Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1489 Monarch Snake VS Iron Shell (1)



The discussion of the audience outside the court did not affect Liangren and Ah Gong. Seeing that both parties were almost ready, Zhengmei, who was acting as a temporary referee on the sidelines, did not hesitate and decisively sent the signal to start the game.

"The game begins!!" Zheng Meiyang raised the green signal flag above his head and swung it down, announcing the start of the game loudly.

The two on the field reacted very quickly, and almost immediately commanded their Pokémon to launch an offensive.

"Monarch Snake, greet each other with "Strong Whip"! ! "

"Iron Armor Shell, use the "Ice Pick"! ! "

The trainers on both sides issued attack commands at the same time, and the battle was officially started.

Iron Armor Shell has dual attributes of "water + ice", while Monarch Snake has dual attributes of "grass + water". Although before the start of the game, the audience outside the field analyzed that neither side has obvious advantages and disadvantages in attributes.

But the audience analyzed the defensive damage. No matter whether the Monarch Snake is hit by an attack of any type of water or ice, the damage is ≤ 1 times the normal amount, and the same is true for the Iron Armor.

But from the perspective of attack, the selection of attribute skills still has a certain emphasis.

Because both sides have the water attribute, and the water attribute can reduce the damage of each other against the water attribute, so it is beneficial for the monarch snake to use grass-type skills to deal damage, while the armored shell chooses ice-type skills.

Liang Ren and Ah Gong are both outstanding trainers. They both know the most basic knowledge of attribute restraint and resistance, so they both made the best choice at the beginning of the game.

The two Pokémon on the field also acted immediately after receiving the order.

"Kaka... Swoosh!!"


The armored shell is inconvenient to move on land, so it simply stays where it is, like a fort, shooting ice cones towards the Monarch Snake...

It seems that Ah Gong's armored shell has the characteristic of "continuous attack".

Although the ice cone is a skill move with an initial damage of 25 and random continuous attacks for 2 to 5 rounds, when ordinary Pokmon use this skill, if they are unlucky, it is difficult to hit high damage.

Only under the hands of a trainer with the "continuous attack" feature can the ice pick become a high-damage output skill.

"咻 咻 ..." A root ice cone seemed like an ultra -long -range intercontinental cruise missile, shot from the monarch snake.

The powerful and dense firepower makes the scalp numb, the skin tingles, and the whole body feels cold.

However, in the face of the powerful firepower of Tiejiabei, the expression of Monarch Snake on the field remained the same.

Under the 'collar' like the calyx leaf of the lily of the scapula, two delicate rattan whips shot out like spirit snakes, followed by the "Strong Whip" skill, a series of spawning, strengthening, multiplication... after the blessing of energy spells Down.

The delicate vine whip that was as thick as a thumb turned into a tough old vine that was as thick as an arm in an instant, and the two vines danced like a python.

"Bang bang bang bang..." The ice cone missiles fired continuously by Tiejiabei were directly intercepted by Monarch Snake with the 'vine whip' and exploded violently.

The ice cones turned into fine ice crystals and even ice powder, falling down in a rustle. Under the illumination of the lights in the venue, the crystal light was so beautiful that people couldn't help shouting "beautiful"! !

But this is not the battle of the coordinators in the gorgeous conference. At the same time, "Strong Whip", as one of the grass-type ults, is not just about intercepting and blasting the ice pick of the armored shell.

The strong and powerful old vines continued to dance wildly out of the hole, and then alternately, they slammed down on the armored shell.

"Bang bang bang bang..." It is said to be pumping, but in fact it is more appropriate to describe it as smashing.

The strengthened rattan whip is still as soft and bendable as a rattan whip, but the wood is as hard as oak and iron wood.

The two vine whips were drawn across the head and face, which was no different from the smashing of two thick log trunks. Even the armored shell closed the shell tightly the moment the monarch snake attacked.

But under a violent twitch,

Tiejiabei was still being whipped so dizzyingly that there were stars in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the effect of the "Powerful Whiplash" skill does not last for too long, and a series of energy spells such as birth, strengthening, and multiplication will soon lose their effect.

The two thick vines that looked like pythons turned back into slender vines that looked like green bamboo leaves.

The Monarch Snake stopped attacking and at the same time quickly retracted the vine whip. Finally, the armored shell, having a chance to breathe, shook its head, and then opened the shell.

"Iron Armor Shell, use "Frozen Wind" to fight back! ! "A Gong, who felt the pressure from the confrontation just now, didn't dare to hesitate at this time, and quickly seized the opportunity to command Tiejiabei to launch a counterattack——

"Kaka——" I don't know if it hasn't recovered from the Monarch Snake's "Strong Whip" attack just now, but the Iron Armored Beetle made a coughing sound like an old man's asthma.

However, accompanied by the asthma-like cough of the armored shell, a gust of extremely cold and icy wind came out of the armored shell's mouth, and then swept towards the Monarch Snake whistling.

The Monarch Snake is good at speed, and Ah Gong chose to use the large-scale skill "Frozen Wind" to counterattack, just to avoid being dodged around the Monarch Snake.

However, Monarch Snake, as the main Pokémon under Beloved's subordinates, has been able to do his own thing. Faced with the range attack skills of Iron Armor Shell at this moment, he naturally has countermeasures.

"Monarch Snake, keep moving and use "Mysterious Guardian"! ! "Seeing the icy wind blowing, the lover waved his hand, and quickly and decisively issued a response command for the Monarch Snake.

"Wum~" The monarch snake on the field raised its head and let out a high-pitched whine full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

The snake's body twisted, and while moving nimbly and quickly, it propped up a hazy and colorful protective cover for itself.

The function of the mysterious protection is to prevent the Monarch Snake from being frozen. To a large extent, it cannot resist the damage of the freezing wind, but it is enough for the Monarch Snake.

No matter how powerful the Pokémon is, it cannot compare to the power of nature. When the Monarch Snake hadn't activated the power of the awakened water blood, it was able to move against the wind on the vast snowfield of the Ice Island.

Now that the Sovereign Snake has activated and awakened the power of the water blood, the body's resistance to cold has been strengthened to an astonishing level.



The biting cold wind was blowing like a knife, and the ground was quickly covered with a thick and hard crust of ice on the battlefield.

However, Monarch Snake, which was attacked by the cold wind, is like a heroic skier, with a hazy colorful halo on the surface of its body, and its body swims nimbly and extremely fast on the field.

At this moment, the Monarch Snake didn't seem to be a prey attacked by the armored shell, but a ruthless hunter who was swimming in the wind and snow, using the armored shell as his hunting target.

It is looking for an opportunity to attack at the moment, with a pair of bright red eyes that are sharp and cold, Ah Gong who is directing the offensive on the opposite side of the field, and the armored shell that is performing "Frozen Wind Attack" all feel awe-inspiring.

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