Raven Group headquarters building, top floor, white smoke-like office.

Liu Yanran gently placed the glass cover with the master ball on the white smoke-like desk.

“Madam, I will stay here today and guard with you.”

Bai Ruyan nodded and walked to the window.

“Yanran, do you know what day it is?”

Liu Yanran frowned and thought, she knew that what Bai Ruyan said must not be the day when the master ball came out.

What will it be… December 1st.

“Ah~ I remembered, today is the day of the eldest miss’s graduation!”

Bai Ruyan looked at the traffic below and muttered.

“Yes, this girl Qinghe graduated today.”

Liu Yanran: “Madame… Do you really want the eldest lady to travel as a professional trainer? ”

Bai Ruyan sighed.

“Otherwise, when the child is older, blindly putting her in a cage will only make the relationship between us worse and worse.” Instead of this, let her go and let her chase her dreams. ”

Liu Yanran: “Speaking of which, I remember that Madame once said that when you were young, you had the same dream as the eldest miss.” ”

Bai Ruyan chuckled and fell into memories.

As Liu Yanran said, Bai Ruyan was like Bai Qinghe when she was a student in the Elf Academy, dreaming of becoming an excellent professional trainer in the future.

But then something happened that made her fear the path of trainer, and since then she has never thought of becoming a trainer.

A figure that was already very blurry appeared in the memories of white smoke.

“I don’t know if the original trainer recovered later.”


“Today, it’s the first of December. For all of you, today is the day you have been waiting for for a long time! ”

Elf Academy, in the auditorium, a huge graduation ceremony is being held.

Thousands of graduating sixth-graders sat expectantly at the bottom of the podium.

As the dean from the podium said.

Almost every student in this room has been looking forward to this day since the first day they entered the academy!

In the easternmost corner of the auditorium, Bai Qinghe couldn’t help but yawn as he looked at the dean who was speaking at length on the podium.

Her heart went from initial excitement to indifference, from indifference to impatience, and finally from impatience to numbness.

Bai Qinghe glanced at his mobile phone, nearly three hours had passed since Lord Dean went up…

How could he say that…

She first stretched to refresh herself, and then looked at the girl sitting beside her.

The girl has fair skin, delicate facial features, and a round little face with a little baby fat, which looks extremely cute.

She wears a pair of black round glasses on her face, and her eyes are clear and bright under the glasses.

He has short brown hair, a pair of pink earlobes and a pair of small earrings.

He wears the uniform of the college’s standard shirt and a black tie around his neck.

The bulging sac in front of him is obviously beyond the scale that should be at the current age.

The lower body is a pink JK short skirt with black over-the-knee socks, and a pair of black leather shoes on her feet.

At this time, the girl looked indifferent, holding a book and watching intently.

This look of her is a little out of place compared to the students present.

Bai Qinghe leaned his head over and looked at the names on the book.

“On the Bond Between Humans and Elves”

Author: Gu Qingge

“What, Xiran, you really can.” It’s all at this time, and I can still calm down and read a book. ”

The girl’s name is Chen Xiran, and she is Bai Qinghe’s roommate and best friend.

Faced with his girlfriend’s complaint, Chen Xiran smiled indifferently.

“I told you a long time ago that according to the dean’s habit in previous years, he had to speak at length for at least two hours. You see, it’s fulfilled now. ”

Bai Qinghe pouted.

“But I think it’s more boring for you to read like this.”

Bai Qinghe really admired Chen Xiran.

This girl is an out-and-out book fanatic, and almost every corner of the dormitory of the two is filled with books that Chen Xiran has read.

Chen Xiran: “I am learning theoretical knowledge and paving the way for the future career trainer.” ”

“Theoretical knowledge or something, just know a rough idea. If I want to be a good professional trainer, you have to constantly train in real combat! ”

Chen Xiran’s expression froze, and he muttered.

“Tempered in real combat… Qinghe, who taught you this? ”

Bai Qinghe raised his eyebrows and patted his chest.

“Of course, I realized it myself! Let me tell you oh, don’t you admire Ye Qing very much, he is a living example. ”

“I’ve seen Ye Qing’s information, his family lineage… Well, it’s just very bad, so he didn’t study in the elven academy. ”

“He has a difficult life on weekdays, and even food and clothing are a problem, let alone buy books and come back to see.”

“But you see, he’s still a great trainer. I believe that this must be due to his own efforts and the continuous accumulation of practical experience to achieve his current achievements. ”

If Ye Qing knew that Bai Qinghe’s girl praised herself so much, she would definitely be very ashamed of herself…

I have been able to get to this point entirely by my own efforts!

Deep blue, give me a plus!

Bi ~ automatic sound muffling.

Chen Xiran nodded as if he understood something.

“So that’s the case, I think what you said makes sense. Ye Qing, he must be a very hard worker! ”

Bai Qinghe: “Of course, my relationship with him is very good, and I will introduce you to each other later.” ”

Bai Qinghe took Chen Xiran into his arms with a big grin and said unashamedly.

Chen Xiran, who saw the little star, nodded furiously: “Uh-huh, good, good!” ”

At this time, the dean on the podium finally read the last part of his speech.

He wiped the sweat from his head, forced himself to endure the feeling of dry mouth, and continued to read with an amiable appearance.

But he had already begun to scold his mother in his heart.

Well, who arranged this year’s manuscript, why is it so long?

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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