Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 735: The Hidden Master


Coming out of the subway station, there is the Golden City Arena outside, which is a magnificent building full of technological sense like the shell of Galar region bug + super power Pokémon sky cover bug.

It wasn't the first time for the three of them to come to the Golden City Arena to play, and everything seemed familiar.

The husband is holding a dumb beast in his arms, and two women are following him, one on the left and the other on the right. This lineup is quite eye-catching.

"The boy holding the dumb beast looks so familiar."

"It's him, I remembered, he was the trainer who won all the way to the finals in the Fangyuan Zijin City Mega Evolution Invitational Tournament."

"The flight that was in distress and lost contact in the news a few days ago was only able to land safely because of his shot."

"I remember his name is Mumu Liangren, and he is still a first-year student of our Jinhuang City Intermediate Pokémon School."

"A first-year freshman is so strong, it's really amazing."



I didn't play at the Golden City Arena for a summer vacation, and now I'm here again.

My beloved, not only did he not disappear from the crowd, he faded out of people's sight.

On the contrary, he also became famous in his hometown of Kanto because of the several big disturbances he made in Fangyuan during the summer vacation.

"My beloved, you have been recognized~" Rei Abe, who was chewing betel nut beside her, turned her head and winked at her beloved and smiled.

"Before Fangyuan was judged not to be the hometown of Mega Evolution, the Mega Evolution Invitational Tournament held by Zijin City has attracted the attention of all parties."

"My dear brother, who is almost promoted as an event image ambassador——

"Not only is she a household name in Hoshien, but she is also very well-known in Kanto."

Jian Liangren is becoming more and more famous and outstanding now, Nanako is really happy for him from the bottom of her heart.

"People are forgetful creatures. As time goes by, they will soon forget the person named Mu Muliang who they are talking about now."

"I'm not an entertainer in the entertainment industry either. Fame can bring me some benefits, but it's not as important to me as I imagined."

"After all, having great strength is king.


The beloved walked quickly towards the arena with the dumb beast in his arms. Hearing the praise from the two women beside him, the beloved remained calm.

As long as one possesses strength, fame will naturally be possessed, and the fame gained in exchange for strength is not easy to pass away.

"As expected of being the class monitor, the level of thinking is high." Rei Abe smiled so much that her gums were showing.

"Are you two registering for an individual competition or a team?" Walking into the competition hall, the beloved turned his head and asked the two women.

"I applied for the individual competition, and the walking grass showed signs of evolution at noon. I want to see if I can use the pressure of the competition to make the walking grass evolve."

Nanako was the first to say that she has participated in many battles in the arena during the summer vacation, and she is now very confident in her own strength.

Of course, no, she and Rei Abe actually have her own selfishness in forming a team. She wants her lover to see her current strength with his own eyes.

"I can do both, but since you choose to compete alone, Nana, then I should be alone here too."

"Okay then, since we've decided, let's sign up."

Came over to the arena after lunch, Liangren didn't choose to stop after just one match.

In the past few days, because he just came back from Fangyuan, and the plane crashed and the dumb beast fell into a coma, the training has already fallen behind.

Fortunately, at this stage, the three main forces need to strengthen their strength. The effect of pure training is no longer obvious, but actual combat will help to break through.

As for Lucario, whether it is training or fighting at this stage, it can play a role in promoting the growth of strength for him.



Reported a 1v1 match to each of Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Tiejiabei and Lucario at the service desk.

Nanako reported the 2v2, and Abe Rei reported the "1.2" doubles match.

On the lover's side, the dumb beasts will play first, and the two girls who are ranked lower will watch the match against the lover first.

Ryoto's match was held in the No. 1 sub-venue, and the three found the place very familiarly.


"Senior Ayou is really amazing, he even rushed to the level of a professional two-star trainer in one summer vacation.

"You have to know that the final assessment task of last semester and the victory in the arena sub-venue took me a lot of effort to complete."

The beloved was very low-key, and after entering the waiting hall of the No. 1 sub-venue, he looked around.

He just sat down in the back row without attracting too many people's attention.

But just as my beloved and the others sat down, another three boys walked into the waiting hall of the No. 1 branch venue.

The purple-haired boy who walked in the front was slightly older, while the two boys next to him were about the same age.

"The difficulty of the final assessment task last semester was really abnormal, but I heard from a friend in the class next to me--

Last semester, the final assessment task combat students of our grade privilege class had to win three consecutive victories in the branch venue. "

"Getting a victory is just a final assessment requirement for the theory students of the privileged class. It's simply too perverted."

The plump, freckled boy on the left of the purple-haired youth sighed.

"What is this? I heard from a friend in the privileged class that their class monitor, Mu Mu Liangren, achieved ten consecutive victories in the first week of school and successfully advanced to the professional one-star level."

"At the end of the semester, apart from monitor Yoshito Mugi, several students also overfulfilled the assessment tasks and won seven consecutive victories in the branch venue."

"Tsk tsk... It's not seven victories, but a winning streak."

The boy on the right hand side of the purple-haired youth took over the conversation, as if showing off his well-informed, said with admiration.

In the end, the two teenagers looked at each other and came to the same conclusion:

"The students in the privileged class are as perverted as the rumors say."

"That's right, especially the monitor of their class, Yoshito Mugi, did you watch the live broadcast of the summer vacation in Viola City Mega Evolution Invitational Tournament?

"Miki Ryoto's Bidou who can only Mega evolve is simply superior..."

However, when the two teenagers were excitedly discussing the students in the privileged class, they didn't notice that the leading purple-haired youth's expression became a little unsightly.

"Hey~ You two, please be quiet, it's just the privileged class. It's not like I didn't stay in the privileged class back then."

"To be honest, the privileged class is just like that. In fact, there are many masters hidden in the ordinary class. They just don't bother to enter the privileged class."

The purple-haired young man glanced at the two newly recruited younger brothers beside him, and said contemptuously in a tone that you don't know much about.

"Wow~ Senior Ayou is so amazing, he was in the privileged class before."

"Students in the privileged class are required to graduate after three years, but to obtain professional one-star results in the city arena."

"Senior Ayou, you are a student in an ordinary class. You are still half a semester away from your final graduation, but you have already achieved a two-star career. It's really amazing."

"Senior Ayou, are you one of the masters hidden in the ordinary class as I said just now?"

The purple-haired young man's unfamiliar tone didn't make the two of you feel uncomfortable, but his eyes lit up and his expression became more and more admiring.

"Low-key~" The purple-haired youth smiled, with a hint of complacency in his expression.

"Let me tell you two that there are so many masters in Jinhuang Middle School, so you must learn to keep a low profile."

"I've also heard a little bit about Yoshito Mugi, the monitor of the first-year privileged class you just mentioned."

"Muxiu is bound to be destroyed by the wind in the forest, and she stole the limelight as soon as she enters school, so there will be no good end in the end..."

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