It's not just Lusamine who is guilty of jealousy, but also other viewers in the comment section. When Ash became friends with a legendary Pokémon, they accepted it. When he became friends with a mythical Pokémon, they also accepted it.

But now, even Pokémon from other worlds can't escape Ash's"claws".

Isn't this a bit too much!!!

Is it true that as long as it's a Pokémon, there is no way to escape Ash's charm?

Damn succubus!!!

Video continues——

【"What's wrong with you, Poison Baby?"】

【There's something wrong with Du Beibi. He seems very impatient.】

【Not sure】

【After getting up, Xiaozhi came to the first floor. It was time for breakfast.】


【Xiaozhi greeted Dr. Kukui as usual, but soon Xiaozhi found that there was something wrong with Dr. Kukui today.】

【Not only did he button up his coat, he even wore a T-shirt underneath.】

【Is this still the Dr. Kukui he knows?】

【Kukui also felt that something was wrong with him today. He had been in a low mood since he woke up. He didn't know what was going on.】

【It's not just Dr. Kukui who is weird, Dr. Barnett is the same】

【Dr. Barnett, who is usually full of energy, is now lying on the floor to rest.】

【Pokémon School】

【Mamane slumped in his seat, his stomach almost dying of hunger】

【It shouldn't be】

【Xiaozhi is a little strange】

【According to Mamane's personality, he would rather be late than skip breakfast. What happened to everyone today?】

【After Mamane's explanation, Xiaozhi realized that the strange thing was not Mamane, but his mother.】

【This morning, Mamane's mother overslept and didn't even prepare breakfast for him.】

【Mao, Kachi, Shui Lian, Liliae, and others also came to school】

【What is very different from the past is that everyone seems to have something on their mind.】

【After a few people talked, they found that the adults in the family were all very strange today.】

【In that case, Dr. Kukui and Dr. Barnett were also acting strangely today. Just as Xiaozhi was about to speak, Dr. Kukui walked straight into the classroom.】

【Xiaozhi doesn't need to describe it now, everyone has already seen what's strange about Professor Kukui. 】

Chat room comment area

【Ohki Shigeya: The adults have become unmotivated. This is rare in the Alola region.

Full of energy is the portrayal of Alola.

This is the first time that Ohki Shigeya has encountered such a strange phenomenon.

【Mamane: Yes, yes, my mother has never overslept in all these years!

Not only his mother, but also Shuilian, Mao, and Kachi’s parents are all listless. This is really strange.

【Liliae: But it seems that only the adults are affected.

They don't seem to be affected at all.

【Shui Lian: Could it be that mysterious Pokémon that did it?】

The strange Pokémon that Shui Lian mentioned is the Ultra Beast that was not afraid of Solgaleo and Lunala, but actively attacked them.

【Shirona: No way? If it really did it, it's too powerful.

It can make all adults lose their fighting spirit and become lazy. Shirona has never heard of such a Pokémon.

But if you insist on saying it's a coincidence, it's a bit too self-deceptive.

Oh, let's keep watching.

Let's see what's going on.

Maybe Team Rocket is behind it.

Musashi, Kojiro, Meowth:"???????"

Are they behind the scenes?

Sirona thinks too highly of them. If they have the ability, would they still be pushing carts to sell desserts?

Video continues——

【Kukui showed up in the classroom and left immediately.】

【In the office, Principal Ohki was lying on the sofa. Like Kukui, he was not in high spirits.】

【Why not just take a day off?】

【In the classroom】

【There is no other way. Since Dr. Kukui is not going to teach them, they can only teach themselves.】

【Kachi walked up to the podium and waved his hand】

【"There is no other way, so let me tell you about the Manalo Festival!"】

【In the Alola region, a total solar eclipse occurs every twenty-one years. On that day, the kings and queens of the four islands of Alola gather in their respective ruins to perform a thank-you prayer ceremony for the legendary Pokémon mentioned in the Alola creation myth.】

【Mao has also heard】

【She told Xiaozhi that this was the Manalo Festival that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Alola region.】

【Kachi also explained the meanings of Manalo and Alola, which are"You and I live together here" and"We share together"."】

【At this time, Liliae raised her hand. She still had questions.】

【She wanted to know who the legendary Pokémon that appeared in the creation myth of Alola mentioned by Kachi was.】

【"It's the glorious God!"】

【Kachi blurted out】

【The glorious God?】

【Xiaozhi is no stranger to the God of Glory, thanks to Pokémon】

【Poison Baby has previously drawn a portrait of the Glorious God. 】

Chat room comment area

【Sirona: Radiance? What kind of Pokémon is that?】

【Professor Oak: The Radiance in Alola is the equivalent of Arceus in the Sinnoh legend. According to legend, Alola was created by the Radiance.】

【Karuna: By the way, could the mysterious Pokémon that appeared in the Ultimate World before be Radiance?

If the black mysterious Pokémon is Radiance, then everything can be explained.

No wonder it did not flee when it saw Solgaleo and Lunala, but instead took the initiative to attack them.

Because it is a legendary Pokémon that is more powerful than Sun and Moon.

【Daigo: How could that guy be Radiance! Daigo told Karuno not to think too much.

Just listen to his name, Radiance, it sounds like a great and glorious Pokémon.

The Pokémon that appeared in the Ultimate World was all black and full of evil power. How could it be the creator god in the mythology of Alola?


【Mikoli: I wonder if there is a dark god in the Alola mythology. 】

The sun and the moon.

Light and darkness.

It's quite symmetrical.

【Dr. Kukui: There shouldn't be such a Pokémon. 】

Anyway, Kukui has never heard of the Dark God.

Video continues——


【Pokémon, who was having a great time playing with Pikachu, suddenly became serious after hearing about the great god.】

【Mao also looked at Xiaozhi at this time】

【"Have you heard of this before?"】

【Xiaozhi nodded. On Ula'ula Island, a girl named Acerola told him about it and showed him a portrait of the Great God.】

【"We saw this painting at the time, Lotto"】

【Rotom showed the portrait he had seen before.】

【Rotom took a picture of a mural.】

【In the center of the stone wall, there is a bird Pokémon with four wings.】

【Solgaleo and Lunala humbly crouched in front of it. 】

After seeing the portrait on the stone wall, the audience also breathed a sigh of relief.

As I said before, the black Pokémon has nothing to do with the Radiance God.

That guy is probably just a fool and has no idea how scary Solgaleo and Lunala are, so he dared to attack them.

【Rotom also told everyone that not long ago, Poison Baby also drew a portrait of the glorious god.】

【Poison baby?】

【Why does it do that?】

【Xiaozhi shook his head. He didn't know.】

【At this time, Lilia spoke again. She told everyone that she had heard about the legend of the God of Light before.】

【When her mother was very young, her grandfather told her the legend of the Glorious God in order to coax her to sleep.】

【Many years later, her mother told this legend to her and her brother.】

【In everyone's expectation, Liliae told the legend about the glorious god.】

【The glorious god appeared on this land.】

【It illuminates the whole world with its light. This light is full of incredible power】

【Alola was born.】

【However, the God of Light, who had exhausted his own light, turned into darkness and fell into a long sleep.


The audience felt something was wrong the more they listened. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Turned into darkness?

No way?

【Later, the incarnations of the sun and the moon appeared and gave it light. The glorious god woke up from his slumber and shone again.】

【Then the shot flew into the sky】

【This is the legend of the Radiant God. 】

The Radiant God is resurrected?


I worried for nothing.

The audience's tense nerves can finally relax.

Liliae is really something, she only said half of the speech.


What do you mean she only spoke half of her words?

It's obviously you guys who didn't listen to her words and started to make up stories?

Can you blame her for this?

It's just putting the blame on someone else.[]

Lilia was almost speechless.

Forget it, I don't want to bother with these people anymore.

【The incarnations of the sun and the moon are Solgaleo and Lunala.】

【Their portraits are on the murals.】

【As for the end of the sky, it should refer to the Ultimate Hole.】

【So, the Radiant God is still living in the Ultimate Cave.】

【"I really want to see it"】

【As long as it is a rare Pokémon, Xiaozhi wants to see it】

【Not to mention the legendary Pokémon of the creation level like Radiance.】

【Xiaozhi, immersed in his fantasy, did not notice that something was wrong with Poison Baby.】

【At this time, Poison Baby looked up at the sky, his eyes full of worry.】

【On the dark street】

【Meow Meow looked at the sky excitedly,"I'm really looking forward to it, meow, I really want to see the total solar eclipse soon meow"】

【Unlike the excited Meow Meow, Musashi and Kojiro had no interest in the total solar eclipse.】

【They are no longer children, and natural phenomena such as a total solar eclipse no longer attract them.......】

【"Why are you guys so cold? I see everyone is looking forward to it, meow"】

【Meow Meow turned his gaze toward the street】

【Well, no one was looking forward to it.】

【What happened today?】

【Even Miss Junsha and Miss Joy, who are always full of energy, were lying in the car thinking about life.】

【Camera Switch】

【On the beach, Xiaozhi and Kachi are undergoing special training】

【Ultimate Volt Thunderbolt】

【Xiaozhi was still aware that this was just a routine special training, so he didn't let Pikachu use the Renwan Volt.】

【Kachi also chose to use Z moves to counterattack】

【Super strong flame bomb】

【Crazy, twirling the bones in my hands】

【As it continued to rotate, the flame of the soul was ignited, and a huge netherworld fireball appeared above the bones.】

【The power of fire and thunder surged wildly. Under the gaze of the two, the two energies collided violently.】

【And then there was nothing】

【It's a dud!】

【The fire and lightning looked mighty, but in reality they had almost no power.】

【The sound of the two colliding is not even as loud as the firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.】

【This is the ultimate move of Gallop and Pikachu, the power seems a bit abnormal】

【What happened today?】

【There are too many strange things.】

【Rotom told the two the reason at this time.】

【The reason why the Z-move failed to be used is because Pikachu and Garagara did not store enough Z-power.】

【"Is it because of the cloudy weather?"】

【Xiaozhi looked up at the gray sky.】

【Kachi doesn't think that will happen.】

【It's not like they haven't used Z moves on cloudy days before. They haven't failed to use Z moves before.】

【While the two were talking, Poison Baby suddenly became impatient.】

【"Babe, Babe"】

【It seems to want to tell Xiaozhi something】

【Its tail sting began to spray blue and red pigments, and soon a different pattern appeared on the beach.】

【Xiaozhi and Kachi had never seen this strange pattern before, and neither had Rotom. They could only take a picture of it for record. 】 In the Alola region.

In the Pokémon Academy, Kukui frowned.

"Could it be that Radiance is really going to appear?"

In this inventory video, Radiance was mentioned many times, and the image of Radiance appeared many times.

The system never plays things that are not related to the main storyline.

In this case, Radiance is really likely to appear.

This is a legendary Pokémon that has left a strong mark in the myths and legends of Alola.

What will its arrival bring to Alola?

Kukui doesn't know this yet.

I hope it won't cause any harm to Alola. All

Kukui can do now is pray.

Video continues——

【Camera Switch】

【Inside the Ether Foundation, far away from the island】

【"So far, the Ultimate Aura values recorded at all record points in the Alola region are rapidly decreasing."】

【Dr. Barnett said weakly as he flipped through the information on pa0.6d.】

【"Why did it become like this?"】

【Zaobo squatted on the ground】

【He really doesn't want to work today.】

【"I'm investigating"】

【Dr. Barnett pulled himself together and continued to read the materials.】


【On the sofa, Pico put a cookie into her mouth】

【"I am here"】

【Zaobo is powerless】

【"Don't forget that I am your boss. You can only speak after I have finished speaking."】

【Pico said calmly】

【Under normal circumstances, Zaobo would have blushed after being mocked by Pico, but today, he was too lazy to argue with Pico.】


【Pico discovered something was wrong with her】

【This was not what she wanted to express, but because she was so depressed, her way of speaking became unknowingly harsh.】

【Barnett told Pico that it was not just her, she was the same now】

【Yawning unconsciously, Barnett wanted to lie down on the sofa and sleep.】

【The door is opened】

【The person who pushed the door open was Lusamine, the chairman of the Ether Foundation and the immediate superior of the three people. However, Lusamine looked pale today and had no energy at all.】

【Even my hair, which I usually take good care of, became messy today, just like a bird's nest.】

【Is it because the ultimate aura has weakened that everyone has become like this?】

【Barnett had no way to give a definite answer yet. As she continued to operate, she found that a small Ultimate Hole had indeed been opened.】

【The reason why Alola's Ultimate Aura is constantly weakening seems to be because it is absorbed by this small Ultimate Hole.】

【This has never happened before. 】

(Second update, I will stay up late to update today)

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