Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1478 The group arena match ends in the afternoon, a bumper harvest! !

Ryoto became famous for the first time when he participated in the gorgeous conference in Fangyuan Shuijing City in the first half of the year. After the conference was over, he was invited by the veteran Tianwang Genji of the Fangyuan Alliance to participate in the exhibition game.

During the competition at that time, Slowly Beast made Liren famous in the first battle by virtue of his "shadow ball - continuous bombing" and "shadow ball - continuous shooting".

After a lapse of more than half a year, Slowly Beast once again looked at multitasking, and with its super high control of skills, it presented a visual feast to the audience, and at the same time gained a lot of fame for the beloved.

"Mr. Liangren, we lost—" the game ended, and the girl called Shame on the opposite side of the field said dejectedly.

The sucker puppet burst out a special attack talent red coin that he was in short supply and urgently needed for the lover. The husband was feeling happy and happy, seeing the girl's expression of frustration.

The good man shook his head and said, "Although the dumb beast has suppressed its strength to the same level as the sucker golem, there is no way to lower the level of combat experience and mastery of skills."

"Your sucker puppet has been cultivated very well. Although you lost to me in the final game, the result is not worth disappointing, but I can see that you love your elves very much."

"After the challenge event is over later, you can private message me on Weibo, and I will tell you how to get started with the 'multitasking with one mind' training."

"However, even if you learn to multi-task, it is very, very difficult to achieve the same level as the slow-witted beast just now, so you have to work hard for the shame and the sucker golem—" Liangren said.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Liangren, we will work hard." Seeing that Liangren promised to pass on the know-how and experience of introductory multitasking training to himself, Xiexi was ecstatic for a while.

"Okay, everyone at the scene, please give us another warm applause to thank Xiexi for giving us a wonderful game."

"Papa papa..."

"Papa papa..."

After a burst of thunderous applause, she bowed to her lover and the audience, and then she also left the arena with the sucker puppet who had lost the ability to fight.

On the other hand, Liangren continued to shout. Just now, Liangren promised to pass on his Pokmon's "unique trick" training skills to Xie Shay, which made the off-site trainers more passionate about this challenge.



Match after match, because it is 1V1, and the strength of Ryoto's Pokmon is very strong, so it doesn't take much time for a match.

The ring challenge started at 4:30 p.m. and ended at 6:30 p.m. In two hours, Ryoto accepted challenges from nearly 50 trainers.

And the result was as he had expected in advance. The Pokémon carefully selected and cultivated by the trainer had talents and aptitudes that were not comparable to wild Pokémon.

Usually, when mini dragons and magnet monsters level up in the wild, 50 wild Pokémon can burst out 10 talent red coins, thanks to the favor of Goddess of Luck.

However, this afternoon, Liangren accepted the challenge of nearly 50 trainers and defeated nearly 50 Pokémon, and finally broke out nearly 30 talent red coins.

Because the trainer pays great attention to the attack ability when conquering Pokémon and cultivating Pokémon.

So the more than 30 talent red coins that finally exploded, although they are not the same.

However, attack talent red coins still accounted for the majority. My beloved was in short supply of urgently needed special attack talent red coins. He counted 16 of them.

"Not bad, great harvest, great harvest~" My husband thought happily.

However, there are a lot of trainers who came to sign up for the ring challenge today, a total of 50 trainers were called in the afternoon, and there are still many trainers who have not challenged.

These are experience packs and shiny talent red coins, my beloved will not let them go so easily.

"To all the fans, tourists, residents and trainers on the island, I am really sorry.

Today everyone is here to participate in the ring challenge. At present, only 50 trainers have participated in the ring challenge, and there are still many trainers who have not had the opportunity to play. "

"It's a little late now, everyone can go back to have dinner first. After dinner, I will continue to open the ring challenge in the battle hall of the Pokémon Center in the evening."

"The time is tentatively set from 7:30 to 9:30. Refer to the two-hour competition in the afternoon. Only 50 trainers have the opportunity to play. In the group arena tonight, the remaining trainers No. 51 to No. 100 can come and participate. Other trainers can volunteer to come and watch the game."

"In addition, starting tomorrow, in the next three days, I will go to the Ponkan Gymnasium to participate in the challenger assessment and prepare for the final gymnasium competition."

"However, I will discuss with the owner of the Ah Gong Pavilion, and spare a few hours every day for me to set up a challenge competition, so I signed up today, but the trainers who haven't challenged yet will have the opportunity to participate in the future."

"I promise here that I will not leave Ponkan Island until all the trainers who signed up today have finished challenging the Ponkan Gym."

Looking at the sad expression of the trainer who failed to play in the afternoon outside the field, Liangren also made a promise without hesitation.



"Long live Mr. Liangren!!"

"Mr. Beloved Saigao!!"



When the beloved made his promise, the disappointed fans and trainers on the scene suddenly turned into surprise.

The arena challenge set up by Liang Ren is very valuable for the on-site fan trainers. Ordinary people and Liang Ren fans can have close contact with stars and idols.

For the professional trainers present, they can see the gap between themselves and the real masters when they come to the stage to exchange ideas with their beloved ones, and they can also get guidance from their beloved ones at the end of the competition.

This kind of opportunity is something that can be encountered but not sought after, so everyone present today, whether they are ordinary people or professional trainers, cherish and value this opportunity very much.

This afternoon's ring challenge ended, everyone felt very regretful and disappointed when they saw that they were not able to play, until Liangren promised that he would continue to hold ring challenges in the future.

The trainers who signed up today will have the opportunity to play in the future, and everyone feels a little relieved.

Of course, while feeling at ease, the trainers present today also felt a deep sense of gratitude and admiration for their beloved.

Because my beloved arrived at Ponkan Island at noon, took a shower at the Pokémon Center, then rushed to the Ponkan Gym to deal with work, and opened a ring in the afternoon to accept everyone's challenge.

Work requires mental effort, especially in Pokémon battles. Ordinary people will feel very tired after a few consecutive battles, but then my beloved has fought nearly 50 games in a row.

A few days ago, Rogia appeared and helped my beloved to level up. Many people on the Internet also joked in good faith, "With the help of a beast-level powerhouse like Rogia, let alone a beloved, even ordinary people like them Can be super strong'

Now it seems that with the hard work of the beloved, he can have the current strength and achieve the current achievements, not because Rogia can help him to practice for two days.

The current strength and achievements of the beloved are all obtained by his own efforts, but this kind of hard work is something that many trainers say is impossible.

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