
【Adu: Being an undercover agent in the pirate group? Yes, this guy named Ajie has some style like me.

Back then, he also solved major cases by being an undercover agent in the Lava Team.

【Daigo: Thinking back to the past? Didn’t this happen just two months ago?]

Could it be that his memory is disordered?

【Adu: Ahem. Let's not talk about that. Are you interested in joining Interpol? It's a pity for you to be a nursery teacher with your skills.】

【Ajie: Thank you Mr. Du for your kindness, but I have no intention of changing jobs.

Being a criminal policeman is good, but he still prefers his current life.

Ajie has never forgotten his original intention of becoming a Pokémon keeper.

【Adu: Oh, what a pity. 】

Having failed in his attempt to poach someone, Adu could only sigh silently in his heart.

Video continues——

【On the deck of the ship, Ajie was cornered by Dulub and his men.】

【With pursuers behind him and the endless sea ahead, it seems that Ajie has no way to go.】

【Dulubu also thought so. He showed a look of confidence and said condescendingly:"Okay, it's time to give my things back to me."】

【Although there have been some twists and turns, the result is still the same.】

【Dulubu thought he had everything under control, but Ajie immediately slapped him in the face with his actions.】

【A giant flying fish jumped out of the water. Ajie immediately seized the opportunity. He took out the hunting cursor and aimed at the giant flying fish.】

【"Hunting Start"】

【The cursor is shot out and hits the giant flying fish successfully, and the hunt is complete.】

【In just a moment, the giant flying fish, which was a wild Pokémon just now, became Ajie's close friend.】

【Just hear Ajie shout"Giant Wing Flying Fish", the giant wing flying fish jumped out of the sea again, Ajie took the opportunity to jump onto the back of the giant wing flying fish】

【One person and one elf just disappeared in the vast ocean. 】

The comment area was already in an uproar at this time.

The keeper is actually a very niche profession, and most people have only heard of it but have never seen it.

Therefore, after seeing the domineering effect of the hunting cursor, the audience in the comment area was shocked.

【Asha, the leader of the Kamugan Gym: This is the first time I have seen such a powerful item! 】You can"capture" Pokémons without fighting and use them for yourself. The effect of this hunting cursor is even more terrifying than the legendary Master Ball.

If she also has a hunting cursor, can she capture Pokémons that she couldn't capture before?

【Mura: What are you thinking about?

Grandpa Mura said to his granddaughter in a bad mood

【Mura: The effect of the hunting cursor is not as terrible as you think. It only allows the user to establish a connection with the elves. 】

At this time, Ajie, the caregiver, also added

【Ajie: Only when the ranger and the elf are in tune with each other can the capture be completed successfully. 】

Don't think that anyone can become a ranger. Only people with good intentions can become rangers. After all, words can deceive people, but the heart cannot.

Caiyou City Park

"After hearing what Mr. Ajie said, Xiaozhi seems to be very suitable to be a ranger.

Xiaosheng thought about it.

Xiaogang nodded.

"Yes, if it was Xiaozhi, he would definitely be an excellent ranger."

In terms of kindness and love for Pokémon, Xiaogang has never seen anyone who can surpass Xiaozhi. If it was Xiaozhi, he would definitely be able to use the hunting cursor easily.

"Pokémon Ranger Xiaozhi? That sounds interesting too."

Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing.

"No, my goal is to be a Pokémon Master."Being a ranger who protects Pokémon is great, but Xiaozhi still wants to be a Pokémon Master.

One day, he and Pikachu will stand on the highest stage.

Well, to become a Pokémon Master, he must first win the Caiyou Conference. He will never lose in this Caiyou Conference again.

While Xiaozhi secretly made up his mind, the video was still playing.

Video continues——

【The main film has begun】

【Ajie and Drubb are gone, replaced by Xiaozhi and his four companions.】

【The sun is so bright that I can't open my eyes】

【Surrounded by endless wasteland】

【Xiaozhi and his four companions, who have been wandering in the wilderness for a long time, have reached the point of exhaustion. 】

Cerulean City, Cerulean Gym.

Looking at this scene in the video, Xiaoxia covered her face helplessly.

"Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, these two guys, still haven't improved at all."

We've been lost so many times, can't we plan well before traveling?"

Xiaogang would definitely feel wronged if he heard Xiaoxia's complaints at this time.

There was absolutely no problem with his plan. It was Xiaozhi who insisted on taking the side road, saying that it was more likely to encounter precious Pokémon on the side road.

The rugged side road wasted a lot of their time, otherwise, their supplies would be enough to last until the next city.

【Under the scorching sun, Xiaosheng couldn't bear it anymore and asked his sister Xiaoyao for water.】

【Xiaoyao reluctantly handed the last water bottle to Xiaosheng, and repeatedly reminded Xiaosheng not to drink all the water.】

【After saying thank you, Xiaosheng raised the kettle, thinking that he could quench his thirst, but there was no water in the kettle, only two or three drops in total.】

【Not to mention quenching thirst, it can't even moisten dry lips】

【It's fine that I didn't get to drink the water, but my sister Xiaoyao accused me of drinking all the water. Xiaosheng didn't get to eat the mutton, and he got into trouble. 】

(Newcomers and new books are looking for data. As long as there is data, I will update 8 more chapters today, and I will never break my promise!!! Flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, and comments can all be added!)

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