She wants to take revenge on that woman!

Who let that woman ignore her own thoughts, arrange a suspension of school for herself, and restrict her freedom in life so strongly.

But… If that bead is really important, will you cause any trouble by doing so…

Bai Qinghe fell into the entanglement of the war between heaven and man.

She felt her evil thoughts and good thoughts turn into angels and demons, respectively, hovering in her ears and arguing fiercely.

Little angel: “Can’t do this, although that woman is excessive, but she is also for your good, isn’t she?” ”

The little demon with fangs and a steel fork kicked the little angel away and then seduced.

“Does that woman really care about you, and what else has she done besides using her motherhood to oppress you?”

“Did she fulfill her mother’s responsibilities? Even if you divorce your father and drive your father away, she still won’t let you go with your father, who loves you the most. ”

“She forcibly keeps you around, but she only knows work all day long, and never asks you about the bits and pieces of your life.”

“What else has she done besides leaving you with a string of cold numbers every month?”

After a series of questions, Bai Qinghe’s desire to take revenge on Bai Ruyan became deeper and deeper, and his eyes became more and more firm.

Seeing that Bai Qinghe had made up his mind, the little demon raised his steel fork and laughed wildly, as if announcing his victory.

The little angel sighed deeply, and his body gradually disappeared.

After deciding that he was going to steal the bead, Bai Qinghe began to look at the surrounding environment.

If you want to steal the beads under this large public, it is naturally impossible, so Bai Qinghe needs to plan well.

First, the orb is placed in an isolation room with a shield on the outside.

Second, there are two or three researchers stationed outside the isolation room.

In the scientific research department, there are also sophisticated all-round monitoring instruments.

It’s a bit difficult…

Bai Qinghe pinched Bai Qinghe’s tender chin and fell into deep thought.

Take it secretly, it will definitely not work,

Under such protection, it is impossible for you to enter the isolation room where the orb is placed.

Perhaps, you can try to create a mess yourself?

Bai Qinghe’s gaze looked at the fire sprinkler on the roof of the scientific research department.

By the way, as long as you set this place on fire, everyone will be in a panic.

And after the fire sprinkler senses it, it will spray water down like a fountain to extinguish the fire.

Coupled with the smoke from the fire, this will become the perfect cover for yourself.

At that time, you can sneak into the isolation room and steal the orb!

I’m so smart, I’m such a genius!

At this time, Bai Qinghe, who was feeling complacent in her heart, did not know that she almost pushed herself into the endless abyss with her own hands this time!

Thinking of doing it, Bai Qinghe began to look for something that could be used to ignite the fire.

Bai Qinghe was not worried that the fire would not burn, and he did not need to look for combustion aids.

Please, this is the Ministry of Scientific Research, can there be a lack of flammable materials in such a place?

Bai Qinghe silently left Liu Yanran’s side and began to rummage through every drawer that could be opened.

Her movements were very light, afraid that she would make a noise to attract everyone’s attention.

Finally, in a drawer in a corner, she found a scientific research musket.

Bai Qinghe forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart and carefully held the musket in his hand.

Then, without hesitation, she lit the information on the table.

There were many materials stacked on the table, and almost instantly a fire ignited, and the dark smoke quickly enveloped the entire scientific research department.

After sensing the smoke, the fire extinguishing device on the roof automatically sounded the alarm and began to spray water to extinguish the fire.

All this happened so quickly that everyone didn’t react to what was happening until this time!

The researchers looked confused.

“What the hell is going on, why is there such a sudden fire!”

“Who smoked?”

“Fart, no people are allowed to bring smoke in here at all.”

Wang Ning looked at everyone’s helpless look, and his face was dark.

He covered his mouth and nose and yelled.

“Why are you stunned, immediately transfer all important documents, materials and instruments, and hurry up and move me!”

In the chaotic crowd, Liu Yanran covered her mouth and nose with her sleeves and panicked looking for a figure as white as smoke.

“Madame, Madame, where are you!”

Madame, madam, you must not have an accident!

If something happens to you, what can the Raven Group do!

Fortunately, Liu Yanran quickly got a response from Bai Ruyan.

“I’m okay, I’ve moved to a safe position, what about Qinghe, Qinghe is not with you?”


Liu Yanran’s little face turned pale, and she noticed that she didn’t know when Bai Qinghe was no longer by her side!

Miss, Miss, you must not have an accident.

If something happens to you, how can I live!”

Without getting Liu Yanran’s response, Bai Ruyan, who had already come to the mouth of the scientific research department, immediately realized that something might be wrong!

Her face turned a little pale, and she rushed in to find her daughter despite everyone’s obstruction.

Just at this moment, Bai Qinghe trotted out of the fire.

Seeing Bai Ruyan, she didn’t stop, and ran all the way to the elevator with sparks and lightning

Bai Ruyan only thought that Bai Qinghe was frightened, and quickly comforted loudly.

“Qinghe, you go to your mother’s office on the top floor first, and when your mother handles the affairs here, she will come over to accompany you!”

“Got it!”

Bai Qinghe replied without looking back, and rushed into the elevator with the jewel wrapped in clothes.

Seeing this, Bai Ruyan couldn’t help but shake his head, this kid…

She was not worried at all that Bai Qinghe wanted to take the opportunity to escape from Raven’s headquarters, because without her permission, Bai Qinghe would not have a chance to walk out of this building.

Looking at the elevator door that slowly closed, Bai Qinghe could no longer hold back the joy in his heart.

Bingo, the plan was successful!

Next, it is to hide this broken bead, where to hide?

Now I can’t leave this building at all, so even if I want to hide myself, I can only hide in this building.

At this time, Bai Qinghe suddenly remembered.

In the smoke-white lounge on the top floor, there is a staircase leading to the rooftop!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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