Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1513 The escort team arrives, parting is imminent! !

Pants Boy

Although Nanako tried her best to attract Xi Shi Hai Ren, she was not blind.

Although she is not a professional trainer like Liangren, she will not be too harsh on the talent potential of Pokémon, but she is not without requirements.

The girl followed her husband's advice and set her sights on the younger one among the group of western lions and sea lions.

They have also evolved to the final form, but the younger ones have more potential for development.

In addition, although the Western Lion Hairen is a natural singer, dancer, and performer, there are still differences in talent between different individuals in the entire population.

But generally speaking, it is still a process of selecting the best from the best, rather than panning for gold in the sand, so this process will be relatively simple.

In short, the girl limited her target to the young Xishi Hairen who had outstanding dance talent.

However, the girl dared to set filter conditions.

It is also based on the premise that she and her Pokmon's dance successfully attracted Xishi Hairen, who was yearning for Xishi Hairen and expressed that she wanted to be a companion with the girl.

Of course, the girl dared to set the screening criteria because she saw a western lion and sea lion attracted by her, and faintly expressed her desire to follow her.

However, Nanako didn't relax. Before Xi Shi Hai Ren was officially subdued by her, she would take the time to increase her favorability.

After all, the Western Lions and Hairens did not stay on the island for a long time, but fortunately everything is moving in a good direction.



Time flies, three days later! !

At around 11 o'clock in the morning, my beloved had just finished training in the morning, and the escort ship sent by the Orange Alliance arrived at the bay outside the small island following the coordinates given by my beloved.

"Hello, Mr. Liangren, I am Tian Yuzu, the squadron leader of the third squadron of the Orange Alliance Security Brigade. Next, I and the members of my squadron will be responsible for the escort mission."

"Hello, Mr. Liangren, I am..."

"Hello, Mr. Liangren, I am..."



Obviously, the Orange Alliance is also very clear about the true significance of escorting the Western Lions and Hairens back to their hometown of Alola.

Escorting the western lion and sea lion is only superficial, and the deeper meaning is actually an envoy, and it is to establish a friendship and cooperation with the Alola Alliance.

There are quite a few people who came with the escort ship this time, in addition to the personnel of the security squadron responsible for security, there are also many middle and high-level personnel of the Orange Alliance, a proper lineup of missions.

"Everyone has worked hard all the way,... I won't say much if you are polite."

"The Western Lion and Sea Rens are living in the Orange Islands because of elf poachers. They have been struggling to find their own home for more than half a year, so please send the Western Lions and Sea Rens back to their hometown safely and securely as soon as possible."

After exchanging greetings with the people from the Tangerine Alliance who got off the boat, Ryoto welcomed them to the island, and then brought them in front of the Western Lions and Hairens——

"Western Lion Hairen, these people are the staff of the Orange Alliance that I contacted you all, and then they will safely escort you all back to your hometown of Alola."

"So you all don't need to be nervous..." With so many strangers coming up on the island suddenly, the lions and sea lions were also a little scared, and my beloved comforted me.





Hearing what my beloved said, the tension in the group of Western Lions and Hairens gradually eased.

After encountering the incident of elf poachers, this group of western lions and sea lions are very wary of human beings, but after three days of getting along, the west lions and sea turtles still believe 100% in the words of their beloved.

On the grounds of health checks, treatment of injuries, and the fact that the alliance escort team has not arrived, Xishi Hairen stayed on the island for three days.

Now that the alliance escort team has arrived, today is the time for the western lions and sea lions to leave the island and return to their hometown of Alola with the orange alliance escort team.

At the time of parting, Liangren and the staff of the Orange Alliance did not feel much fluctuation in their hearts, but the 34 Western Lions and Sea Rens showed reluctance.

Encountering elf poachers, leaving their homes and drifting to the Orange Islands, wandering helplessly for nearly half a year, these three days are the happiest three days they have spent in the past half year.

Now that separation is imminent, although they will be able to return to the hometown they miss so much, Xishi Hairen is still very reluctant to part with her benefactor, Nanako, and her friend.

"Xixi, and everyone, I..." My beloved didn't speak, but Nanako looked melancholy, her eyes flashed among the group of western lions and sea renownies, and finally focused on a slightly petite western lion The focus stays on Hai Ren.

It was during these three days that the girl was attracted by her own dance for this Western Lion Sea Ren, which was called "Xixi" by the girl, and faintly revealed that she wanted to be its companion.

However, Nanako always remembered her husband's words. During the three days together, she just played with the lions and sea otters and made a good relationship with them, and never once mentioned the matter of taming them.

As for the western lions and sea lions, because they have been hurt by poachers, although they have a very close relationship with Nanako, they are very interested in her dance tactics.

But no one from Xishi Hairen offered to stay, wanted to be the girl's companion, and didn't want to follow the clansmen back to their hometown.

Although there are quite a few Western Lions and Sea Rens who have a strong desire to stay, but they may be concerned about the feelings of the clansmen, so they are embarrassed to raise it.

And this western lion and sea otter named 'Xixi' is the one with the strongest desire left behind.

From the perspective of a bystander like Liangren, this female western lion called "Xixi" and Nanako are "a concubine in love", and the partnership between the two is only separated by a thin layer of window paper.

"I just don't know if we can take this opportunity to pierce the window paper when we are parting today." Looking at the girl and the lion and sea lion, the lover's calm expression, he thought secretly.

"Woo~ Xixi, you stay here!!" Just when Lai Liangren was secretly guessing, the leader of the Western Lion and Sea Ren tribe, an older female Western Lion and Sea Ren, suddenly said.

"Woo~!?" The 'Xixi' who was suddenly named was surprised, but also puzzled.

"Woo~ Xixi, when you were still in your hometown group, you were very eager and longing for the bustling and lively human world outside. You have always hoped to follow a trainer who can lead you to the gorgeous stage."

"Although for us Western Lions and Hairens, the vast sea is the grandest song and dance hall, the reef where the waves hit is the brightest stage, the fish swimming in the sea and the long-winged gulls soaring in the sky are our best. audience."

"But obviously, such a stage and audience can't satisfy you, Xixi. Originally, I planned to help you find an excellent trainer in the hometown of Alola."

"But I didn't expect that our group would be attacked by elf poachers. It's hard for me to believe in humans, but the two benefactors and friends in front of me are few humans that I can trust."

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