Cattleya also became excited.

If we eliminate one more wrong answer, the probability of answering the question correctly will be higher.

【Shirona: Huh? Eliminate another wrong option? Do you think I'm a superman?! 】

Being able to eliminate one is already amazing.

If she could really eliminate two, she wouldn't say it out loud and would just quietly make a fortune.

【Ami: By the way, by the way, do you still remember what the mother and son talked about what they wanted to eat in dinner?】

【Xiaochun: Hamburger steak! It’s my favorite hamburger steak!】

【Adu: Well done, Xiaochun!!!】

This leaves only two options.

Ramen or sushi.

The three-minute discussion time is drawing to a close.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly became quiet. With a

50% chance of winning, no one wants to give up the chance to answer the question. Almost everyone has their fingers on the answer button.




Everyone is frantically tapping the answer button, hoping that they can be the lucky one

【Congratulations to Songye, Kona, Adu, and Daigo for answering the questions successfully.】

As soon as the answer list came out, Adu slapped himself.

He was so miserable.

Why is he the third one? Can you tell him why he is the third one!!!

【Xiba: Phew, that's great. 】

When Xiba saw Adu on the list, he was still a little worried, until he saw that Adu's answer was ranked third, Xiba was relieved.

Wait, that's not right, Kona is also on the list, and he answered the second question.

Songye, try to be brave, try to get the reward directly

【Matsuba: Don't worry, Lord Hiba, when you become the champion, don't forget my contribution!】

【Xiba: Hahaha, don't worry, when I become the champion, I will let you be one of the Four Heavenly Kings!!!】

【Adu: It's reversed, it's reversed, everything is reversed!!!]

The joke is over, it's time to answer the questions.

Sushi, ramen, after careful consideration, Songye finally chose sushi.

The reason why he chose sushi is also very simple, he likes sushi more than ramen.

【Matsuba: You must answer correctly!

Matsuba was still hoping that after answering correctly, he would be rewarded with a meeting with the Phoenix King.

He was not greedy. It was fine to subdue the Phoenix King, but that was not what he should think about. But meeting with the Phoenix King should not be a big problem, right? There was indeed no big problem. For the system, it was just a matter of moving a finger. However, Matsuba had to answer correctly before the system would help him move this finger.

Unfortunately, Matsuba got the answer wrong this time.

【Wrong answer]

Songye didn't seize the opportunity to choose between the two options. Not only did he lose the chance to meet Ho-Oh, he was also grounded by the system.

For the next two months, Songye couldn't leave the gym.

Such a punishment made Songye very depressed.

He had planned to go to Pallet Town to try his luck as soon as the inventory was over, to see if he could meet Ho-Oh like Xiaozhi, but now his plan was shattered.

If he had known, he would not have answered the question.

【Kona: No, if you don't answer, how can I get the reward? 】

Originally, between the two options C and D, Kona was more inclined to choose D sushi, but fortunately Songye jumped out to help her step on the thunder.

Without Songye, there would be no happiness for her. In a sense, Songye can be regarded as her benefactor.

Since she is a benefactor, she will forgive Songye's previous impoliteness.

After she becomes the champion, let Songye continue to be the gym of Yuanzhu Gym.

Without any surprise, Kona, who chose C, successfully got the reward for this question.

It is not a legendary Pokémon, nor a fantasy Pokémon, but the reward can also satisfy Kona.

It is the Mega Evolution Stone of Slow Hippo.

With it, Kona's Slow Hippo can evolve into Super Slow Hippo.

However, the system's reward this time seems to be a stone hammer that Kona is not the king of ice, but the king of water.

The distribution of the answering reward is over, and it is time to distribute the inventory reward next.

A cute pink Pokémon appeared on the stone table in Caiyou City Park.

After seeing the Pokémon on the stone table, Xiaosheng was so surprised that he even trembled when he spoke.


That's right. The reward that Xiaozhi got this time was Mewtwo.

The Mewtwo that appeared in the review video and had not yet been created.

In addition to Mewtwo, the system also gave Xiaozhi and Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Stone Y and Evolution Key Stone.

This time it was a double reward.

After seeing the reward that Xiaozhi got, Xiaomao secretly felt fortunate that he was no longer a Pokémon trainer.

If he was still a Pokémon trainer and still had to compete with Xiaozhi, he would probably be suppressed by Xiaozhi as soon as the fight started.

How could the proud Xiaomao bear it?

Xiaomao had never been so fortunate about his choice.

The reward for answering questions and the reward for reviewing were all distributed, and a new review video was about to begin.

The dim light curtain once again emitted light.

Lines of subtitles appeared on the light curtain.

【The fourth place in the Legendary Beast Companion Power List is the Visitor of the

Sky. The Visitor of the Sky.

As soon as the title of this inventory came out, the trainers in the Hoenn region were instantly excited.

The Visitor of the Sky, isn't this referring to Rayquaza?

Is it finally the turn of the big boss of Hoenn to appear?

【Mikoli: Xiaozhi is also amazing, he can actually build a good relationship with Rayquaza. 】

The three idiots of Hoenn, those who know know, none of them are good people.

Don't think that Rayquaza is the guardian of Hoenn.

When Groudon and Kyogre fight, it is true that Rayquaza will come to the rescue, but it is not here to protect Hoenn, it seems more like it appears to let Groudon and Kyogre distinguish who is the big and small king.

【Daigo: Hey, if it weren't for Rayquaza, our Hoenn's aviation industry wouldn't have developed so slowly. 】

Speaking of this, Daigo's head began to hurt.

Their Deven company has launched countless satellites into outer space, but only a few have successfully reached space.

This is not because their Deven company's satellite technology is poor, the real reason is the existence of Rayquaza.

Rayquaza has a strong sense of territory, which can certainly protect Hoenn from meteorite attacks, but at the same time, it is difficult for satellites to break through Rayquaza's"defense".

Rayquaza blocked the Hoenn people's exploration of outer space and trapped Hoenn firmly on their home planet.

【Daigo: Humph, if it weren't for Rayquaza, we, Hoenn, might have conquered space long ago.】

【Karuna: Conquer space? Hoenn?

Karuna wanted to laugh when she heard this.

Everyone knows that Hoenn is a rural area, and its technological level is not even as good as Kanto, not to mention that it is hotter than Carlos and Unova.

Even Carlos and Unova don't dare to say that they have conquered space. Who gave Daigo the courage to say such shameless words?

【Shirona: I remember that you all called Hoenn"Rayquaza Sweetie" before. Hoenn has been a high-risk area for meteorites since ancient times. If it weren't for Rayquaza's protection, it's not certain whether Hoenn would exist now.

Now that you have grown stronger, you want to kill Rayquaza?

This is too inhumane.

【Professor Oak: Okay, stop talking nonsense, the video is starting.

Professor Oak's words drew everyone's attention back to the video.

The video starts——

【On the Ice】

【A ship anchored on the icy sea】

【This is a research vessel, and the captain is the famous doctor in the Hoenn region——Londo】

【They traveled a long way to the ice field to observe the wild Pokémon on the ice field.】

【"Dr. Lando, where is Xiaochao?"】

【A woman in her thirties came to Dr. Rondo's side. She was also a member of the expedition team. Her name was Yuko.】

【As for the Xiaochao she mentioned, he is Dr. Lando's son and is only five years old this year.】

【"Right there"】

【Dr. Lando smiled and handed the telescope to Yuko. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Not far from them, Xiaochao was interacting with a newborn seal ball.】

【Looking at the funny appearance of the seal ball, Xiao Chao smiled sincerely】

【At this moment, he suddenly found that a mysterious aurora appeared above his head. Xiao Chao didn't care about playing with the seal ball anymore. His attention was all attracted by the beautiful aurora.】


【It was the roar of a meteorite falling. By the time Dr. Lando and Yuko reacted, it was too late.】[]

【The meteorite fell on an iceberg not far from Xiaochao. The huge shock wave generated by the meteorite's fall formed an avalanche. The snow under Xiaochao's feet collapsed rapidly. When Xiaochao came to his senses, he had fallen into the territory of the Difang Sea Lion.】

【The sea lions that were resting on the ice were also frightened by the sudden explosion. They rushed to the sea frantically.】

【The ferocious-looking sea lion kept running by, which left a deep shadow in the heart of the five-year-old Xiao Chao.】

【After a while, Xiao Chao fainted from fright. 】

Hoenn region, Saiyu City Park

"It was because of this that Xiaochao was so afraid of Pokémon.

Xiaosheng finally understood why Xiaochao was so afraid of Pokémon when they first met him.

It turned out to be a shadow left over from his childhood.

"But the Divas didn't hurt Chao."

Xiaozhi tried to defend the Divas.

Although they were extremely panicked, the Divas still had their wits about them. They avoided Chao on purpose during their escape.

Otherwise, Chao's arms and legs would have been broken by the Divas.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. The sea lions are still very kind."

Anyway, if it is his words, it is estimated that they will not leave a shadow.

"Not everyone is Xiaozhi."

Xiaoyao complained in a low voice.

Only Xiaozhi would not take it seriously.

Xiaochao is just an ordinary five-year-old child. It's normal for him to feel scared.

"Oh, right, the meteorite that fell is Deoxys, right?!"

Xiao Gang suddenly said.

Everyone heard it, yes, Deoxys is about to appear.

Video continues——

【"Superboy, Superboy, cheer up!"】

【Dr. Lando quickly rescued the unconscious Xiaochao from the group of Diya sea lions.】

【After carrying Xiaochao to a safe area, Dr. Lando turned his attention to the place where the meteorite fell.】

【A huge deep pit was smashed out of the iceberg, and white steam was still coming out of the pit.】

【This is the water vapor that is converted from ice to water vapor after being exposed to high temperatures.】

【In that place surrounded by white fog, a mysterious creature slowly stood up.】

【The mysterious creature is somewhat similar to humans, and both are bipedal Pokémon. The most attractive thing is its chest. There is a bright purple gem in its chest.】

【A purple light emanated from the head of the mysterious alien creature, as if it was scanning. After scanning the surroundings, it seemed to have found what it was looking for.】

【It opened its arms and a stream of air emanated from it, clearing away all the snow around it. A grass-green meteorite emerged from the snow. 】

Chat room comments area

【Daigo: Pokémon? Could it be that the Pokémon that is being counted this time is Rayquaza's visitor?]

It's not Rayquaza?

【Dr. Odamaki: This is a Pokémon that I have never seen before. Is it a Pokémon from outer space?】

【Asha: Outer space? Are there Pokémon in outer space?】

【Dr. Soragi: Of course, Pidgeot, Pidgeot, and Pixie are Pokémon from outer space.】

【Xiao Feng: Sun Rock and Moon Stone, I heard they are also travelers from the sky!】

【Dr. Kukui: In the Alola region, small meteorites fall at certain seasons every year. They are also aliens. After the doctors listed them, everyone realized that there are indeed quite a few aliens.

However, the alien in the video is different from the other aliens.

The level is different.

It should be classified as a mythical beast.

As for how the audience determined that this red mysterious elf is a mythical beast, the reason is very simple, because the inventory video is called Xiaozhi and his mythical beast companions.

If it is not a mythical beast, it is not qualified to be included in the inventory.

【Dr. Oak: Dr. Rondo, do you know the identity of this mysterious elf?】

【Rondo: I named it Dai 537 Ochisis. I am still sorting out its information. Once I have sorted out all the information, I will upload it to the forum.】

【Dr. Oak: That's really helpful, Dr. Lando. 】

This way, the illustrated guide will be more complete.

Video continues——

【"Is that a Pokémon?"】

【Yuko couldn't help but exclaimed】

【This was the first time she had seen such a strange Pokémon.】

【The hands are like tentacles and can change shape. It's amazing.】

【"Well, is it from the universe?"】

【Dr. Lando's face was a little solemn. After all, it was still unknown whether the visitor from this universe was a friend or an enemy.】

【Deoxys is holding a grass-green meteorite, seemingly thinking about something.】


【Suddenly, a roar came from the sky】

【A green dragon crossed the aurora and came to the ice field】


【As soon as Rayquaza appeared, he attacked Deoxys, and the freezing beam froze Deoxys into an ice sculpture.】

【Deoxys struggled to escape from the frozen state, but the meteorite in its hand accidentally fell down.】

【Deoxys tried to catch the meteorite, but Leica didn't give him a chance and sent a destructive ray towards him.】

【"Why does Rayquaza, which is in the ozone layer, appear here?"】

【Yuko's face turned ugly.】

【Rayquaza is not an easy character to deal with. She is really worried that Rayquaza will start fighting with them if they disagree.】

【Rayquaza chased Deoxys closely and fired another blast of Destruction Beam. This time, the blast hit Deoxys hard.】

【The huge destructive force directly destroyed half of Deoxys' body.

My God.

When have the audience ever seen such a cruel scene?

Many timid viewers closed their eyes and dared not continue watching.

"No, how did this Deoxys rank fourth? Was it defeated by Rayquaza in one second?"

Shiba originally thought he could see a fierce battle, but he didn't expect that the battle was over just after he took out the melon seeds.

Deoxys is no match for Rayquaza, I really don't know how it ranked fourth.

It would be better to let the red Genesect come, Genesect will definitely not lose so miserably.

"It's not normal. Deoxys's opponent is Rayquaza! Who is Genesect's opponent? The second generation Mewtwo."

Daigo told Ciba not to make a fuss.

Rayquaza is the strongest beast in their Hoenn.

Different opponents will naturally perform differently.

If Genesect's opponent is also Rayquaza, it is estimated that he will be killed in one shot.

"Wait, it doesn't seem to end yet!"

Adu exclaimed.

The video continues——

【The half of the body that was just broken was repaired in less than a second.】

【Deoxys demonstrates a terrifying ability to repair】

【"It was reborn!"】

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