Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 730: Master and Apprentice Conversation

into the night—

The light rain gave Rainbow City, an entertainment capital full of neon lights, a touch of cyberpunk sci-fi style.


At a bus stop on the side of the street, Liang Ren hugged the dumb beast and quietly looked at the rushing people on the opposite bridge plank road.

The dumb beast with its chin hanging on his encircling arms, comfortably shook its little head from side to side.

Lucario stood quietly beside his lover, watching the people passing by with his dark red eyes.

Radiate the waveguide out from time to time, sense whether there is any hostile existence around you, and earnestly perform its duty as a guard.



The beloved didn't go home directly, but took the bus to the city library to visit the curator: Mrs. Smith.

This has always been his habit. He has been away from home for too long, and whenever he returns to Rainbow City, he will visit the library.

Sit down together, eat some cookies, drink some tea, and talk to each other about many things that are inconvenient to share with family members.

No matter whether you have any doubts in your heart, every time you talk to this wise old lady like an owl, you will feel that you have benefited a lot.

As for how to take the next road and how to plan for the future, these questions in my head will become very clear.

School will start tomorrow, my beloved has experienced many things this time, and he wants to find someone to chat with.

"Thank you for your patronage and look forward to your next visit!!"

After turning to the dessert shop to bring some cookies and rock cakes that the old lady likes to eat.

The beloved went to the library to visit old Mrs. Smith.

With the improvement of strength, Liangren is full of confidence in the future, and it is difficult to see the confusion that this young boy should have in him.

When he came to the city library, Mrs. Smith's owl led him up to the sixth floor of the library.

It has been raining since the evening, and the temperature has dropped a bit.

When we met, the old lady was wearing a dark burqa, and she was sitting on a chair flipping through a large book. She was obviously very happy to see her husband come to visit the old lady.

"I haven't seen you for a holiday, my love, you have grown a lot." Seeing the young man's firm eyes and confidence in his gestures, the old woman smiled kindly.


The beloved greeted the old lady respectfully.

"Come on, sit down and chat with my old woman for a while."

The old woman turned around and took a cup from the cabinet, and poured him a cup of hot black tea.

Then put a few pieces of cookies and rock cakes brought by my lover on a plate, and put them on the coffee table between the two chairs.


The beloved took the tea from the old lady, sat down on the chair, and handed a cookie to the dumb beast in his arms and Lucario beside him.

The old woman pushed her half-moon-shaped glasses with chains on the bridge of her nose, and looked at him with deep and wise gray-blue eyes, as if waiting for him to speak.



The lover experienced many things during the summer vacation, and some of them made him more concerned.

Hunter J is one of them. The bird trainer family in Yinyu City summoned the projection of the divine bird through sacrifices.

The blood power of the vine and rattan snake, the meaning of the tokens given to human trainers by divine beasts...these lovers are very curious.

The beloved doesn't know what the strength of the old lady is, but her erudition makes him really admire her.

Under the dim old desk lamp, the old woman quietly listened to the boy's narration, and listened to the boy's bold guesses and answers to these questions.

Communicate with wise people, and you will gradually become wise accordingly.

Under the dim light, the lover's clear eyes seemed to be shining.

The maroon crystal is like a piece of amber, and the dark golden pupils are like the precipitation and condensation of wisdom.

"My dear, you are a child who loves to ask and think. Your keen intuition and insight can often allow you to find answers to questions."

"Such ability and quality are invaluable. In fact, many geniuses praised by the outside world do not have this kind of quality."

Looking at the teenager in front of him, Smith had a kind smile on his face.

"Light and darkness are like night and day. The brighter this world is, the more darkness there will be behind it."

"Darkness itself is not evil, it is just a breeding ground for evil."

Older people like to start their chats with some profound philosophical meaning and life principles.

The beloved, who was used to the old lady's way of talking, did not have the slightest impatience, and sat quietly with a listener.

From time to time, he wiped the biscuit crumbs from his mouth with a paper towel, waiting for the old lady's next words.

"About that elf hunter named J, your mother also contacted me before, so you don't have to worry about her taking revenge on your family."

Seeing the worry in the lover's heart, the wise gray-blue eyes under the old woman's glasses blinked at the husband.

She promised her husband that she would secretly take care of his family members so that he would not have to worry, and her husband understood instantly.

I came to visit this old lady, and when I talked about Hunter J, I took the initiative to express my hidden worries.

The purpose of the beloved is to let this old woman with a mysterious identity and strength help take care of his family.

Although his older brother Toya and his mother Ryoko told him not to worry about Hunter J, Ryoto still felt that he had to do something to feel at ease.

"The Pokémon world is huge, and human eyes can see through some things, but it is impossible to see all the secrets.

"The bird trainer family has been passed down for thousands of years. I am afraid that the divine bird they worship is probably their ancestors themselves. No one outside knows whether the divine bird really exists or is imagined by them."

"However, the projection of the divine bird is obviously as you guessed, it is a vision produced by spiritual resonance."


"The issue of the bloodline of the rattan snake, in fact, don't be restricted by the breeder's theory."

"Since the vine and vine snake can perform the "Aria of Bubbles", there is no doubt that its parents, or even further back, must have the existence of the Western Lion and Sea Ren. "

"This uniqueness is a gift of nature and destiny, and you should make good use of this power."


"As for the deep meaning of the tokens given to humans by divine beasts, it's actually the same as humans subduing elves."

"Humans need the power of elves, and elves also need the power of humans, so the two parties will form a partnership."

"This principle also applies to mythical beasts. After all, they are also Pokémon, but they are stronger and more mysterious."

Knowing that her beloved was chosen by Rogia, the old woman also had a look of surprise on her face.

Human beings who can be favored by legendary Pokémon must have rare and precious qualities.

Throughout human civilization and history, such human beings often do great things and achieve outstanding achievements.

"Teacher, are you saying that the reason why Rogia gave me the token may be that the other party may need my strength?"

What the old woman said made the beloved fall into deep thought. A super beast like Rogia needs his power.

What power does he have? With the strength of his Pokmon, what can he do for Rogia.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Although humans don't have supernatural abilities like elves, the power here cannot be ignored."

The old woman tapped her temples, and then pointed to her heart.

"Is it a power unique to human beings?" My beloved thought thoughtfully: "It seems that this world is not as simple as imagined. Even the gods and beasts need to ask human beings for help."


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