【"You guys stop it!"】

【Not only the uncle came up, but also a scutum】

【"Don't make Giratina angry"】

【The visitor was Dr. Mu Xuan, who was really frightened by Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang.】

【Having lived in the reverse world for so long, he knows better than anyone how terrifying Giratina is.】

【Who are these two kids? How dare they attack Giratina?】

【After listening to Mu Xuan's words, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang learned that the name of the mysterious Pokémon in the sky is Giratina.】

【Here, Giratina started to counterattack】

【A giant wave missile quickly hit Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang. Dr. Mu Xuan's Shield Ankylosaurus tried to defend against the wave missile with freezing light, but it was no match at all.】

【The protective shield constructed by the freezing ray was broken in an instant.】

【Fortunately, the freezing ray succeeded in delaying some time, and Dr. Mu Xuan called Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang to escape quickly.】

【Mu Xuan takes Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang to travel back and forth in the reverse world】

【After leaving the narrow alley, Xiao Guang's originally light body suddenly became heavy, and it was a bit difficult for him to adapt for a while.】

【"What, what is going on here?!"】

【Looking at the strange environment around him, Xiaozhi also had a headache.】

【"Are you not hurt?"】

【After successfully getting rid of Giratina and reaching a safe area, Mu Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.】

【"It's good that it wasn't eaten."】

【Shemy started again】

【Dr. Mu Xuan recognized it, turned around and said with a smile,"You are Xie Mi from that time, right?"】

【"Who are you?"】

【Xie Mi doesn't remember knowing this strange old man.】

【There was no other way, so Mu Xuan could only introduce himself. While telling Xie Mi his name, he also told her the reason why he appeared in this world.】

【He is a scholar who specializes in studying the reverse world.】"073"

【"Although I say it a little bit, but everyone who knows me knows that I am a so-called genius scholar."】

【Dr. Mu Xuan introduced it arrogantly.】

【"He actually said that he was a genius scholar."】

【"You dare to say that?"】


【After Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang exchanged glances, they started to complain without hesitation.】

【"A strange person, eh?"】

【Shemi made the final move】

【Dr. Mu Xuan couldn't help it. After all, he was Xiaozhi's lifesaver. How could anyone complain about a lifesaver like this?】

【Xiaozhi and the others only then remembered that they had not thanked Mu Xuan yet. They quickly expressed their gratitude to Mu Xuan and then introduced themselves.】

【Also, they have a lot of questions that they want Mu Xuan to help answer.】

【For example, what is the reverse world, and what kind of Pokémon is Giratina?】

【good question】

【Mu Xuan pointed to the surrounding environment and began to answer questions for Xiaozhi and the others.】

【"This is another world that is closely attached to the real world."】

【"Gravity can also be lighter or distorted in different places."】

【"This is a world that breaks the rules"】

A city in the Sinnoh region.

Chiri watched everything played in the video with an expressionless face.

"A world that breaks the rules? Sounds interesting."

"If the real world is destroyed, will the abnormal world on the other side of the mirror also be affected accordingly?"

"Different places have different gravity. This is really an interesting world."

Chi Ri's poker face, which has never changed for thousands of years, showed an expression of interest for the first time.

Compared with the imperfect world he is in now, Chi Ri has a better impression of the abnormal world.

"If I have time, I can go to the special world and take a look."

Chi Ri muttered to himself.

Video continues——

【"Although these two worlds are closely adjacent to each other, they will never have any intersection."】

【"However, only Giratina has the ability to travel between this reverse world and the real world."】

【Not only that, Mu Xuan also told Xiaozhi and the others that there is only one Pokémon in the reverse world, Giratina, and it is the true god in the reverse world.】

【After hearing this, Xie Mi felt bad.】

【"That guy is disgusting, he must want to eat me!"】

【Shaymi is not just imagining things. Giratina's behavior is really too suspicious. It has clearly left the Reverse World, but Giratina is still biting it tightly. If it doesn't want to eat it, what is it trying to do?】

【By the way, now is not the time to take it easy. If we want to return to the real world, we must hurry up. Mu Xuan asked Xiaozhi and the others to follow him, and then he started jogging in front.】

【Camera Switch】

【"We seem to have come to a very strange place"】

【"There's no one in this town."】

【"The top is the bottom, and the bottom seems to be the top, meow"】

【Meow Meow's head is about to explode】

【This is not the most annoying thing. The most annoying thing is that there is a terrible beast patrolling here all the time.】

【If I were discovered, I would probably be eaten. It would be a really annoying feeling.】

【Back to Xiaozhi and the others】

【Dr. Mu Xuan is telling Xiaozhi and the others about his love for the reverse world. In order to investigate this world, he has been here for five years.】

【A really weird guy.】

【Mu Xuan, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. A dark purple mist blocked their way.】

【Mu Xuan also frowned at this time. He told Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang that when this world is distorted in the real world, in order to maintain the balance of time and space and prevent it from collapsing, it will play a role of regulation and checks and balances. At that time, this kind of black cloud will be produced.】

【As they moved forward, dark clouds continued to appear, and Mu Xuan's brows gradually furrowed.】

【This has never happened before.】

【In the past, time and space, two dimensions that should not have met, collided with each other and merged together.】

【"Dialga and Palkia both thought their territories were being invaded, so they started a battle."】


【That's not it】

【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other again】

【Dr. Mu Xuan was talking about what happened in Baiyang Town. 】

Chat room comments area

【Sirona: Is this the real reason why Dialga and Palkia fought? The dimensions of time and space are bordering each other. But why did time and space collide?

The old puzzle was solved, but a new puzzle emerged.

【Dr. Oak: Dr. Mu Xuan said that the black cloud in the reversed world was born because the real world was distorted. Is this also related to the battle between Dialga and Palkia?】

【Yamanashi: It is very likely. Mu Xuan just said that before the battle between Dialga and Palkia, the reverse world was still very stable, and there was no black cloud at all.】

【Dr. Mustard: Is this why Giratina attacked Dialga? 】

Now another mystery is solved.

Giratina attacked Dialga out of revenge.

If you think about it, you can understand Giratina's feelings. It stayed at home well, but because of a battle between Dialga and Palkia, its originally peaceful and peaceful home was turned into a mess. How could Giratina tolerate this?

【Furong: Why did Giratina capture Shaymin? It can't be that he wanted to eat her like Shaymin said.

Giratina shouldn't be that superficial.

Besides, Giratina's reaction when he saw Shaymin again didn't seem like he wanted to eat her.

He looked very calm.

Combining the video at the beginning and analyzing Dr. Mu Xuan's introduction to the reverse world, Dr. Oak has a clue.

【Professor Oak: Giratina wants to use Shemy to leave the Reverse World!

Originally, Giratina could freely travel between the Reverse World and the real world, but because of Dialga's tricks, Giratina was trapped in the Reverse World.

In order to remove this restriction, Giratina found Shemy.

As for why he wanted to find Shemy, it was probably because Shemy accidentally opened the door between the two worlds before.

Dialga left the Reverse World with the help of the door opened by Shemy.

【Shirona: Hey, if that's the case, it means Giratina hasn't given up yet! 】(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Oh my God.

If Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia fight again in reality, there will be no way to end it.

Shirona originally thought that the three gods of Sinnoh were very reassuring and basically did not cause trouble for the people of Sinnoh.

Now it seems that they are silent and will make a big splash.

They are not going to give up until Sinnoh is completely destroyed.

Video continues——

【"At that time, time and space were distorted very seriously, and at the same time, a large amount of black clouds surged out of the reversed world."】

【"Giratina is angry at Dialga and Palkia for polluting its world, and it successfully captures Dialga in the real world."】

【Capture Dialga?】

【Even the usually bold Xiaozhi couldn't help but take a breath.】

【How terrifying Dialga is, Xiaozhi has already experienced it when he was in Poplar Town】

【Even Palkia, who was a god like him, was beaten by Dialga and fled everywhere, and finally hid in Baiyang Town.】

【Now you tell him that such a powerful Pokémon was captured by Giratina.】

【This Giratina is too fierce!】


【"Dialga escaped because of the seed flash from Shemmy"】

【That's why Giratina is so aggressive towards Shaymi.】

【Xiaoguang now understood why Giratina would hold Shaymin tightly. It must be very angry.】

【"It will just get angry!"】[]

【Xie Mi said unhappily】

【It is just an innocent passerby. It is the victim. It was dragged into the fight between Dialga and Palkia for no reason. Both of them should apologize to it.】

【"Plus, Giratina can't go to the outside world because of Dialga's power."】

【"It must be punished by God because it is always angry!"】

【I am submissive in front of others, but I strike hard behind their backs...】

【Xie Mi has shown the image of a keyboard warrior very well.】

【At this time, a water ball floated past Xiaozhi and the others.】

【It's Xiaogang】

【Xiaogang was still standing where he was before, without moving.】

【Xiaozhi habitually reached out to touch it, and Mu Xuan hurried to stop him, but it was too late, and the water ball was touched by Xiaozhi.】

【The moment Xiaozhi touched the water ball, it shattered.】

【At the same time, Xiaogang in the real world was bounced away by a mysterious force.】

【Mu Xuan reminded Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang that they must be extremely careful. Once something in the reversed world is damaged, it will have an impact on the real world.】

【Especially the water ball they just saw, which will directly reflect the real world】

【The destination was about to be reached, but unfortunately, when they were about to arrive, Giratina appeared again.】

【After seeing Giratina, Shaymin was in a terrible state. He jumped out of Hikaru's arms and landed on Ash's head.】

【"Run away quickly!"】

【Xie Mi moved Xiaozhi's head and urged anxiously】

【But its action hurt it instead, and Giratina grabbed it directly from Xiaozhi's head.】

【Giratina used the golden ring on its head to control Shaymin. Because the ring was very close to its mouth, it really looked like it was going to swallow Shaymin in one gulp.】

【"Thank you!!!"】

【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang were so nervous that their voices began to tremble. Could Shaymin really be eaten?】

【When the two were anxious, Xiaozhi's hat that fell on the ground suddenly made a noise.】

【"You can’t just sit here and daydream!"】

【Xie Mi pushed Xiaozhi's hat off】

【It's a substitute】

【Giratina was deceived】

【"You used a pretty neat trick."】

【Mu Xuan said with a smile】

【"I don't feel happy at all to be praised by you."】

【Shaymi is still as sharp-tongued as ever】

【Fortunately, Mu Xuan doesn't care. Now is the best time. Let's escape now.】

【After hurrying along the way, Mu Xuan finally brought everyone to the final destination, a small black hole.】

【This is a black hole that can only be exited but not entered, which is just right for Xiaozhi and his friends.】

【Pogamon took the lead and jumped into the black hole. He didn't want to stay in this damn reversed world for even a second.】

【Pikachu, Dawn, Shaymin, and finally Ash】

【When pushing Xiaozhi out, Mu Xuan reminded Xiaozhi to pay attention to the mirrors around him. Giratina can see the real world through the mirrors. 】

Chat Room

【Lijia: Wait, Giratina can see the real world through the mirror? Does that mean that all the mirrors in the real world are Giratina's cameras?

If there is a mirror in the bathroom, can Giratina also see it? I'm going to get rid of all the mirrors in the bathroom and toilet when I get home today.

【Xiaochun: Huh? Giratina isn't that perverted, right? 】

Giratina isn't a peeping Tom, why would he watch them bathing?

【Ami: Giratina and 4.4 are not the only ones in the reversed world. 】

Ami reminded, it is better to be safe than sorry.

What if someone is a pervert?

【Daye: Dr. Mu Xuan, is this the reason why you didn't feel bored after staying in the reverse world for five years? 】

Daye feels that he has discovered the truth

【Dr. Mu Xuan: What nonsense are you talking about! How could I be that kind of person! Besides, not all mirrors will reflect the reverse world!

Dr. Mu Xuan hurriedly explained.

He had to explain this. If he didn't explain, his reputation would be ruined.

Video continues——


【It's Musashi's voice.】

【"We're going back too!"】

【"Don't leave us here, meow!"】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth hurried but were still a step behind. The black hole had already disappeared.】

【Camera Switch】

【Inside the spacecraft】

【"Giratina is in the process of floating up"】

【Artificial intelligence Yin Fuyi reminded】

【"Is Dialga nearby too?"】

【Jello asked】

【"No, off the radar."】

【"Locks on the location where Giratina will appear and zooms in"】

【Back to the wise side】

【Xiaogang is asking Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang where they went.】

【When Xiaozhi answered that they went to the reverse world, Xiaogang was confused. He had never heard of the reverse world.】

【Before he could explain to Xiaogang, Xiaozhi saw Giratina in the mirror and remembered Mu Xuan's warning before leaving. Xiaozhi led everyone to leave the park quickly.】

【After arriving at a safe place, Xiao Gang learned everything from Xiao Zhi.】

【He is also interested in Reverse World and Giratina. It's such a pity.】

【"But that place is dangerous."】

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