Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1529 Naipuru Island, start the mountaineering assessment! !

"As the Eastern Star of the Southern Cross, the Nepru Gym was not banned by the alliance, thanks to the advice and suggestions from Director Liangren."

"According to the opinions in your proposal, Director Liangren, the Southern Cross Gymnasium, including the Naipuru Gymnasium, have undergone some renovations."

"Compared to other Gymnasiums, the changes in Naipru Gymnasium are small——

The small sports events that were originally set up to assess challengers are now directly used as gymnasium assessments as they are, but a 3V3 actual combat is added after the gymnasium assessment. "

"The biggest change of Naipuru Gymnasium is actually to protect the natural ecological environment of Kilimanjaro Snow Mountain on Naipuru Island. The original site of the gymnasium on the top of the snow mountain was relocated to the side, which is the subsidiary island of Anza. Mashima."



On the way to drive to the new site of Naipru Gymnasium, I saw my beloved ask about the work of the Gymnasium, and Xiaodan was also driving while doing a work report.

Just like what Xiaodan himself said, the establishment of the Orange Alliance this time presided over the reform of the gymnasium system. On the surface, the Naipuru gymnasium has added actual combat, and moved the gymnasium to a nearby subsidiary island.

On the surface, earth-shaking changes have indeed taken place, but in fact, not much has changed on the inside.

In addition, the Nepru Gym has been established for a long time, unlike the seven new Gyms of the "Big Dipper" that have just been established. Both the Gym and the Gym Trainer are very new and inexperienced.

The Naipur Gym in charge of Xiao Dan has been on the right track for a long time, and Xiao Dan is a very capable and experienced gym owner.

With regard to the work inspection of the Naipulu Gym, Liang Ren thought after listening to the work report that he did not find any problems, and he was very clear about the operation of the main Gym of Xiaodan.

Since there is no problem with the work of the Naipur Gymnasium, Liangren didn't pick a bone or make random suggestions in order to show his ability and the majesty of his superiors.

For the well-run Naipur Gymnasium, Liangren, as the leader of the alliance, sent him down to inspect the work, and Liangren was also happy on his side.

So on the way to the new site of the Naipur Gym on Anzama Island, we had a brief chat in the car.

Then, after visiting the new site of Naipur Gymnasium on the island,

The beloved came to inspect the work today and considered it completed.

Knowing that Liangren's schedule is tight here, I want to end the work of the Orange Alliance as soon as possible, and then return to the Kanto Regiment Year.

After visiting the Naipuru gymnasium, Xiaodan also offered to go to the nearby Naipuru island for the gymnasium assessment this afternoon if it is convenient for him.

"Okay, no problem." Hearing Xiaodan's arrangement, my beloved naturally didn't have any objections.



At 14:30, at 2:30 in the afternoon, the sky was sunny. After leaving the gym, Xiaodan led Liangren and Nanako straight to the seaside port.

Then the three of them took a small private rowboat owned by Shang Xiaodan and rushed directly to the neighboring Naipuru Island.

Anzama Island is a subsidiary island of Naipuru Island. Although the distance between the two islands is not as close as that of Ponkan Island and the subsidiary island where the crystal rock snake once lived next door, there is a way to pass after low tide.

But like the Seven Fruit Islands, standing on one island, you can clearly see another small island next to it.

Standing at the port pier of Anzama Island, the lover can see the snow-capped peak surrounded by a circle of lush and green forests, surrounded by some low hills, and piercing into the sky like a huge chimney.

The highest mountain in the center of Naipuru Island is Kilimanjaro Snow Mountain, known as the Equatorial Snow White.

It is a holy place for mountaineering enthusiasts in the Orange Islands, and it is also a rare place where you can see snow in the tropical equatorial region of the Orange Islands.

Of course, this towering snow-capped mountain is also the first item that my beloved will participate in the assessment of the Naipur Gymnasium this afternoon.



"Gull Gull!!"

"Gull Gull!!"

As the yacht breaks through the waves, seven or eight long-winged gulls spread their ribbon-like wings behind them, gliding against the wind effortlessly with the help of the airflow brought by the yacht's sailing.

From time to time, it swooped down and plunged into the broken white waves to pick up a small fish like a silver shuttle.

Anzama Island is not far from Naipuru Island. The yacht sailed straight for less than 7 minutes, and the yacht docked at the Naipuru Island pier.

And after boarding Naipuru Island, Liang discovered how majestic and majestic the towering mountain on the island is.

"In the past, when the Naipuru Gym hadn't been reformed, challengers came to challenge the Naipuru Gym. Without the power of Pokémon, it was just a stepping stone for the trainer to climb the mountain alone."

"Now after reforms, getting challengers to climb the mountain has become the highlight of the gymnasium's assessment, and the three small competition events in the back have become side dishes instead."

Seeing Liangren and Nanako standing side by side, looking up at the snow-capped mountains in the center of the island, Xiao Dan, who followed up after mooring the yacht, admired "golden boy and jade girl, talented man and beautiful girl" in his heart, and explained to them at the same time.

"Although the assessment of the alliance and the gymnasium is to screen out outstanding trainer talents, when the actual assessment is carried out, unconsciously, it becomes an assessment of the strength of the Pokmon under the trainer."

"Although the strength of Pokémon is also directly linked to the ability of the trainer, and when fighting Pokémon, it can also be used to see the command ability of the trainer."

"However, directly assessing the trainer without using the power of Pokémon like climbing a mountain, instead, it is to get rid of the side details and go straight to the essence and fundamental purpose."

"The entry-level assessment used to be the highlight of the assessment. Such a change is a good thing for Naipru Gymnasium." Mytoto said with a smile.

"The chief is right." Hearing what the beloved said, Xiao Dan also nodded thoughtfully.

"The work inspection of the gymnasium has come to an end for now. Next, the owner of the gymnasium Xiaodan will treat me as an ordinary challenger, so don't be too restrained and polite." My husband waved his hand and said.

"Okay, Mr. Liangren, are you ready? If you are ready, we are ready to start the first mountaineering assessment."

"In addition, there is a cable car at the foot of the mountain that leads directly to the top of the mountain. Ms. Nanako can take the cable car to climb the mountain.

In addition, the temperature at the top of the mountain is low. The tourist reception center converted from the old gymnasium on the top of the mountain has down jackets and blankets. After Ms. Nanako climbs to the top of the mountain, she can go to the reception center to ask the staff to get a set of down jackets to keep out the cold. "

Xiaodan also arranged it very thoughtfully.

"Nanai, what do you say here?" Seeing that Xiao Dan had made arrangements, the husband also looked at the girl and asked.

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