Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 185 Maggie Smith

"Uncle Yamane, I'm here to find the teacher and her, can you pass it on for me?" Seeing the visitor, the worried lover also showed a happy smile on his face.

"That's right, but you know, without permission, even I can't go upstairs." The dark-faced middle-aged man said apologetically.

"Hey, it seems that we can only wait until the evening, when the teacher comes down by herself." The beloved shrugged and said helplessly.


While the two were talking, a brown-feathered owl suddenly flew down from the library upstairs, landed on the handrail of the stairs, turned its head and hooted towards the boy at the counter.

"Owl, did the teacher tell me to go up?"

"Googoo~" When the owl answered in the affirmative, the beloved looked happy.

"Uncle Yamane, I'll go up."

Picking up the potted plants on the counter, under the surprised eyes of the female staff, Liangren followed the owl Nightingale and walked upstairs.

He had come up when tidying up the collapsed bookshelves before. The upper floors were no different from the first floor. Rows of bookshelves were neatly arranged. Although they were all precious documents, they did not have a certain knowledge reserve, even if they could be given to ordinary people. It is free to borrow, and no one may understand it.


Follow the owl all the way to the sixth floor, old Mrs. Smith is already waiting for him.

I haven't seen each other for more than half a month, but the old woman is still so energetic. Her gray hair is neatly arranged, she is wearing a dark woolen coat, and her gray-blue deep and wise eyes seem to have the power to read people's hearts.

"Hoo... Teacher."

Climbing up the entire sixth floor with a pot of medicinal plants in his arms, the breathless Liangren realized for the first time that his physique was still too poor. As a trainer, he not only had to work hard to train Pokmon, but he also had to pay attention to Physical exercise.

"My beloved, I have to say that you really surprised me. The succulent bone-strengthening herb, which was considered a rare medicinal material in ancient times, was found by you in such a short period of time."

The usually calm old woman looked at the succulent and strong bone grass in her husband's arms with bright eyes, and said in a tone full of surprise.

"Some time ago, I went to the Cunyu Botanical Garden in Zhenxin Town with my classmates for a spring outing. I didn't expect to find this herb. It must be luck."

Speaking of this incident, there was a smile on the lover's face, he was indeed lucky.

"Is it the land of Cun Yu's house? That's it." The old woman nodded and said.

Looking around at the most mysterious sixth floor of the library, it was completely different from what my beloved had expected. He thought that there were all kinds of precious books on it, but he didn't expect that the mysterious sixth floor turned out to be the place where the old lady lived.

"Put your things down and come sit down."

When the lover went upstairs, the old lady was making tea, she raised her finger to the seat on the side to signal him to sit down, the husband did not refuse.

"Apart from the Bobo at the beginning, have you tamed any new Pokémon during this time?" The old woman who was making tea in a small stove looked up at her husband and asked with a kind smile on her face.

"Well, apart from Bobo, when I was doing tasks in Hualan City, I took in a slow-witted beast by the sea. Some time ago, I went to Zhenxin Town for a spring outing, and took in another big-tongued shell." Liangren answered truthfully. .

The old woman has a kind of magical power, and when talking to her, the beloved will basically not be defensive.

The other party obviously didn't teach him any secret skills in cultivating Pokémon. At first, he just guided him in the learning of knowledge, but the lover was willing to treat her with the etiquette of a teacher.

Perhaps it is already a great teacher to let an ignorant child like learning.

"Tell me about the two Pokémon you have tamed." The old woman handed over a cup of hot tea, and every wrinkle on her face was filled with a kind smile.


The beloved took the hot tea from the old lady and took a sip. This tea was bitterer than any he had ever had before.

After the tea passed through the mouth once, it was swallowed down the throat, and a gust of hot air gushed out of the throat.

In an instant, a chemical reaction seemed to have taken place in the bitter mouth, and the fragrance lingered on his lips and teeth for a while. For the first time, he really realized that fragrance can not only be perceived by the sense of smell, but also by the sense of taste.

"Stupid beast is very cute, usually silly, but in fact the little guy is very smart.

It has a very high talent for superpowers. Before I subdued it, I had already mastered the skill of teleportation.

Fighting in the arena some time ago, I somehow established a spiritual connection with this little guy, able to share its senses. After the battle, not only the strength of the slow beast increased greatly, but also the power of the regenerative characteristic was activated. "

While reminiscing and talking unhurriedly, this elegant and wise old lady didn't answer the conversation, and quietly became a listener, watching the look in the eyes of her husband when he talked about his Pokmon , the smile on the old woman's face grew stronger.

"At the beginning, when I took the big tongue shell, I considered that the slow beast needs the help of its big tongue shell to evolve, so I wanted to take a big tongue shell and cultivate it by myself.

However, the thinking changed slowly later, and the big tongue shell has its own choice. After all, even if it evolves with the slow beast, it is still a living Pokémon.

A few days ago, I went to Hualan City to do a mission. By chance, I came across a big chance in the Hualan Cave. I got a drop of mysterious white water. Bai, not only has his strength greatly increased, but he has also learned a lot of ice-type skills. "


"I have to say that my dear, you are very lucky. You have obtained a rare medicinal plant such as succulent and bone-strengthening grass, and this time you have obtained a natural treasure such as cold marrow. The future achievements of the big tongue shell are limitless, but now Your strength is still relatively low, so you should be more careful on weekdays, there are still many bad guys in this era."


"Bobo is a very spiritual little guy. There are many trainers who have subdued Bobo. However, most of the trainers I have met are relatively well-behaved in the cultivation of Bobo. And the core method you mentioned, I think It's pretty good."

"Bone Quenching Paste can be given to little ones. You don't have to worry about reducing the bone density, which will affect Bobo's speed. After all, the Bone Quenching Paste can strengthen the Pokmon's overall physical fitness."


"Put the medicinal materials here, and come back in three days, and the ointment will probably be refined."

I talked a lot with the old lady. This is an old man with real wisdom. She didn't tell my beloved how to do the training, but she gave him a lot of suggestions in the general direction.

After Liangren puts forward his ideas on Pokmon training, the old lady will analyze and discuss with him, and never simply give a vague answer like right or wrong, which is why Liangren dares to speak freely.


After chatting with the old woman for a while, he thought that the time had not passed, but when he came out of the library, it was completely dark.

Went to the shop before the feeding street, bought some food for Bobo, Slowly and Big Tongue, and then my beloved went home.

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