusiastic cheers.



At this moment, the only other person who can keep calm is the referee on the sidelines, besides Liangren, the trainer.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee also announced loudly and decisively: "The match begins."

"Shame, you go first." Looking at the nervous and excited girl on the other side of the field, he still gave up the initiative.

"Okay, I won't be polite." Hearing her lover's voice, the nervousness on the girl's face subsided a little.

"Suction Cup Puppet, use "Mind Power"! ! "The girl who quickly entered the fighting state also loudly directed the sucker puppet to attack.

"Barry~" The suction cup puppet on the field received the command, like performing a pantomime, waving its hands like white gloves, and launched an offensive towards the dull beast.

Most of the battles of super-type Pokémon do not have dazzling skill special effects like fire-type, electric-type... Most of the time, super-type Pokémon attack silently.

At this moment, the sucker puppet launched an offensive. Apart from waving its hands in the air, only its two eyes emitted a shining blue light.

Ryoto is very clear about the fighting style of super-type Pokémon, and at the same time, he also knows how to deal with it. Although he can't see any attack trajectory, it still doesn't affect Ryoto's control of the rhythm of the game.

The sucker puppet launched an offensive, and Liangren also immediately issued a response command for the dumb beast: "Silly beast, use the "mirror coat"! ! "


The dumb beast floating on the field raised its hand to support it, and a hazy colorful bubble like soap bubbles enveloped the entire body of the dumb beast.

Although the slow beast suppressed its own strength to the same level as the sucker golem in accordance with the request of the lover, it also did not activate the "spiritual will"

However, as a master in the middle stage of the Heavenly King class, Slowly Beast's combat experience and super high skill proficiency cannot be suppressed or lowered.

Although the sucker puppet used the "mind power" first, but the slow beast used the "mirror coat" in the second move, and easily bounced back the suction cup puppet's attack with double the force.

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