Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 824: The Talisman of the Curse

"22 million... ten thousand... three...times,...success...deal!!!"

Seeing that Marchis didn't make any more bids until the auction hammer rang, the old man in the toga finally gave up.

"Congratulations to the VIP in Box No. 10 for the auction at a price of 22 million. The electric ball will be delivered to you soon."


"Private Room No. 10 on the third floor"

Seeing that Marchis and the girl in box 4 did not continue to increase the price, he successfully won the electric ball for 22 million.


The lover on the sofa let out a deep breath.

"Brother Liangren took this electric ball, is it for Xiaolei?" Nanako couldn't help asking when she saw her relieved expression.

"Hmm—" the beloved nodded.

Minamoto Shizuka and the others couldn't help but feel a little surprised when they learned that the electric ball was taken by the beloved for their own sister.

At the beginning, they thought that the lover was going to tame a Pichu or Pikachu by himself for training.

"Xiao Lei is taking the route of electrical specialization, and she has always wanted to tame a Pikachu."

"The Pikachu series is really cute, but its combat power is hard to describe. But after wearing the exclusive equipment electric ball, this problem can be perfectly solved."

The beloved smiled and said, he is not keen on Pikachu, unless it is the Pikachu in Xiaozhi's hand.

Among the electrical Pokémon, if I really like it, it is probably Zeraora.

"I really envy Xiaolei, if only I had an older brother like you, monitor." Yuan Shizuka said enviously, wrapping her arms around Rei Abe's waist.

"Kuukou~" The staff knocked on the door of the private room, and after getting a response, she opened the door and walked in.

It was the same female staff member who delivered the black and white glass whistle before, and now she was holding a small square wooden box in her hand.

"Mr. Liangren, this is the electric ball you took." The staff handed the box to Liangren and said.

"The electric ball is also a lot offered by the guild itself, so Mr. Liangren, you still only need to pay 70% of the price."

"I'm sorry to trouble you—" My beloved smiled slightly,

Pass the bank card to the other party.

22 million × 70% = 15.4 million, which saved 6.6 million at once. I have to say that the Bounty Hunters Guild is very generous to my own people.


"The next lot is the second lot at the end of tonight's auction."

When the staff sent the electric ball to the box where the beloved was, a new auction off the field had already started.

Just sold a precious Pokémon prop "Electric Ball", at this moment the off-court trainers are full of expectations for the next auction.

Before the finale "Air Blast" skill learner came on stage, the last auction did not know what kind of rare treasures the official had prepared.

It can be auctioned behind the electric ball, and the value must be higher than the electric ball to be reasonable.

"The last and second lot, enhances the power of the ghost attribute. After wearing it, the power of the ghost-type skills will increase by 20%. The precious item "Cursed Talisman". "

"Damn it..."

"The talisman of the curse turned out to be the talisman of the curse of the ghost-type augmentation item."

"It's another combat booster, and it's not a booster like an electric ball that requires elves to wear, my dear~"



One stone stirred up waves, and the auctioneer on the stage just finished speaking, and the whole hall fell into a carnival again.

In this autumn auction, in order to promote the popularity of the "Air Blast" skill trainer, the Bounty Hunters Guild of Dead Leaf City actually took out three props.

The black and white glass whistle is justifiable as a general prop with weak functions, and the electric ball also has the restrictions of the Pikachu series.

But the "Cursed Talisman" is the ultimate elf prop in the true sense.

And because the ghost attribute is a very strong attribute, the value of the cursed talisman is much higher than that of the poisonous needle, hard stone, and miracle seed.


Minato Shizuka, who was lazily sitting on the sofa in private room No. 10, jumped up when she saw the cursed talisman holographically projected in the air.

"Xiaoli, Nana, Weiyang, and Yingcai-kun, Daifu-kun, and Shenichi-kun, I'm afraid I have to ask you for help this time."

Minato Shizuka's light purple eyes stared fieryly at the cursed talisman projected outside.

As a ghost-type specialized trainer, the curse charm that can enhance the power of ghost-type Pokémon has a fatal attraction for Shizuka Minamoto.

"Don't worry, we will do our best to help you." The auction had come to an end, and Mushan, who basically didn't bid much in the middle, assured them confidently.

"Thank you~" Yuan Shizuka suppressed the emotions in her heart and sincerely thanked everyone.

The Talisman of the Curse is a premium item, and there are definitely more trainers bidding in this auction than in the previous auction for the electric ball.


""Amulet of the Curse", the starting price is 7 million, and the price increase cannot be less than 50,000 each time. The bidding starts now. "In front of the auction stage, the old man in the toga yelled loudly.

"7.1 million~"

"7.5 million~"

"8 million~"

"9 million~"



This time the off-court trainers were not as quiet as in the previous game, and trainers with financial strength all participated in the bidding.

Even in a row of boxes on the third floor, the trainers who originally came for the "Air Blast" skill learner are now participating in the bidding.

The "Air Blast" skill learner is very gimmick. It is not certain whether the above skills are real, and whether Pokémon can learn the above skills is another question.

It is unwise to spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars to gamble on such an uncertain skill CD.

After calmly reflecting on so many auctions, except for Yan Dai in Box No. 6, most people's determination was shaken.

At this moment, the appearance of the "Cursed Talisman" seemed to be the last push, and all the trainers who had wavered in their determination joined the bidding here.

The price of the item "Amulet of the Curse" soared all the way, when the price exceeded 10 million.

The social trainers with weak financial resources on the first floor can only wait and see, and the trainers in the VIP position on the second floor also gave up the competition.

The battlefield turned into a competition for wealth among the VIPs in the boxes on the third floor.



"The value of the curse talisman is not comparable to that of the electric ball. The final transaction price is estimated to be around 30 million."

"In front of you, don't increase the price little by little. Raise the price significantly to show your determination and courage, so that other competitors will retreat in the face of difficulties, so as to achieve the effect of quickly clearing the market."

In the private room No. 10, Ryoto and Mushan who had participated in the charity auction party with his father before gave advice to Yuan Shizuka.

"Okay, 15 million~" Yuan Shizuka agreed, and raised the price by 3 million without blinking an eye, which made the competitors in the other boxes jump.

The richer people are, the more rational they are about spending money, except for Pokémon trainers who have a must-win mentality.

Among other ordinary people, rich people who participated in the bidding for collection purposes are not as decisive as they were at the beginning with the ticker in their hands.

There are twenty private rooms in a row, Yuan Shizuka raised her price abruptly, dissuaded many competitors, and most of the others were hesitating.

"20 million~" But there are still people bidding.

"25 million~" Yuan Shizuka followed up with the quotation again, showing no signs of giving up.

The two price increases directly increased by 10 million. The people who were still hesitating just now put down the ticker in their hands.

"27 million~" There are still people competing, but the price increase has become significantly smaller. Obviously, the price has reached the limit they can accept and bear.

"30 million~" With financial support from friends, Yuan Shizuka, who didn't bring any money when she went out this time, didn't have the slightest timidity, and continued to throw money and attack.

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