Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1578 Gymnasium competition, the lover sees through Liuli's tactics! !

"Master Liuli~" said hello to the fans and audience who came to the scene today, and at this moment, Liang just turned his attention to the wine red short hair that touched the shoulders on the opposite side of the field.

His eyes are bright and energetic, and he looks very enthusiastic, energetic, confident, and has a bold and domineering look that ordinary women don't have.

This is Liuli, the president of the Dukan Hotel, Koji's mother, and the owner of the Dukan Gym.

Because Ryoto and Koji are friends, he usually calls each other Auntie in private, but in this afternoon's gymnasium competition, Ryoto calls him the head of Liuli on such a formal occasion.

On the other side, Liu Li's expression was also very formal at the moment. After all, besides being a friend of her son and a trainer who challenged the Dukan Gym, she was also the leader sent by the Orange Alliance to conduct inspections.

"During this period of time, due to Mr. Liangren, the business of our Duogan Hotel has become particularly prosperous..." Liuli complimented her husband a few words.

"Haha~ That's what I said, but in the next gymnasium competition, the owner of the gymnasium Liuli can't let it go." Liangren also joked with a smile.

"I can't. In the face of a master like Mr. Liangren, if I still act arrogantly, I think I will lose badly in the end."



There were still a few minutes before the official start of the pre-arranged Gymnasium competition, Liangren and Liuli chatted a few more words until the off-court referee issued a signal to prepare:

"Next is the challenger Yoshito Mugi, and the gymnasium trainer Ryuri's gymnasium match. The rules of the game are "1.2" x 2 doubles... Now, please send the first Pokmon that is ready to play. "

As the referee on the sidelines issued a signal to prepare, the noisy spectator seats outside the field quickly quieted down, and everyone looked at the two sides on the field excitedly.

The two people who received the referee's signal on the field did not hesitate at all, and quickly changed and adjusted their moods, allowing themselves to enter a fighting state.

After the sharp eyes collided with the aura full of fighting spirit, the two sides also threw two poke balls in a tacit understanding.

"Bi Diao, Lucario, the first match is up to you."

"Bang bang~"

"The opponents in today's game are very strong, Hu Di, Ga La Ga La, show your full strength." After speaking, Liu Li also threw two poke balls and said.

"Bang bang~"

Because it's a doubles match,

Both sides sent two Pokémon.

Amidst the 'bang bang' sound of the poke ball opening, four Pokémon appeared on the battlefield in no particular order.

In the first match, Liangren sent Bi Diao, who had completed the strengthening training of "Strong Chest Muscle" in the previous month.

And Lucario, who has completely stabilized the realm of the king of heaven, and at the same time adjusted and changed his fighting style according to the spiritual will of "fighting will rise".

On the other hand, Liuli sent the rare super-type Pokémon Hu Di, and the very powerful Gala Gala of the ground type.

The trainers and Pokémon on both sides are all in place, and the smell of gunpowder on the field has become more and more intense in an instant.

The battle is about to start! ! !

"Mr. Liangren...Come on!!"

"Mr. Liangren...Come on!!"

"Master Liuli...Come on!!"

"Master Liuli...Come on!!"



The referee did not keep both sides waiting. Amidst the enthusiastic cheers from the audience outside the court, the referee swung down the green signal flag above his head and said loudly: "The game begins!!"

"Hu Di, use Psychic Power on Bi Diao; Gala Gala, use bone boomerang on Lucario!!" At the beginning of the game, Liu Li took the lead in launching an offensive.

After all, as she said at the beginning, facing an opponent of Libero's strength, if she still chooses to let go, she will definitely lose ugly in the end.



On the opposite half of the court, Hu Di and Gala Gala, who received Liuli's order, reacted not at all slowly, and quickly responded to the order to attack Bi Diao and Lucario.


"Swizz swish ~"

Although Hu Di stood still, but with two spoons crossed in his hands, an invisible force of thoughts instantly turned into chains to bind Bi Diao.

The slightly shorter Gala Gala turned the bone stick in his hand twice, and then slammed it towards Lucario like a boomerang.

In the doubles match, there are two Pokémon on the field, and two Pokémon on the opposite side. At the beginning of the game, Liuli commanded the two Pokmon, and the offensive was directed at the two pets on the lover's side.

Although the offensive was divided, and he didn't choose to attack a certain Pokémon in two hits and one set, Liangren could clearly feel that the focus of Luli's attack was on Lucario.

The reason is also very simple:

1. Compared with Bi Diao in the first echelon, Lucario in the second team is relatively weaker.

2. Bi Diao has a flying advantage, and Lucario who stays on the field is easier to deal with.

3. Lucario has the attribute of steel. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the attribute, Lucario is just restrained by the ground-type Gala Gala.

Based on the above three reasons, coupled with the observation of the expression on Liu Li's face, it is not difficult to deduce that in this match, she chose to use Lucario as a breakthrough.

However, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides. Even if Lianren doesn't understand Liu Li's tactical thinking, he is confident of winning this match.

"Because my Lucario is not so easy to be defeated. What Gala Gala restrains is just Lucario's secondary attribute." The corner of the lover's mouth rose slightly.

"Lucario, let everyone see the results of your hard training over the past month or so."

"Use "Bone Stick Nanta"! ! "Looking at the bone boomerang flying through the sky, the beloved also ordered loudly with great momentum.


"Bang!!" As soon as the lover's voice fell, Lucario took a explosive step on the field, and took the initiative to meet the bone boomerang that was hitting towards him.

"\\\\\\Boom///" However, Lucario took the initiative to charge, and he didn't intend to use his body to hard-press Gala Gala's attack.

Activate and open the spirit and will of "fighting will", +50% double attack, +50% crit, +50% double defense, +50% damage reduction

Multiple BUFF effects were applied to Lucario. Although his strength was suppressed to the same level as that of the Gala Gala, under the influence of the will to fight, Lucario's combat power was instantly comparable to that of Gala Gala. A long gap.

At the same time, Lucario clapped his hands, and a bluish bluish bony rod, like a long stick with eyebrows, quickly condensed and formed after absorbing the thick force of the earth and being strengthened by the waveguide enchantment in its body.

"Swizz swish ~"

"Bang!!" Seeing the bone boomerang flying through the air, Lucario's charge continued unabated, and at the same time, he sent the bone boomerang flying with a stick.

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