【At the Old Coast Pier, it was raining heavily. Xiaozhi and his friends had no choice but to go to the waiting room at the port to avoid the rain.】

【The eyes are full of Pokémon trainers and Pokémon. Like Xiaozhi and his friends, the trainers in the lounge also rushed here day and night after receiving the invitation letter.】

【However, Ms. Bojia and Miss Junsha, who are responsible for managing the order of the port, brought bad news.】

【The ferry to Niijima has been cancelled.】

【This was the first time Bojia had seen a hurricane at sea since she became a manager. Setting sail in such hurricane weather was like playing with one's life.】

【Bojia and Miss Junsha kept persuading the trainers to wait until the weather improved before heading to the new island.】

【But how could the trainer be so obedient?】

【It doesn't matter if there is no ferry, they have elves, and as long as they have elves, there is no place they can't go.】

【After being reminded by a trainer, everyone suddenly realized】

【The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea, Each Showing Their Magical Powers】

【Miss Junsha tried to stop her, but Bojia shook her head and said:】

���"There is still no way to stop them. They are Pokémon trainers and adventurers. If they could be stopped, they would not have gathered here."】

【Seeing the number of trainers at the dock decreasing, Xiaozhi was sweating with anxiety.】

【But he had no other options. He, Misty, and Brock couldn't find a Pokémon that could cross the sea.】

【Just when the three were at a loss, the Rockets trio appeared.】

【Musashi and Kojiro dressed up as Vikings and rowed a small wooden boat to the dock. As for Meow Meow, it was"tied" to the bow of the boat as a mascot.】

【Team Rocket offered to give Xiaozhi and his friends a ride】

【The appearance of Team Rocket was like a life-saving straw to Xiaozhi, and he jumped onto the canoe without thinking twice.

The audience was stunned.

Did Xiaozhi and his friends not recognize that this was Team Rocket?

""Seven-six-seven" Such a big storm, there are still people paddling canoes, don't they think it's strange?

Also, are Xiaozhi and his friends too brave? Knowing that the Pokémon in their hands can't cross the stormy sea, they still dare to take a canoe.

Even with this simple canoe, it is not necessarily safe to reach the new island when the wind is calm, let alone the current rainy weather.

As the audience expected, the boat capsized halfway.

However, there are still unexpected situations for the audience.

Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth are also talented. When they rowed the boat to the middle of the sea, they directly revealed their true identities and wanted to capture Pikachu.

Brothers, can you stop being funny?

Even if you let you capture Pikachu in the middle of the sea, where can you escape?

【Squirtle and Starfish exerted great strength, and they carried Ash, Pikachu, Misty, and Brock to the new island in the storm.】

【If there were no Squirtle and Starfish's outburst, I really don't know what would have happened to Xiaozhi and the others.】

【At the dock of the new island, a lady in simple clothes has been waiting for a long time. She is holding a kerosene lamp and leading Xiaozhi and his friends to the venue of the banquet.】

【Xiaogang quickly recognized the person in front of him. She was Miss Joy in the missing person notice at the dock.】

【Unexpectedly, the girl denied it directly. She had lived in this castle since she was born.】

【Although Xiaogang felt it was very strange, he could only keep his doubts in his heart.】

【Walking along the way and pushing open two huge wooden doors, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived at the venue of the banquet.】

【There are already trainers who have arrived ahead of Xiaozhi and his friends.】

【There are three people in total, two men and one woman, Kong Nan, Hai Nan and Xiao Tian】

【Camera Switch】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow were also washed up on the new island by the waves. Because they didn't have an invitation, they could only enter the castle through the sewer.】

【As the three were plotting, Menghuan quietly appeared behind them.】

【Inside the castle】

【There were only simple fruits on the stone table, which was completely different from the banquet Xiaozhi had imagined. Before Xiaozhi and the other two checked in, the lights in the castle suddenly dimmed.】

【Then a beam of blue light slowly rose in front of them.】

【In the blue light, the host of this banquet, who is also the strongest Pokémon trainer, appeared.】

【"Yes, this is the strongest Pokémon trainer and also the strongest Pokémon, Lord Mewtwo!"】

【The woman introduced】

【The grumpy Kong Nan was the first one to get restless.】

【Pokémon being a Pokémon trainer, this is ridiculous, he absolutely cannot accept it】

【"No way? My rules are mine!"】

【Two voices sounded at the same time, one male and one female】

【The male voice comes directly from the heart. This is telepathy.】

【In order to give everyone present a warning, Mewtwo used telekinesis to lift the first airman who jumped out into the air.】

【The telekinetic Sora let out a painful roar. Seeing that it was almost done, Mewtwo threw him into the pool.】

【Mewtwo still showed mercy. If he had thrown him directly onto the ground instead of into the pool, Sora would have probably had broken bones all over his body. 】

Chat room comments section

【Ma Zhishi: Pokémon with psychic attributes are the most troublesome.】

Sora is not an ordinary child. His arms are so thick, obviously he has practiced.

But in front of Mewtwo, he is still as powerless as a child.

Mysterious and weird, this is Ma Zhishi's evaluation of Pokémon with psychic attributes.

This is one of the attributes he least wants to face.

【Granny Kikuko: I hate super powers, too.]

Granny Kikuko showed a look of disgust.

In fact, ghosts and super powers do not restrain each other. Granny Kikuko is the ghost king on the surface, but people who know her know that she is actually the poison king.

Poison is afraid of super powers.

This makes Granny Kikuko very disadvantaged when facing the elves with super powers.

【Cattleya: Is it so easy to lift a middle-aged man with telekinesis?

Cattleya can do it, but she is definitely not as easy as Mewtwo.

【Wu Song: If I can subdue Mewtwo. Hiss. 】

When they join forces, won't it be easy for them to win the Sinnoh championship?

【Daye: Conquering Mewtwo? This joke is not funny at all. 】

Unless Wu Song also got the protagonist's script, that kind of thing will never happen.

Video continues——

【How could Skyman let it go after such a big embarrassment? He angrily commanded Gyarados to attack Mewtwo.】

【The destructive death ray of Gyarados, which was highly expected by Sora, was directly reflected back by Mewtwo's telekinesis.

The audience has seen many people use mirror coats to reflect skills, but this is the first time they have seen such a violent way to reflect skills.

Mewtwo, it's really good

【"You are useless."】

【Chaomeng waved his hand and the woman fell down】

【Xiao Gang, who was standing by, quickly stepped forward to support the fallen woman. When the hat fell, everything became clear. It was indeed Miss Joy who had disappeared at the dock.】

【Miss Joy was still a little confused when she woke up, and had no idea what had happened.】

【Mewtwo slowly explained the reason. He had kidnapped Miss Joy to help him better understand the Pokémon's body.】

【On the other side, Team Rocket successfully sneaked into the basement of the castle through the sewer. The basement was brightly lit, and the three of them came to a laboratory.】

【There are a lot of instruments in the laboratory, but the three petri dishes at the door are the most attractive to Team Rocket.】

【Bulbasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard, three Pokémon with ancient patterns on their bodies, are sleeping in a petri dish.】

【While searching for treasure, Musashi accidentally activated the switch.】

【A video starts playing】

【Through the video, Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth finally understood the situation. The huge machine placed in the room was used to copy Pokémon. As long as the Pokémon samples were used, new Pokémon could be perfectly reproduced.】

【A mechanical arm suddenly appeared and grabbed Meowth. Musashi and Kojiro fought hard to rescue Meowth, but the replicator still successfully collected the sample. Three hairs, just three hairs on Meowth's tail, the machine completed the replication of Meowth.】

【A brand new meow was spit out from the machine and placed in a new petri dish. 】

Chat room comment area

【Dr. Soragi: With such a small amount of samples, can we replicate Pokémon? This is unscientific!

Dr. Soragi almost broke his head.

When will Pokémon replication become possible ?���So simple? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Adu: You won't tell me that this machine was made by Mewtwo?!

This is a bit scary.

Not only is he extremely powerful, but he can also invent things. Who can stop such a guy?

【Kona: This is really troublesome. 】

The enemy they face is likely not just Mewtwo, but also endless Pokémon clones.[]

By the way, did Mewtwo invite powerful trainers to the new island in order to collect the genes of the Pokémon for cloning and replication?

【Professor Oak: I will answer Adu's question first. The cloning machine should not be made by Mewtwo. 】

Before Adu could breathe a sigh of relief,

Professor Oak continued,

"But this machine was definitely sublimated in Mewtwo's hands!"

Adu's breath of relief was lifted up again.

"Mewtwo's purpose of inviting trainers should be the same as Kona guessed, to collect the genes of powerful Pokémon for cloning."

The conversation was over.

Professor Oak also began to feel that it was difficult. With strong strength, brains, and hatred for humans, Sakaki and Team Rocket created a monster that could destroy humanity.

【Dama Lanqi: This is really troublesome. Do you think we should take the initiative to attack?

Who would have thought that Mewtwo could build an army? If Mewtwo is allowed to develop, Kanto, Johto, and even the whole world might be conquered by it.

We can't give Mewtwo any more time to develop.

【Shirona: Don't worry, maybe Xiaozhi will solve everything. 】

Sister Baicai asked President Dama Lanqi to be patient.

It's not too late to watch the video first and then discuss how to deal with Mewtwo..0

【President Damalanchi: That's right, that's right. 】

There's no point in being anxious now, it's better to watch the whole video before discussing it.

Maybe it's really like what Sirona said, everything has been handled by Xiaozhi.

Video continues——

【The image continues】

【He explained the origin of Mewtwo. They used the fossilized eyelashes of Mewtwo found in the Amazon rainforest to clone Mewtwo.】

【However, Mewtwo's cruelty was beyond the researchers' imagination. Everything was ruined. They had no choice but to abandon New Island and flee.】

【Inside the castle】

【Mewtwo is telling】

【He once tried to cooperate with humans, but he was disappointed. Humans are countless times worse than Pokémon. In Mewtwo's opinion, if this planet is ruled by weak and evil creatures like humans, it will be doomed sooner or later. 】

Okay, the case is solved. It was all done by Sakaki.

Thanks to Sakaki, Mewtwo saw the greatest evil of humans.

Thank you Sakaki, if the world is destroyed, he will definitely be the first contributor.

Kanto region, Rocket Team headquarters base


Faced with Mewtwo's"threat", Sakaki was not panicked at all.

He knew Mewtwo too well. Although he seemed to be tough, he was actually very soft-hearted.

Just like his attack on Sora just now, it was just a lot of thunder but little rain.

Well, let's take a step back and say that Mewtwo really intends to take revenge on humans.

Then Sakaki was not panicked.

Mewtwo was declaring war on all mankind, not on Team Rocket. What was he afraid of?

Not only was he not afraid, but he also applauded.

When Mewtwo and the Alliance were almost done fighting, Team Rocket would make their move. In that case, maybe they could not only take Mewtwo back, but also take Kanto and Chengdu in one fell swoop. Sakaki couldn't wait any longer. Mewtwo declared war on all mankind.

Fight, fight, the more lively the better.

Video continues——

【"So does that mean we need to let a Pokémon like you control this mood?"】

【Xiao Gang asked loudly】

【Mewtwo's answer is still no. Neither can Pokémon. This world has been ruled by humans, and the remaining Pokémon live for humans. Such creatures cannot rule the planet.】

【"Pickup, pickup, pickup"】

【"What did you say? You're not a one-track person? Are you with that trainer because you like him?"】

【After getting a positive answer from Pikachu, Mewtwo seemed to be stimulated.】

【"Being with him is wrong!"】

【Mewtwo's eyes condensed, and his super power was activated again, and Pikachu was lifted up from the ground.】

【If Xiaozhi hadn't been quick-witted and caught Pikachu, Pikachu would probably have ended up like Skyman.】

【Looking at Xiaozhi and Pikachu who were leaning against each other and looking at each other with concern, Mewtwo snorted coldly,"Fragile Pokémon will rely on people."】

【Hai Nan, who had been listening for a long time, couldn't help it. He wanted to subdue Chaomeng, the guy who talked nonsense.】

【I can only say that Hai Nan is very courageous. After seeing how terrifying Mewtwo is, he still dares to think about conquering Mewtwo.】

【Just by raising his hand, he solved the Iron 5.5 Armor Rhino of Hai Nan. Chaomeng said coldly:"It's useless. My natural ability is stronger than any Pokémon in this world.""】

【Seeing Mewtwo claim to be the strongest, this immediately aroused Xiaozhi's competitive spirit.】

【Whether you are strong or not is not something you can say, but something you can determine through hard fighting. How will you know if you don’t try?】

【"Want to try it?"】

【"You pick a place!"】

【Xiaozhi is fearless】

【In the basement, Bulbasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard, who were sleeping in the petri dish, suddenly opened their eyes.】

【They ignored the Rocket trio and Dream in the lab and left the lab.】

【Mew seemed to have sensed something interesting, and it followed the three cloned Pokémon out of the lab.】

【Watching the dream flying away before my eyes】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth were stunned. When did Meowth appear here?】

【Inside the castle】

【"People who want to become Pokémon trainers want to get Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur at the beginning."】

There is nothing wrong with what Mewtwo said.

The three major Pokémon in Kanto are the first Pokémon and the most popular Pokémon in the world.

If they could choose their own starting Pokémon, I believe half of the trainers in the world would choose them.

【"These are all the evolved clones I created."】

【It would be too much of a bully to fight with a group of kids. Chaomeng gave Xiaozhi and his friends a chance. As long as they could defeat the three clones in front of them, he would take back what he said before.】

【Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard, it's a bit too coincidental that the trainers who came to the castle happened to have these three Pokémon】

【They are Xiaotian's Blastoise, Kong Nan's Bulbasaur, Xiaozhi's Charizard】

"Charizard? There is still a chance to win."

Xiao Mao was relieved.

Xiaozhi's Charizard's strength is trustworthy.

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