Chapter 20: The Teacher’s Shock! [Fourth, please support! ] 】

It was evening.

It’s time to go out and catch elves.

Academy tutors began gathering students to show off their newly captured elves today.

The vast majority of ordinary freshmen who throw out the Poké Ball and release are some intermediate to high-quality elves.

For them, it is already good to be able to capture elves of such quality.

There are also many people who are complacent and discussing with the people around them.

“Hehe, I caught two high-quality Bibi birds today, maybe I can evolve into Bibi Birds in the future?”

“Eh… Envy, I caught a middle-grade wooden palace, it’s really bad luck today, come back next time. ”

This time.

Fang Xiaona took out a poké ball with a listless look and released the elf inside.

That was what she had said to Ye Chen before, an elite-quality forest lizard.

As soon as the elite-quality forest lizard appeared, it stood out and attracted everyone’s attention.

Except for those students who were in a group with Ye Chen.

Everyone else’s faces showed a look of envy.

“It is actually a forest lizard of elite quality, and it is worthy of being the second place in the entrance exam.”

“And it seems that the level is about to evolve, and the Lizard King is one of the strongest elves.”

“The elite level is one step away from the pavilion master level, and the level is already very high, but she doesn’t seem happy on her face?”

The corner of Fang Xiaona’s mouth twitched, where could she be happy.

An elite-level elf that he finally caught was not as strong as someone else’s casual catch.

Who is she going to reason with?

The academy instructor also looked at the forest lizard with a satisfied look.

“Good job.”

Sure enough, she is worthy of being the daughter of the owner of the Fangdu Pavilion, and she has done a good job.

However, the mentor also noticed that her expression was wrong, and asked with some worry.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen? ”

Fang Xiaona just lowered her head and didn’t speak.

The academy tutor was a little puzzled in his heart, but seeing that it was getting late, he still gave up asking.

The mentor moved his gaze to Ye Chen’s side, and he couldn’t help but have some expectations in his heart.

As Ye Chen, who crushed Fang Xiaona this time and successfully won the first place in the entrance exam.

What qualities of elves will be captured?

Could it be a pavilion owner of higher quality than that elite?

Thinking of this, the mentor couldn’t help but gasp violently.

If Ye Chen captured the pavilion master-level quality elf, it would be even better.

In Fangdu Academy for so many years, there were only a few people who could capture the Daoist level elves as freshmen.

As for the quasi-heavenly king level, there is none.

After all, the quality of the Taoist Hall level and the quasi-heavenly king level are completely two concepts.

The Daoist level only represents the elves who have become the master level of the Daoist Hall, and the quasi-heavenly king level is gradually about to enter the ranks of the heavenly king.

Ye Chen also noticed the mentor’s gaze.

He took out his seven super balls, which immediately surprised the surrounding students.

They caught at most one or two elves a day, and Ye Chen actually caught seven?!

This has crushed them in terms of numbers alone.

Accompanied by Ye Chen to open the super ball.

A hall-level quality mini dragon was emitted along with white light.

“Mini Dragon?!”

The academy instructor was shocked in surprise, but he didn’t expect that there was such an extremely rare dragon spirit here.

And you must know that the mini dragon, as one of the quasi-gods, is also very strong.

It can be said that it is a rare opponent in the same rank.

This Ye Chen’s luck was really against the sky, and he actually got his second quasi-god.

And before the academy tutor could recover from that shock.

Ye Chen opened the remaining super balls one by one. 、

Let the five mini dragons and the two hack dragons all appear in front of the academy mentor.

The academy tutor was suddenly stunned in place, and several black question marks instantly appeared on his head.

Isn’t he dreaming?

Are there so many rare pokemon in this area?!

And those students were also stunned to look at the mini dragons and hack dragons, causing an uproar in the crowd.

“Look! It’s a mini dragon! And there are several?!! ”

“Can you catch so many quasi-gods in one day?! How the hell did Ye Chen do it?! ”

“Isn’t this the legendary elf?! He was actually caught by Ye Chen?! It’s too much! ”

Just like Fang Xiaona at the beginning, their hearts were full of shock.

This is one of the quasi-god elves!

Caught seven quasi-divine elves in one day?! Why don’t they have such good luck?!

The corner of the academy tutor’s mouth twitched, and he finally looked away.

To be honest, with so many quasi-gods and spirits in front of him, even he couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

This one is called Ye Chen’s.

What the hell is going on?!

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