Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 809 Leave of absence from school

"Hello it's me, I was wondering..."


The glamorous woman in the office just saw the phone was put back on the desk in front of her, when suddenly the phone rang.

"Teacher Nazi, it's me ~ Ryoto Mumu." Back at school, Ryoto, who was walking to the boys' apartment on the campus avenue, took out his mobile phone and called Nazi.

"I know, what's the matter with your calling now." Nazi asked coldly on the other end of the phone.

"If it's you who successfully promoted to the professional three-star and want to show off to me, then there's no need, because I already know."

"Hey~ No, I want to ask you, Teacher Nazi, for a month's leave, and I'm going to take the Pokémon out to practice."

Hearing Nazi's ridicule, my beloved smiled and revealed his purpose.

"Ask for leave~ That's fine, where are you going this time?" In the administrative office, Nazi sat on the swivel chair with her legs crossed.

Hearing her beloved ask for leave, Na Zi was stunned for a moment with a cold expression, and then readily agreed.

Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Tie Jia Bei are the three main Pokmon. Among them, Slow Beast's strength has reached the quasi-king, and Bi Diao and Tie Jia Bei are almost at this level.

Golden Middle School seems to have a strong competitive atmosphere, but it still seems too comfortable for a capable trainer like Liangren.

"Well, I'm going to Yuejian Mountain in Nibi City. A friend of mine said that there is a dangerous place over there that is very suitable for Bi Diao's training."

"That's it, that's fine. I approved your leave request, and you should pay attention to safety when you go out by yourself."

"Understood, thank you, Teacher Nazi."



Privileged students are more free, the three roommates and Nanako and the four in their dormitory will also go to Dead Leaf City to participate in the auction tomorrow.

But since he only went out for one day, there was no need to ask Nazi for leave.

"How is it? Has Teacher Na Zi approved it?" In the dormitory, Chu Mushan, who saw his lover hang up the phone and was swiping information on his mobile phone, turned his head and asked.

"Approved." My beloved nodded. Nazi was very tolerant towards the students in her class.

Rangbi Diao, Dull Beast...they are playing in the living room by themselves, while the lover returns to the room to pack things.

Tomorrow night, the auction in Dead Leaf City will end, and he will go home to have a look before he sets off for the Moon Mountain Range in Nibi City.

There are not many things that need to be packed in the dormitory. When I go to the field for special training, I wear special travel and adventure clothing.

Organize the toiletries of a few Pokémon, and don't forget to take them away when you leave tomorrow morning.


It was late at night, and the bright moon was hanging in the night sky. The stars around me were blinking, watching everything on the earth with the moon.

The lover and all the Pokémon in the room had already fallen asleep, so quiet that only the sound of steady breathing could be heard.

The rank of the Bounty Hunters Guild has been promoted to the gold level, and the city arena has successfully advanced to the professional three-star trainer tonight.

The matters on both sides have been settled, and he has no reason to stay in Jinhuang City, and it is time to start the next phase of the plan.

Tomorrow night, the Dead Leaf City Auction will find a way to get the "Air Blast" skill learner, and then go to the Tsukimi Mountains to find the strange Yangjiao Peak that Takejiro said.

In addition, after the Pokmon under other trainers reach the quasi-king level, they need to slowly explore the tricks and opportunities to break through the king level.

Bi Diao, Silly Beast, and Iron Armor Shell all have their own opportunities, as long as they follow the steps step by step, they can break through the Heavenly King level naturally.

To break through the Heavenly King level, this is the next task to ask for leave and go out to experience and compare the three of them.

As for Lucario, who will participate in the "P1 World Fighting Championship" in early May next year, his task is not light at all.

Although there is nothing to do next for the rattan snake.

But to enhance strength, find self-confidence, and strive to evolve into a monarch snake as soon as possible, these goals all prompt the vine snake to work harder.


With anticipation for the next life experience, one person and five pets slept very soundly in the room.

Until the dawn dispels the darkness of night, and everything on the earth is awakened by the brilliance of the rising sun.

The morning breeze blows into the lover's room through the half-closed window, and the plain curtains dance gently in the wind.

The metal pen holder of the pen on the desk and notebook by the window reflects dazzling light in the faint golden morning light.


The phone on the bedside table buzzed and vibrated, and the beloved who was woken up woke up.

"Tick tock~"

The dill plant on the window sill is blown by the wind, and a small drop of cold night dew that is not yet dry shakes off the tip of the leaf.

Drop on the vine snake coiled on the root of the plant to wake up this little guy.

"Good morning, rattan snake~"

The beloved who sat up from the bed greeted the rattan snake in the flower pot.

"Hiss~" The rattan snake also narrowed its eyes into crescent moons, and happily responded to the lover.

Liangren and Vine Snake woke up first, and then Lucario and Bi Diao also woke up. After releasing the armored shell in the baby ball, only the dull beast was left lying on the bed in the whole room.

"Pa~" lifted the quilt and slapped the buttocks of the dumb beast.

"Ang~ what are you doing!!" Dullbeast arched its body and didn't intend to get up.

"Damn it, if you don't get up again, if you go to Dead Leaf City today, if there are delicious specialties, you won't have a share." The beloved man who stood in front of the full-length mirror and put on his clothes used his trump card.

Sure enough, the dumb beast who was lazily lying on the bed sat up suddenly.

"Yah Duo—?(?^o^?)? I get hot~"



After washing up, I packed up my things and called Nanako and the others to the dormitory.

After having breakfast together in the school cafeteria, the group rushed to Jinhuang East Station.

Dead Leaf City is located in the bay just south of Jinhuang City, and is one of the first-tier cities in the Kanto region.

As an international port city, Dead Leaf City itself is very famous in the world of Pokémon.

And the existence of Dead Leaf Gymnasium and Sakuragi Research Institute.

In addition, some time ago, Rogia, the god of the sea, appeared at the port of Dead Leaf City, which made the city even more popular.

Unexpectedly, Dead Leaf City released another big news this time. The Bounty Hunters Guild of Dead Leaf City will auction off a skill trainer for Lugia's exclusive trick "Air Blast".

Liangren and his group rushed to Golden East Station, and it was obvious that there were many more people going to Dead Leaf City from Golden City today than usual, and most of them were Pokémon trainers.

"Phew~ finally got on the bus, it's really crowded." Yuan Shizuka complained.

"Most of them are going to participate in the offline auctions held by the Bounty Hunters Guild of Dead Leaf City." De Mushan said, glancing at the excited passengers in the carriage.

"Since Master Kusumoto released the news that he would put the skill learner of Rogia, the god of the sea's exclusive trick "Air Blast", on auction at the Bounty Hunters Guild in Dead Leaf City.

"The entire circle of breeders and trainers in Kanto is boiling, my dear, you want to bid for the "Air Blast" skill trainer, the difficulty is not low. "

Kida Shinichi sat down next to Rei Abe, and said with some concern.

"If you really can't get a picture, there's nothing you can do about it." Liang Ren didn't worry too much, after all, it was just a skill.



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