【"Lilia, this outfit really suits you."】

【Mao smiled and said】

【Liliae turned back and clenched her fists,"This is Liliae trying hard!"】

【Everything is ready, it's time to go】

【Tapu? Chi Chi flew in front of Xiaozhi, stretched out his hand and gently tapped Xiaozhi's Z bracelet.】

【Suddenly, a golden light burst out from the bracelet.】

【Xiaozhi also understood what Tapu? Mingming meant, which was to let him use Z moves】

【Xiaozhi started posing】

【Z move activated】

【The sky under the sun】

【Feeling the power of the bond, Solgaleo's appearance changed】

【All the white hair turned golden, and Solgaleo's whole body exuded terrifying energy.】

【This is Solgaleo's second form - Sunrise Form】

【Solgaleo stepped up into the sky】

【At this moment, the sky was torn apart and a huge wormhole appeared.】

【Solgaleo led Xiaozhi and his group and quickly rushed into the wormhole】

【Kukui and Dr. Barnett tried their best but still failed to catch up.】

【The Ultimate Hole is closing quickly, and they are already too late.】

【"Those kids are going to the Ultimate Cave."】

【All they can do now is trust the children. 】

Chat room comments area

【Daye: Sunlight whirls under the sky. What a domineering skill name! It's a pity that this move is not used in battle.

It's a bit of a waste to use such a domineering move only to open the Ultimate Hole.

【Denji: Z move? What is that?

Denji had wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but the atmosphere was a little tense just now, so he didn't dare to ask it out loud.

【Dr. Kukui: That is a skill unique to Alola. Trainers who pass the island tour will obtain Z-Bands and Z-Crystals. With the"740" Z-Band and specific Z-Crystals, Pokémon can use Z-Moves.

In short, Z-Moves, like Mega Evolution and Gigantamax, is also a system that can enhance the strength of Pokémon.

【Shirona: Is it the same as Mega Evolution and Gigantamax? 】

Sister Baicai has experienced Mega Evolution, and she knows how much Mega Evolution can improve the strength of Pokémon.

Not to mention Gigantamax, the current world's number one trainer, Dantei, is a Gigantamax master.

He also relied on Gigantamax to dominate the world.

If Z-Moves can really be compared with Mega Evolution and Gigantamax, then she must not miss it.

Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, Gigantamax, all three together, what is she afraid of the heroes of the world

【Adu: Z-Moves are quite powerful, that is.

Adu has fought against Professor Kukui before, and he was deeply impressed by Professor Kukui's Z-Moves.

However, Z-Moves are good, but there is a huge flaw.

That is, you have to dance awkwardly when using them.

This made Adu, who has a heavy idol burden, difficult to accept for a while.

This is also the reason why Adu did not go to Alola to obtain Z-Moves.

【Daigo: No wonder you haven't become the champion yet!

Daigo was speechless.

What does it matter if you dance awkwardly?

As long as you can become stronger, everything is worth it.

Adu just can't let go of his pride.

What's so good about face? If it were him, he would have followed Kukui to Alola to participate in the island tour as soon as he saw the Z move.

Video continues——

【After shuttling back and forth in the long and narrow passage, finally, everyone saw the exit.】

【After leaving the Ultimate Cave, Xiaozhi and his party finally arrived at the Ultimate World.】

【It was completely different from what Xiaozhi and the others had imagined. This was a dilapidated world with various stone pillars floating in the air.】

【At the same time, this world is dim and dark, and we can only see the way forward with the help of sporadic starlight.】

【The Ultimate World is somewhat similar to the Reverse World that Xiaozhi has been to before.】

【Mao and Shui Lian are very satisfied with this world.】

【The sparkling gems everywhere make the whole place look magnificent. It is such a beautiful world.】

【Just as everyone was still immersed in the brilliance of the gem, Pikachu issued a warning】

【An enemy is approaching】

【"Warning, warning, a large number of Ultra Beasts have been discovered, Loto"】

【No need for Rotom to remind us, everyone has seen the Ultra Beasts everywhere.】

【Dozens of white jellyfish appeared in front of everyone. Looking at the strange creatures in front of them, Kachi exclaimed:"What are those guys?!"】

【After Gladion's explanation, Kachi realized that these elves were nicknamed UB01 parasitic beasts, and they were the same type as the elves that kidnapped Liliae's mother.】

【The Ultimate World is so huge that the best way to find Liliae's mother Lusamine as soon as possible is to split up.

Split up?


The audience didn't know what to say.

Are these kids too confident?

Aren't they afraid that Lusamine won't be saved, and someone else will meet with misfortune?

【"Separate search? I'm a little scared of being separated from everyone."】

【Lilia is a little panicked】

【In many horror movies, there are also scenes where the companions are separated, and the results are not good.】

【"Generally speaking, before exploring the unknown world, sufficient preparation and investigation are required."】

【"We are defenseless now."】

【Mamane was about to say something when a Xuwuid flew over his head.】

【Xuwuid's tentacles have touched Mamane】

【It was a bit strange. The Xuwuid that Xiaozhi and his friends encountered today were not very aggressive. The Xuwuids around them just quietly observed Xiaozhi and his friends and did not launch an attack.】

【In the end, it was Xiaozhi who made the final decision】

【"It's going to be okay, Mamane"】

【After they separated, they did not act alone, and there were Pokémon accompanying them.】

【All the Pokémon were summoned, and everyone was about to separate, but at this moment, Liliae's mother appeared.】

【But something is not right with her right now.】

【At the same time, the appearance of Xuwu Yide, who was parasitizing her, also changed greatly.】

【Xuwuid's tentacles have become thicker than when they were first seen, and the color of the tentacles has also turned purple.】

【Lusamine also changed. Her long golden hair was gone, replaced by a strange black and purple color.】

【"UB01 type parasite, is it planning to become one with its mother?"】

【Gladion gritted his teeth. Things were not looking good for them.】


【Solgaleo roared, trying to wake up Lusamine who was being controlled.】

【The roar had some effect, and Lusamine seemed to wake up for a while.】

【But it was only for a moment, and soon Lusamine returned to her original state. She covered her head and shouted,"Don't come over here, don't come over here, all of you, don't come over here."】

【Lusamine looked very painful at this moment】

【Liliae didn't want her mother to suffer any more, so she asked Lusamine to wait for a moment and she would rescue her right away.】

【Lilia rushed towards the parasitic Lusamine regardless of everything.】

【"Lilia, Danger"】

【Xiaozhi and Gladion quickly chased after him.】

【When the three were still ten meters away from Lusamine, Lusamine took action, waving her huge tentacles vigorously.】

【The peaceful world became turbulent, with flying sand and rocks, and a large number of rock pillars rising from the ground. However, in a flash, Xiaozhi, Liliae, and Gladion were trapped by the stone pillars.】

【Not only that, the rock pillars showed no sign of stopping.】

【As a last resort, Gladion had to let the Moon Elf take action, and only by continuous Shadow Ball sweeps could all the rocks be cleared away. 】

Chat room comment area

"I want to get a UB01 parasite more and more!"

Looking at the scene on the screen, Daigo was very excited.

If he was also parasitized by a UB01 parasite, would he also become a rock-type Pokémon like Lusamine?

Thinking that he could create a large amount of stone with a wave of his hand, Daigo was very excited.

"You are a terminally ill patient with cancer. There is no hope for your life."

Karuno was also completely shocked by Daigo's train of thought.

Is this how a human should think?

Someone actually wants to be parasitized.

"Daigo is like this."

Mikoli was very calm.

It can only be said that other people don't know Daigo well enough, but those who know Daigo know that Daigo is like this.

"What do you think, if all UB01 parasitic beasts invade the real world, will Daigo become their lackey?"

Furong thought of a terrible thing.

"not sure"

"Maybe in Daigo's opinion, being parasitized by UB01 is the sublimation of life."

"Flesh and blood are in pain, and rocks are flying."

Bonnie said coldly.


The more he talks, the more outrageous it gets. How can he be that perverted?

Video continues——(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【What will become of Liliae's mother after she completely combines with the UB01-type parasite?】

【Everyone looked at Gladion.】

【"Maybe that guy will suck all my energy away"】

【"The survival status of the Ultra Beasts is still shrouded in mystery. I am just saying that there is such a possibility."】

【Gladion said this on purpose to let everyone know the urgency of the matter.】

【We can't delay any longer, we must rescue his mother as soon as possible.】

【Anyway, we have to hurry up, Xiaozhi urged everyone to act quickly】

【As soon as Xiaozhi and the others raised their feet, Xuwu Yide was stimulated and wanted to escape.】

【As a last resort, everyone can only slow down their movements.】

【At this time, a voice came from the front, it was Lusamine's voice,"Get away from me, this is already Lusamine's!!!"】

【Unlike what others thought, Lusamine did not think that everyone was here to save her, but instead thought that they were here to steal her treasure.】

【Lusamine shook her head quickly,"I finally got to see it."】

【Xiaozhi tried to calm Lusamine down with words.】

【"Lilia's mother, come here quickly!"】

【Xiaozhi stretched out his hand】

【But what he got was only Lusamine's scolding,"Stop bothering me!!!"】

【Lusamine left without looking back.】

【There is no choice but to chase after him.】

【This was the first time Liliae had seen a mother like this. What on earth had happened?】

【"I think my mother was manipulated."】[]

Being manipulated?

Zaobo is noncommittal.

Is it possible that this is the true nature of Lusamine? Is the UB01 parasitic beast still a mysterious Ultimate Beast?

【"But half of it is indeed the mother's voice"】

【Gladion knew his mother Lusamine all too well.】

【For a long time, his mother had dreamed of having the opportunity to see the Ultimate Beast and had been conducting research. Now her wish has finally come true. Although she is possessed, she may not think so.】

【Just like finally getting the toy you've always wanted.】

【To her now, they are just a bunch of annoying guys who want to take her toys away.】

【Gladion's assumptions about Lusamine's thoughts are basically the truth.】

【Xiaozhi doesn't care about that. He has promised to rescue Lusamine, so he must fulfill his promise.】

【After running for a long time without being able to shake everyone off, Lusamine got a little angry, so she stopped and prepared to fight.】

【Lilia has also made up her mind.】

【"White rolling snow"】

【Snowflakes blew quickly towards Lusamine and Xuwuid. Liliae originally planned to use ice and snow to control her mother, but she never expected that her mother was much stronger than she thought.】

【In the direction where the snow was blowing, a rock mountain suddenly appeared, blocking the snow's advance and easily neutralizing the attack of Ice Vulpix.】

【The people around were also shocked. They obviously didn't expect Lusamine to be able to do this. She was too strong.】

【"Get away from me! Hate it!"】


【This word was too destructive to Liliae, who was already lacking love. Mao also realized this, and she loudly reminded Liliae not to take it to heart. This was not her mother's real voice.】

【A huge rock blocked everyone's way.】

【Even if everyone's Pokémon work together, they can't break the rock into pieces.】

【When everyone was at a loss, Solgaleo took action】


【Xiaozhi shouted Solgaleo's name loudly, and with Xiaozhi's shout, Solgaleo once again entered the Rising Sun mode.】

【Solgaleo looked at Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi understood what Solgaleo meant.】

【He clenched his fist and gave the order】

【"Come on!"】

【The rock was pierced instantly. This little trick had no effect in front of Solgaleo.】


Xiao Mao's mood was too complicated.

Xiaozhi was already able to command legendary Pokémon to fight, but he had never even seen a legendary Pokémon of this level.

Unknowingly, the gap between the two of them had been completely widened.

"That guy might really be able to become a Pokémon master."

Xiao Mao whispered.

At this time, Xiao Mao was relieved.

Xiao Zhi was indeed a better trainer than him.

Let's move forward with my former dream, Xiao Zhi, and we must become a Pokémon master.


"When can I fight alongside the legendary Pokémon?"

Da Ye really envied Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi actually reproduced the scene he had never dreamed of in his dreams in the real world.

What kind of luck is this?

There are actually people in the world who can get the recognition of the highest-level legendary Pokémon.

""No novel would dare to write this, right?"

Denji muttered.

Indeed, in Alola's novels and comics, Solgaleo has never been captured by anyone.

Xiaozhi is the only trainer of Solgaleo.

【"Don't get in my way, or I'll do something terrible."】

【Lusamine was very angry】

【She threw a Poké Ball.】

【Flame Queen】

【This Flame Queen is Lusamine's Pokémon, but it looks a bit strange now.】

【Kachi took the initiative to stop the Flame Queen Lizard】

【"Exploding Tortoise, spurting flames"】

【Kachi stayed behind to cover the rear, while the others followed Solgaleo to continue the pursuit.】

【After catching up with Lusamine again, the same scene appeared again】

【Miss Skirt, Dream Demon, and Milotic, this time there are three Pokémon】

【Shui Lian, Mao, Mamane, this time it's the three of them】

【"Why are you coming to get in my way? Hate, hate, hate!"】

【At this time, only Liliae was with Xiaozhi.】

【Lusamine sent out her final spirit, Pixie】

【"Lilia, leave this to us."】

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