"Is there any request?" the girl asked again.


"Nipulu Gymnasium has been reformed now. Compared with the past, the assessment content has indeed changed in terms of rules, but overall the difficulty has been reduced, so you two don't have to worry." Xiaodan explained.

"The difficulty of the assessment has been lowered?" Hearing Xiaodan's words, the girl looked puzzled.

"Yes, you heard it right, it just lowered the difficulty."

"In the past, Naipur Gymnasium did not set up actual combat content for challengers, so you can get the gymnasium badge by passing these three assessments, so the overall difficulty is relatively high."

"These three assessments are to compete with me, the master of the gymnasium. Of the three assessments, at least two of the three assessments must be better than me to be considered as a pass."

"But now, after reform and improvement, 3v3 actual combat has been added at the back of the Nepru Gym, and the previous assessment is just an assessment, so there will be no more competitions. The challenger only needs to complete it within the specified time."

While explaining, Xiao Dan saw that the two had already put on their down jackets, and then led them to an area on the left side of the 'Gymnasium' where geysers spout from time to time.

"This is the site of the first "Frozen Fountain" assessment. The fountain that spews out here is not an ordinary cold spring, but a scalding hot spring. "

"The assessment requirement is that the challenger send a Pokémon and use the ice-type trick to freeze the spring water from one of the fountains within one minute."

Coming to an area on the left outside the former site of the restaurant where geysers spout from time to time, Xiao Dan explained to the two with a smile.

"Hot spring, will you freeze it within a minute?" Nanako looked at the hot and steaming geyser gushing out of the snow in front of her, and repeated Xiaodan's words to herself.

"That's right. Before the difficulty was lowered, not only was it required to freeze the hot spring within one minute, but it also had to be completed before my side could complete it."

"Then Xiao Dan, do you have any requirements for the use of Pokémon in this assessment? For example, the Pokmon sent in the current assessment must appear in the gymnasium battle later..."

"There is no requirement in this regard." Xiao Dan shook his head when he heard his lover's question, "As long as it is the trainer's own Pokémon, the number is one and the time is one minute."

"That's it,

OK, I understand the rules. "The beloved nodded.

"Well, since you, Mr. Liangren, have understood the rules and have rested for a few minutes, then we are ready to start."

"Miss Nanako, this stopwatch is for you, please help us count the time." Xiaodan said as he handed a stopwatch to Nanako who was beside him.

"Okay, leave the work of timing to me." The girl nodded and readily agreed.



"Come out, Queen Nido!!"

"Iron armor shell, it's your turn to play."

The two came to the outside of the geyser area, and then each found a mouth outside the spring that was constantly gushing water, and then released the elf balls at the same time.

"Bang bang~"

The poke ball was opened, and two Pokmon with different shapes appeared beside them.

Xiaodan released a Poison + Ground-type Pokémon: Empress Nido, and the spring water was frozen, and the lover's side naturally sent an ice-type Iron Armor to the stage.

After observing each other and taking a look at the Pokmon sent by the other party, the two withdrew their gazes and focused on the hot spring gushing out in front of them.

As Xiao Dan's Pokémon, it's not the first time that Empress Nido has participated in the activity of freezing hot springs, so there is no confusion in her eyes.

On the other hand, the beloved gave a brief explanation to Tiejiabei.


"Tickle——will the ice spring be frozen within 1 minute? Don't worry, leave it to me." After listening to what his beloved said, Tie Jiabei nodded confidently in response.

As a king-level Pokémon, this matter is still difficult for it.

"Then let's get started."

"Queen Nido, use "Freezing Beam"! ! "

"Ho Ho~"

After seeing Xiaodan and Nido, he had already started to act, and the lover did not hesitate or hesitate. Seeing a hot spring erupting from the spring in front of him, he immediately ordered to Tiejiabei very decisively.

"Iron Armor Shell, aim at the root of the spring water column and use "Absolute Zero"! ! "


"call out--"

The trainers on both sides issued orders, and the two Pokémon on the scene also used their own means. Empress Nido spit out a broken line of white energy like a lightning bolt.

On the Iron Armor Shell's side, the icy corners of the forehead shone brightly, and an icy blue energy beam shot out that made people feel cold all over their bodies.

Because hot springs are constantly erupting from the spring, if you want to freeze the spring water column, you must first freeze the root of the spring column and block the spring that is constantly emitting water.

Only when the spring is blocked and the running water becomes stagnant, can the entire spring water column be frozen into ice, but there is a steady flow of water and heat flowing in the spring.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to freeze the spring. If the ice-type moves used by the Pokémon are not strong enough, there is no way to freeze the spring instantly.

Such a thin block of ice was quickly either washed away by the gushing spring water, or melted by the gurgling heat flow in the spring eye.

Fortunately, neither Xiaodan nor Liangren are ordinary trainers. Empress Nido and Tiejiabei are also very strong.

Nidohou aimed at the root of the spring pillar, and opened his mouth to spit out a "frozen light", and the boiling hot spring water was quickly frozen into a solid with a "crack" freezing sound.

And like burning an electric welding, the ice quickly spreads toward the top of the spring water column.

"Little Dan \u0026 Queen Nido" freezes the hot spring very fast, but "Little Man \u0026 Tiejiabei" is faster here.

The ice-type big move "Absolute Zero" was used and the power of the heavenly king burst out, only to see that the ice-blue laser energy beam transformed from Absolute Zero first hit the spring, and then swept up along the spring column.

Amidst a very rapid freezing sound of 'Kaka', the scalding hot spring column instantly turned into a crystal icicle.

"Drip—" The girl in charge of timing pressed the timer in her hand for the first time, and looked down at the time displayed on the LCD dial. On the lover's side, the armored shell froze the ice spring, and it took less than 1 second.

After another seven or eight seconds, Xiaodan and Nidohou finally froze the spring column into ice.

Although the latter did not take long, compared with the lover's side, the gap in speed and efficiency was nearly ten times.

"As expected of Mr. Liangren!!" Hearing Nanako tell the time and seeing that it took less than a second for the hot spring to freeze into ice cubes, Xiao Dan couldn't help sighing.

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