The punishment from the system really hit Hiba in the sore spot.

Forcing a guy who doesn't wear a shirt for 365 days a year to wear a shirt is simply the most vicious punishment.

Hiba, who was forced to wear a shirt by the system, felt very uncomfortable.

【Karuna: Huh.

After figuring out the punishment, Karuna breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, she was the next one to answer the question. If the punishment for failing to answer the question was to be killed, then she would be doomed.

Fortunately, it was within the acceptable range.

It was Karuna's turn to answer the question, and the audience's attention was all focused on Karuna. As for the loser, Shiba, no one was paying attention to her now.

【Shirona: Even with eyes closed, there is a 50% chance of getting the answer. Kaluno is so lucky. 】

Baicai sister is really envious.

Kaluno's position is really good. If she clicked in the front, the probability of guessing the right answer would be lower. If she clicked in the back, she would not have the chance to appear. The second answer is just right.

It is simply a gift from God.

【Daigo: Wrong answer, wrong answer, must be wrong answer. 】

If you ask who hopes that Karen will answer wrong, it must be Daigo.

Now it is basically certain that the correct answer can only be between options C and D. Once Karen answers wrong, he, who is in third place, can almost be said to be 100% sure to get the reward, and it is risk-free.

In the face of tangible benefits, friendship can only be put aside for the time being.

Can't kill him, Karen, blame only this cruel world.

【Karuna: Huh.

After another deep breath, Karuna firmly chose option C.

She remembered clearly that the Pokémon that appeared in the inventory video were basically Pokémon from the three regions of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. The total number of water-type Pokémon from these three regions might barely exceed fifty.

So in her opinion, the correct answer to this question was definitely not fifty, and she was 90% sure that she should choose C.

【Congratulations to Karuna for answering correctly.

Karuna's judgment was correct. The correct answer to this question is C. At the same time, the system also announced that the exact number of water Pokémon is 39. (It should not be wrong. The author counted them one by one.)

【Congratulations to Karuna for receiving the rewards: Gardevoir Mega Evolution Stone, Evolution Key Stone】

【Daigo: Mega Evolution?

Not long ago, Daigo heard about Mega Evolution from Dr. Blatano. He didn't expect that Dr. Blatano's research was not yet completed, but Kareno had already obtained the Mega Suit.

Daigo was furious.

He was just a little bit away from becoming the first trainer to obtain the Mega Suit.

Damn it, why didn't Kareno choose D!!!

【Sirona: Dr. Blatano, don't forget what you promised me before. You said that you would give me the Mega Suit of Land Shark after the research is completed.】

【Dr. Blatano: Huh?!

No, he was just saying that, why did you take it seriously?

Oh, there is no other way, I can only give the Tyrannosaurus Mega Evolution Stone that I was going to keep for myself to Sirona first.

【Daigo: No, there is such a thing? Doctor, I'm hungry.

In order to improve his strength, Daigo also risked his life.

【Dr. Blatano:......】

【Adu: Mega evolution? What is Mega evolution?】

Adu was confused. How come no one had ever told him about Mega evolution?

How come he didn't know anything?

【Mikoli: It has nothing to do with us. We don't need to know. 】

According to the frontline news, Dragonite and Milotic cannot Mega Evolve under the current environment.

Well, it really has nothing to do with them....

After all the rewards for answering the questions have been distributed, the system will start issuing rewards for the inventory.

As the protagonists of this inventory, Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao will both receive corresponding rewards.

The system gave Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao two choices, one of which is for each of them to get a quasi-god egg.

There is no need to worry about talent, as the system's products must be top-notch.

The second is that if Xiaozhi gives up his own reward, Xiaoyao's reward can be upgraded.

Xiaoyao's upgraded reward will mean that as long as she obtains Manaphy's consent, Xiaoyao can subdue Manaphy.

As for matters like guarding the temple, Xiaoyao and Manaphy don't need to worry about it anymore, as the system will arrange everything properly.

The options have been given, and now it depends on Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao's choices.

Hoenn region, Caiyu City Park


In Xiaosheng's opinion, the system really gave Xiaozhi a big problem.

If he chose one, he would get a quasi-god with outstanding talents at least. If he chose two, he would most likely get nothing.

Wait, it's not very likely, it's definitely nothing.

Even if Manaphy agreed to become his sister's Pokémon, it would have nothing to do with Xiaozhi.


It's too difficult.

Xiaosheng sighed and turned to look at his sister Xiaoyao. His sister Xiaoyao now looked extremely entangled. She looked at Xiaozhi and hesitated to speak.

Xiaosheng could understand his sister's entanglement. After all, the opportunity to reunite with Manaphy was right in front of her. How could his sister not be moved?

However, the premise of fulfilling her wish was to sacrifice Xiaozhi's interests, which made Xiaoyao unable to say it.

Just when Xiaoyao didn't know how to speak, Xiaozhi took the initiative to speak,

"Is it okay for Xiaoyao to choose the second one?"


Xiaoyao was stunned at first, then quickly reacted.

"No problem, no problem!"

God knows how happy Xiaoyao is now, but after being happy, Xiaoyao still feels that this is too sorry for Xiaozhi. She hesitated for a moment, but still spoke,

"Why don't you choose A, Xiaozhi?"

Not only did Xiaoyao not want to harm Xiaozhi's interests, she was also afraid that Manaphy would not agree to her request to capture the beast.

"Why? I also want to see Manaphy again"

"Choose the second one, Xiaoyao."

Manaphy has never been Xiaoyao's only companion.

As for whose spirit she becomes, it doesn't matter.

As long as I can see Manaphy again, it will be fine.

"Yes, I miss Manaphy too.

Seeing Xiaoyao hesitate, Xiaogang also spoke up.

"Yes, yes, sister, how will you know if you don’t try?"

"I, I understand."

Encouraged by her companions, Xiaoyao became more determined.


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