【Celebi was carried out of the tree hole by Xiaozhi and Xuecheng. In Xuecheng's arms, Celebi felt extremely at ease at this moment.】

【The four of them ran quickly in the forest. Celebi was in a very bad condition, so they had to send it to the Pokémon Center as soon as possible.】

【"Pickup truck!"】

【A smoke bomb exploded in front of several people. The sudden bomb attracted all the attention of the four people.】

【It's Team Rocket】

【If it was normal, Xiaozhi might still pay attention to Team Rocket, but today they are really anxious.】

【Without even a second glance, the three members of Team Rocket fell from the tree and passed by them directly.】


Live broadcast comment area

【Daye: Are these three guys here to make fun of me?

Daye didn't know what to say.

This was the first time he had seen a villain organization that could make him fall so badly.

【Athena: Consider it my plea, can you please stop calling yourself Team Rocket?

Athena covered her face and sighed.

If this continues, the reputation of Team Rocket will be ruined.

People in other regions might really think of Team Rocket as a comedy organization.

This is not conducive to Team Rocket's plan to rule the world.

【Musashi: Lady Athena, it was just an accident.】

【Kojiro: Blame it on the old man. If it weren't for the old man, the branch wouldn't have broken!

If the branch hadn't broken, they wouldn't have fallen so badly.

【Meow Meow: It’s all my fault, Guran Weng! Meow!】


Video continues——

【When they were about to reach the exit of the forest, Xiaozhi and his friends were stopped again. This time, the people who stopped them were not the funny characters like the Rocket trio.】

【The villain Bixias appeared this time】

【The huge spider robot brought great pressure to Xiaozhi and his friends.】

【In the control room, Bixias looked down at Xiaozhi and the others and asked them to hand over Celebi.】

【But Xiaozhi was not scared, he would not just hand Celebi over to this strange greasy uncle.】

【Bixias didn't waste time talking to Xiaozhi and the others. He took off the dark ball that was attached to his coat like a button.】

【Dark Bangla Appears】

【The evil-corrupted Bangira aimed a destructive ray at everyone. Fortunately, Xiaozhi and his friends reacted quickly and managed to dodge it. If they were hit, they would definitely die or be injured.】


Chat room comments area

【Du Juan: This guy actually dared to abuse Bangila like this, it's really unforgivable! 】

Du Juan discovered that although Bangila, who was controlled by the dark ball, had improved in strength, he had lost his mind and his vitality was greatly reduced.

This was completely exchanging his life for combat power.

Bixias was definitely a complete demon.

【Adu: Damn Team Rocket! Adu only hated that he was not there. If he was there, he would use the dark ball to control Bixias and let Bixias feel Bangila's pain.

【Chairman Damalanchi: It seems that our efforts in protecting the Baiyin Mountain Reserve are not enough, and our efforts in combating poachers are not enough! 】

After this incident, he will send more people to strengthen the protection of the Baiyin Mountain Reserve, and will make sure that the poachers who dare to attack Bangila will never return.

【Professor Oak: It really makes me miss you】

【Xiao Mao: Miss? What do you miss?

Xiao Mao was confused.


Back to video——

【To be a senior member of Team Rocket, he is definitely not an ordinary person. With the terrifying black technology like Dark Ball, Xiaozhi and his friends are no match for Bixias.】

【Fortunately, the Rockets took action at the critical moment. The three of them had no good feelings towards Bixias, the guy who tried to snatch their prey.】

【Kojiro made the Double Bomb Gas spit out a thick black fog to cover Xiaozhi and his friends and successfully escape from Bixias' pursuit.】

【But they didn't feel proud for long, as Dark Bangla taught them a lesson. A destructive death ray made Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth kneel down and sing"Conquer".】

【In the end, it was the Rockets uniforms on the three of them that saved them.】

【Because the three of them were also members of the Rockets, Bixias gave them a chance to redeem themselves.】

【In this way, the Rockets trio also joined Bixias' team.】


Hoenn area, Saiyu City Park

"The three members of Team Rocket became Bixias companions?"

"Then there is no need to worry."

Xiao Sheng was relieved at this time.

The sense of oppression brought by Bixias was too strong. Xiao Sheng was really worried that Xiaozhi and his friends were not Bixias' opponents.

Fortunately, now with the addition of Team Rocket, there is no need to worry anymore.

"That's right, with these three guys who are more likely to cause trouble than help, Bixias is nothing to worry about."

Xiaoyao also nodded and agreed with Xiaosheng's opinion.

Bixias alone might have a threat level of ten points, but if he joins forces with the Rocket trio, the threat level is only five points at most.

This is the"terrible" of the Rocket trio.

And it is obvious that Bixias has not yet realized their terribleness


Video continues——

【While running away, Xiaoxia accidentally sprained her ankle.】

【Seeing that Misty couldn't even walk steadily, Xiaozhi's expression became serious. This was really troublesome.】

【As if it weren't for the rain, the pursuers came.】

【The only thing to be thankful for is that the one that caught up was not the Bangira, but a giant mantis and a Mara】

【"Are they pursuers?"】

【Xiaozhi stood in front of Xiaoxia, and then took out a Poké Ball from his pocket.】

【Since they are pursuers, let him be their opponent.】

【After handing Celebi to Xiaogang, Xuecheng also came to Xiaozhi's side. He had been unhappy with these Pokémon who were accomplices to the evil for a long time, and he also wanted to fight with Xiaozhi.】

【Xue Cheng took out an ancient Poké Ball from his pocket and slowly turned the switch. After turning on the switch, a white light flashed out.】

【It's a fire dinosaur】


Chat room comments area

【Mr. Steel: Ha, I miss it so much, isn't that the Poké Ball we used when we were kids? 】

The scene in the video reminded Mr. Steel of his childhood.

At that time, they used such simple and old Poké Balls.

This time, Kikuko rarely took the opportunity to mock Professor Oak. Watching this scene in the video, she also fell into deep memories.

Time flies so fast, forty years have passed in a flash.

Wait, forty years.

A flash of inspiration flashed through Kikuko's mind. Kikuko wanted to catch it, but it still slipped away.

What was the inspiration that slipped away?

Kikuko fell into deep thought.

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