Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 328 Dr. Nanba

There are four doctors in the Rockets. Dr. Kutor Fuji is responsible for the research of cloning life, and the super dream experiment is the project he is in charge of.

Dr. Silano is in charge of the research on the evolution of light. One of the research results is to force a carp king to evolve into a red tyrannosaurus.

Dr. Sager is the person in charge of Project Tempest. He made special glasses that can see through Pokémon's invisibility, and deciphered Meloetta's mysterious singing.

Let Sakagi successfully obtain the writing mirror to control the tornado cloud, land cloud, and thunder cloud, and make the three beasts incarnate in the form of spirit beasts, which almost destroyed the entire Hezhong area at one point.

And Dr. Nanbo in front of him is mainly responsible for the research of Pokémon virus. The Rockets elites who are highly valued by Sakagi: Yamado and Kosaburo can also be directly deployed by Nanbo.

In the original book, in order to study the Pokémon virus, Dr. Nanbo participated in the action plan of the Whirlpool Islands in the Chengdu area to capture the phantom Pokémon Lugia.

Nanbo's character is cautious and suspicious, the leader Sakagi has disappeared, and now several senior cadres within the Rockets are fighting for power.

Under the massive encirclement and suppression by the alliance, the entire Rocket team is already at a critical moment of life and death, but for the research madman, Nan Bo doesn't care too much.

Hiding in this secret stronghold in the Viridian Forest, he is still doing his own secret experiments.

"Doctor, he doesn't have a bug on him." Kosaburo searched the man's body. Except for a mobile phone, there was no other communication equipment, let alone a bug.

"Well, I got it." I already believed that the young man in front of me was not a spy of the alliance, and it was just a precaution to ask Xiao Saburo to search. Nan Bo was not surprised that no bug was found.

"Dr. Nanbo." Armado, who had left the laboratory, came back quickly, holding a black watch in his hand.

Taking the control watch from Armado, Nan Bo turned around and went to the experimental bench behind, and put the black watch like a compass on the front paw of a mountain rat.

"Boy, look after it." Nan Bo said, took out a small button board from the pocket of his white coat, and pressed the little red button on it in front of him.

"Squeak!!!" Suddenly, in the metal cage of the experimental table, the mountain mouse that was put on the watch wailed, and then fell down and died instantly.

"..." The other Rockets in the lab were expressionless,

The other researchers were also doing things on their own, and didn't respond to this scene, but my beloved felt a chill down his spine.

He didn't feel pity for this guinea rat, it was captured and used as a test subject, and its final outcome was death.

Now it is a relief to die directly, and what makes the beloved feel cold is that the other party is about to bring such a watch to his hand.

"This watch contains a deadly neurotoxin. Once this neurotoxin enters the body, it can kill an adult within three seconds. Now, Armado, give him the control watch."

Nanbo took off the black watch on the front paw of the pangolin, then handed it to Armado and said.

"Yes, Dr. Nanbo."

Originally, he thought that he would give up for the time being, and then find a chance to escape, but the lover did not expect the man in front of him to be so cautious. Now the fear on his face is finally no longer a fake.

"Now that your life is pinched by my phone, don't try to play any tricks."

"Release him and the three Pokémon." After Nanbo warned his lover, he asked Team Rocket to untie him.

"Bibi Bird, Slow Beast, Big Tongue, you all come back first." His life was in the hands of the other party, and now, he could only take one step at a time.

"Boy, what's your name?" Nan Bo turned around, continued the experiment he started on the test bench, and asked casually at the same time.

"Kudou Shinichi." Ryoto replied weakly as if resigned to his fate.

"Okay, let's take him down." Nan Bo waved his hands behind his back and said.


Outside the rocket team's stronghold, not far from Liangren's camp, the shadow behind a big rock squirmed for a while, like stretched dough, and a skinny old man appeared behind the stone.

"The rocket team, this group of dirty maggots, didn't expect that there is such a hidden stronghold in the depths of the Viridian Forest." Looking at the earth barrier not far from the camp, the skinny old man in a cloak murmured. .

"Night Demon Giant, you rush to the Changpan Gym, and ask the old lady Juzi for help, and I will protect this kid." As soon as the skinny old man finished speaking, a black shadow flew towards the south forest with a slamming sound in the shadow behind him. disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the black-robed old man also sank, disappearing into the darkness.

"Go in, this is your room from today on." Coming out of the laboratory where Nan Bo was, two soldiers of Team Rocket led their husband to turn left and right in the passage, and soon came to a row of rooms.

"This is the living area. Except for Yamado and Captain Kosaburo, no one is allowed to come near the experimental area without Dr. Nanbo's order."

"We will send you a set of uniforms that represent the identity of the Rockets later, boy, once you join our Rockets, no matter whether you are voluntary or forced, you will be wanted by the alliance when you are outside. From now on You just stay here honestly, besides, there is nothing wrong with joining our Rockets team."

I don't know whether it was under the orders of Dr. Nanbo, or under the orders of Armado and Kosaburo. The two Rocket soldiers who led the way stood at the door and simply brainwashed him according to the words.

"I see." My beloved didn't make any drastic moves to run away, as if he had really resigned to his fate after being put on a control watch.

The rooms in the residential area are very small. Although they are not too crowded for everyone, each room is only less than ten square meters. Apart from a bed and a small cabinet for storing things, there is nothing else.

The room looked like it had been vacated for a few days, and the bedding on the bed still smelled of sweat. It is estimated that the previous occupant of this room died while he was out on a mission or helping Nanbo catch wild Pokémon.

"It's only secondary to escape from here now, we have to take this thing off first." My beloved raised his wrist, looked at this watch-like thing, and thought silently.

"Hey~ New kid, put on your uniform and go out with us to help Dr. Nanbo capture the experimental Pokémon." One of the Rocket team soldiers who led him just now came over quickly with a uniform, leaning on the Said by the door.

"Oh, good." Seeing that the other party directly threw the uniform in his hand towards him, the lover was not annoyed, took off his own clothes, and changed into the black and gray uniform of the Rockets.

"Help Nanbo subdue the experimental Pokmon? It seems that if you want to get rid of this terrible watch in your hand, you must first gain Nanbo's trust." Looking down at the Rockets uniform, the good man thought secretly. .

"But the Rockets uniform looks pretty good."

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