Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 802: Armored Shell vs Giant Claw Mantis

The high-speed rotation turned into a prickly puck and knocked the giant pincer mantis into the air.

The blond boy named Liu Qing reacted quickly, and decisively let the giant pincer mantis use the force of the falling body to perform the iron head kung fu.

But the beloved will not give the other party this chance.


The gorgeous aurora in the sky fluctuated violently, and a laser aurora as thick as a water tank blasted straight down.

The giant pincer mantis in mid-air is the target of the laser aurora.

The giant pincer mantis stared at the opponent on the field, never expecting that the armored shell could control the aurora in the sky to attack in this way.

Caught off guard, he was hit by the aurora beam.



The heavy object hit the ground, and the lying body of the Giant Pincer Mantis was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Giant pincer mantis, use insect cry, break free quickly."

The blond boy on the other side of the arena did not lose his footing, and was still able to command and respond calmly.

But my beloved will not let him just be happy like this, after all, he finally found a loophole to freeze the giant pincer mantis.

"Iron Armor Shell, use Blizzard." My beloved didn't pause, and quickly added an attack command.



The giant pincer mantis, which was frozen into an ice sculpture by the polar beam, made insects, and with the help of the vibration force of the sound waves, fine cracks appeared on the ice sculpture.


Before the giant pincer mantis broke free from the ice sculpture, the iron armor shell opened its mouth and let out a penetrating conch sound.


In an instant, the arena seemed to be transferred to the foot of the snowy mountain where an avalanche was erupting.

The howling snow wind lashed cheeks like a whip, sharp snow flakes, flying ice marbles, and in the blink of an eye, the entire arena was engulfed by the blizzard.

The giant pincer mantis was the first to bear the brunt of the snowstorm and suffered most of the damage. The situation of the giant pincer mantis caught in the blizzard became precarious.

The blond boy on the opposite side of the field had an extremely ugly expression at the moment. He was called a genius trainer by outsiders, and he really didn't know how to break the game for a while.

He couldn't see the giant pincer mantis, and the snow-white iron shell seemed to have a passive effect of invisibility in the snow.

Now he can only give orders with trust in the giant pincer mantis.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use the electric light to flash out." Liu Qing shouted anxiously into the white snowstorm ahead.

But at this moment in the blizzard, the giant pincer mantis has been frozen into a lump of ice.

The chill invaded the body, and in order to generate heat to resist the cold, the stamina of the Giant Pincer Mantis was drained like a faucet being turned on.

This is the difficulty of the armored shell's blizzard attack. Once it is frozen, it will be slowly consumed to death if it cannot break free within a short period of time.

The ice covering the whole body will become thicker and harder to break free. In order to resist the cold that invades the body, physical strength will continue to be consumed.

Falling into this "slow death" offensive, the final end of the opponent is just waiting for failure in despair.

"Hoho~ Big crisis!!"

"Liangren, who was passive at the beginning of the game, is now commanding Tiejiabei to fight back, while Liuqing's Giant Pincer Mantis is caught in the snowstorm and is in a precarious situation."

"Can the giant pincer mantis break out of the blizzard? Or will it just be frozen into an ice sculpture and lose the game."

Following the commentator's explanation, the expressions of supporters who were cleared outside the stadium became worried.

At the beginning, everyone in the privileged class, who was worried that the beloved would lose, breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it was their squad leader who performed strongly in the official Pokémon battle.

Iron armored shells are not dominant in attributes against giant pincer mantises, but they can still exert a suppressive effect. This is what makes him so powerful.



But in the end, it is a Pokémon that is placed high hopes by the genius boy on the opposite side. The perseverance of the giant pincer mantis cannot be underestimated.

Just when everyone guessed that the Giant Pincer Mantis might be about to lose, there was a piercing sound of insects amidst the howling wind and snow.

In the vast wind and snow invisible to the audience, the standing ice sculpture made a crackling sound, and the ice sculpture was cracking.


In the ice sculpture, the giant pincer mantis twisted desperately to break free from the thick ice that trapped him and shake it off.

"Giant Pincer Praying Mantis, use the flash of lightning to break out of the encirclement above." Sensing the noise in the blizzard, the already hopeless blond boy felt hopeful again.

At this moment, he didn't have much time to think about it. It was obviously unwise to break through from above for the Giant Pincer Mantis, which could not fly.

At this moment, the blizzard covered the entire arena. There was no way to get out of the range of the blizzard. The only way to break through was directly above.

As for how to break out of the siege, I don't care much about it, because staying in the snowstorm for a moment longer will make the situation of the Giant Pincer Mantis even more dangerous.

After finally breaking free from the solid ice, if he was frozen again, he couldn't guarantee that the Giant Pincer Mantis would be able to break free a second time.

"It's scary~"

In the blizzard, the Giant Pincer Mantis, which used its pincers to cover its face against the snow and hail, was also aware of the danger it was in.

Only a few seconds after breaking free from the ice, its legs were already on the verge of being welded to the ground again.


Stomping violently to shatter the shackles of the ice, a surging force burst out from the body of the giant pincer mantis, forming a white flame on the surface of the body.

The giant pincer mantis did not hesitate, squatted down and bent its knees, and then jumped high towards the top.


"Giant Pincer Mantis... Giant Pincer Mantis..."

"Giant Pincer Mantis... Giant Pincer Mantis..."

When the crimson figure rushed out of the blizzard and reappeared in the audience's sight, the supporters who were cleared outside the stadium were boiling.

"Ho Ho~"

"Liangren's attack was very fierce, but Liuqing's Giant Claw Mantis has an extraordinary backbone. It didn't just lose its combat power, and he successfully broke out."

"Liuqing Player and Giant Pincer Mantis told their fans and supporters with practical actions that they can still play this game!!!"



The narrator's eloquence is very good, but the giant pincer mantis broke out from the blizzard.

Under his passionate commentary, the heavy and depressed mood of Liuqing fans instantly cleared up, and the audience burst into solidarity again.

As if it was really like what the commentator said, this game can still be played——

Can this game really be played?

A man with a strange smile on his face when the opponent gave the order to "use a flash of lightning to break out from above".

When the giant pincer mantis rushed out of the blizzard and cheers erupted from the clear supporters outside the stadium, Liangren finally got into trouble.

"Aurora descends from heaven!!!" Dangliang's cold voice spread throughout the audience.

It was as if Liu Qing and his fans had been stripped naked and thrown into the frozen lake. The whole body shuddered, and the hope that had just sprouted was instantly extinguished.

The aurora beam on Tiejiabei's side has already been loaded, and it is waiting for the giant pincer mantis to show up. At this moment, the beloved gives the order.


A colorful aurora cannon kicked the sky from directly above and blasted down. The giant pincer mantis rushed out of the blizzard and stayed in the air for three seconds before being blasted into the blizzard below again.

At this time, the commentator stopped talking, the fans outside the stadium stopped cheering, and the blond boy himself fell silent.


This time, the Giant Pincer Mantis failed to survive the chilling winter.

The blizzard dissipated, and the Giant Pincer Mantis turned into an ice sculpture, freezing its struggling movements on the field.

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