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【Shirona: Xiaozhi's lineup this time looks pretty good! 】

Scorpion King, Infernape, Mook, Itachi, Pikachu, and Turtle, this lineup is really good.

Every Pokémon looks very capable.

【Karuna: It's much better than the abstract lineup in Unova. Karuna couldn't help but complain.

She's not gossiping, it's just that Ash's lineup in Unova is too abstract.

There are only a few evolved Pokémon in the whole team, all of them are in their initial form.

It's really a bit ridiculous for such a team to participate in the regional conference.

On the contrary, the lineup in Sinnoh looks very comfortable.

If Infernape, Squirtle, and Stoat could evolve again and evolve to their final form, it would be even more perfect.

An absolute champion.

【Adu: Is there no dragon in the team? Xiaozhi should capture a dragon Pokémon. 】

Having a dragon in the team will give people a sense of security.

If Xiaozhi can replace Mook-Hawk with a flying dragon, then the team will look more comfortable.

【Kona: A flying dragon? Haha. You really only understand this. 】

Kona didn't give Adu any face and started to criticize him.

Replacing Mook-O'Kara with a flying + dragon attribute Pokémon, isn't this courting death?

Xiaozhi's team is already a little weak to ice, and if you add a flying dragon, won't they be beaten by ice Pokémon?


With Infernape, it can restrain ice Pokémon.

Haven't you heard that ice and water are one family?

Infernape restrains with its head!

【Bonnie: Xiaozhi's lineup is indeed very afraid of Ice Pokémon. It is indeed unwise to put a flying dragon Pokémon in it. 】

The ground and flying attributes of Scorpio are restrained by the ice attribute four times.

Flying and dragon are restrained by the ice attribute four times.

If the forest turtle evolves into the earth turtle, it will also be restrained by the ice attribute four times.

【Furong: No wonder Mr. Adu has never become the champion.

Furong suddenly realized.

It turns out that Adu doesn't understand the attributes at all!


Video continues——

【On a hot summer day, the most refreshing thing is to swim in the cool stream.】

【After changing into swimming trunks, Xiaozhi jumped into the stream first.】

【Next is Xiaoguang and the Pokémon】

【Everyone was having fun】

【At this time, several large watermelons floating from upstream caught Xiaozhi's attention.】

【Is this a gift from nature?

A gift from nature?

There is no such thing as a gift from nature in this world.

Xiaoyao pursed her lips.

The past is too painful to recall!

They had mistaken the watermelon in the lake as a gift from nature, which is why they were considered thieves.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang should learn their lesson this time.


【"Good luck"】

Apparently Xiaozhi never learned his lesson.

But this time the owner of the watermelon came to him very quickly.

Xiaozhi didn't even have time to cut the watermelon.

【The owners of the watermelon are a pair of siblings】

【They are both young, probably only seven or eight years old.】

【The elder brother put his hands on his hips and said fiercely:"Those watermelons are ours!"】

【"I soaked in water to cool down and ended up floating down."】

【My sister pointed upstream and explained:】

【Following the direction of the sister's finger, a torn net came into view.】

【it's a pity】

【Xiaoguang originally thought he could have some cool watermelon to eat.】

【"If you win the battle with us, we can share the watermelon with you."】

【Battle? There is such a good thing!】

【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang immediately became energetic. 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The battle at the river begins】

【The opponent is a bug combination. The brother uses Heracross and the sister uses Hunting Swallowtail.】

【Coincidentally, Xiaozhi knows these two Pokémon very well.】

【Heracross himself has one, and Hunting Butterfly is the first Pokémon that Xiaoyao has captured in the wild.】


【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also started to choose Pokémon】

【After careful consideration, Xiaozhi chose Pikachu, and Xiaoguang sent Pogona.】


"Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang really want to eat watermelon!"

Sister Baicai couldn't bear to watch it.

Xiaozhi's Pikachu and Xiaoguang's Pogaman, these are both their trump cards.

Using them to deal with two boys and girls under the age of ten is really a bit of a bully.

Without any surprise, the combination of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang easily won the doubles match.

【Under the big tree】

【Everyone was excited to eat watermelon】[]

【Mata and Kako were really generous. Not only Pikachu and Pogamon who played, but also the other Pokémon who watched the game on the side were given watermelons.】


【Jian Tai led Xiaozhi and others to visit the town. He smiled and said,"Since we have come to this town, I suggest you go and see the ruins."】


【Jiazi told Xiaozhi and the others that this was the remains of a temple thousands of years ago.】

【"The guidebook also introduces"】

【Xiaogang also found the ruins in the book.】

【Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's curiosity was aroused.】

【The two of them unanimously decided to go to the ruins to take a look.】

【After passing through the forest, the three saw a towering mountain.】

【The ruins that Mata and Kako mentioned are at the top of the mountain.】

【They don’t know why, but they always feel that the air nearby is particularly fresh and has a special energy flowing.】

【The three of them were planning to continue to feel it, but suddenly the lake in front of them began to move.】

【The originally calm lake was disturbed.】

【In just a blink of an eye, a huge waterspout appeared on the lake.】

【what happened?】

【".Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"】

【Xiaozhi was the first to react. He commanded Pikachu to break up the tornado on the lake.】

【The water tornado was easily dispersed, but for some reason, all the Pokémon around it became restless.】

【They all escaped from the forest】

【Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and Xiaoguang were somewhat at a loss.】

【They just arrived, so what happened shouldn't be caused by them, right?】

"It's you who caused everything!"

"The evidence is that wherever you go, there is a crisis!"

Xiao Shun appeared again.

"Hey, this is a bit unfair. If Xiaozhi and the others didn't go, the incident would still happen."

Xiaozhi's top henchman heard someone"slandering" Xiaozhi and immediately refused to do it.

What does this have to do with Xiaozhi? It

's just that Xiaozhi happened to encounter it.

"Humph, if Xiaozhi didn't go, maybe it would never happen."

Xiao Shun said stubbornly

"Please help me, if Xiaozhi doesn't go, maybe humanity will be destroyed."

Denci couldn't listen any more.

"Humph, you are lying with your eyes open!"

Xiaoyao also directly scolded Xiaoshun.

This Xiaoshun is really an idiot.

What he meant was that she and the other people who traveled with Xiaozhi were all unlucky?

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