Chat room comments area

【Kaluna: So, can Xiaozhi really use the Wave?】

Well, now Xiaozhi has really become the messenger of the Wave. This is not a role-playing game in the ceremony, but a real messenger of the Wave.

【Shirona: Xiaozhi now just needs a teacher who can teach him how to use the waveguide. If he can have a good teacher like Aaron, hand-made waveguide missiles will no longer be a dream.

The only problem now is where to find such a teacher.

The messenger of the waveguide has disappeared in the long river of time, and in this era, there are no humans who can skillfully use the waveguide.

【Pakira: It's far away, but it's close at hand. You won't forget that Lucario learned the wave guide from Aaron.

So all we need to do is let Lucario pass on all the knowledge he learned from Aaron to Xiaozhi.

In that case, Xiaozhi can become a true wave guide user.

【Daigo: Haha, now all the jokes we just had are going to come true. 】

The human who can launch a wave missile with his hands is really coming.

Video continues——

【"Xiaozhi and Yalang have the same waveguide, so the miracle happened"】

【This is Qiduo's speculation.】


【Several people sat around the campfire and chatted】

【While chatting, Xiaozhi talked about Pikachu】

【"Speaking of Pikachu, it was completely different from when I first met it. It didn't want to get close to me before."】

【"I don't know how many electric shocks I got from that kid!"】

【This is something that no one expected. After all, now Xiaozhi and Pikachu are almost as close as one person. Everyone also wants to hear how Xiaozhi and Pikachu's relationship has improved.】

【Through Xiaozhi's narration, everyone understood that Xiaozhi and Pikachu had fought against Spearow together before, which was a turning point in their relationship. From then on, Pikachu trusted him very much, and he also trusted Pikachu.】




【Lucario on the side is a little bit broken】

【As for why Lucario was broken, it was because it remembered the past. At that time, it and Aaron were just like Xiaozhi now, and they always trusted each other.】

【Until that happened. 】

06【Lucario sometimes wonders, did Lord Alang really trust him?】

【"No matter whether you believe it or not, humans cannot believe it!"】

【"Wait a moment!"】

【Xiaozhi stopped Lucario from leaving】

【"Are you talking about me?"】

【Lucario was in a very bad mood at this time. He pointed at Xiaozhi and said that Xiaozhi might abandon Pikachu when it came to a life-and-death situation. 】

Cerulean City, Kanto Region, Cerulean Gym

"Hey, what nonsense is this guy talking about? Xiaozhi would never do such a thing."

Xiaoxia remembers very clearly that when she first saw Xiaozhi and Pikachu, they were being chased by a large group of Spearows.

Even in such a dangerous situation, Xiaozhi never thought of giving up Pikachu.

"Humph, that guy hasn't compensated me for the bike yet."

The current bike was repaired by Miss Joy, and has nothing to do with Xiaozhi, so Xiaozhi still owes her a bike.

Back to video——

【"I will never give up on Pikachu!"】

【Xiaozhi is a little angry】

【What made Xiaozhi even angrier was that Lucario said,"Who knows?" Xiaozhi couldn't stand it anymore.】

【He yelled at Lucario,"Normally, how could someone who would be called a warrior in legend just abandon his Pokémon so easily?"】

【"You must have made this up yourself!"】

【Isn't it just stabbing with a knife? Who can't do that?】

【Lucario couldn't stand it anymore.】

【One person and one elf are now at loggerheads】

【Friends also came up to persuade them to stop fighting. Xiaozhi wanted to explain, but Lucario's next words made Xiaozhi furious.】

【"I think Pikachu couldn't stand a stupid master like you, so he ran away from you."】

Chat room comments area

【Xiao Juer: Hiss, this Lucario's mouth is too poisonous.

Xiao Juer really wants to know how Lucario's 38-degree mouth can say such a cold word.

Wait, Lucario is not a human, maybe its mouth is also cold, so it can be understood.

【Chaklo: Why do I feel like these two are going to fight? 】

The verbal fight is undecided, and according to his judgment, it is basically certain to turn into a physical fight.

【Ah Li: Fighting? Xiaozhi vs. Lucario? This? 】

Isn't the gap a bit big?

Lucario is a real warrior who walked out of the sea of corpses.

Xiaozhi is just a child of the same age as her.

If they fight, Xiaozhi will be at a disadvantage.

【Korni: I actually really want to see Ash and Lucario fight each other. 】

I don't know if this counts as a competition between two Wave Users.

【Daigo: Hit me, hit me!

Daigo is a person who likes to watch the fun, but he is not at the scene. If he were there, he would definitely add fuel to the fire.

Video continues——

【Xiaozhi was no longer prepared to endure it. Seeing Lucario preparing to leave, he rushed forward and knocked Lucario down.】

【Lucario probably didn't expect Xiaozhi to attack him, and he fell to the ground without reacting.】

【The man and the elf soon rolled down the hillside in the struggle and finally fell into the pond next to them.】

【Xiaoyao and Xiaogang, who were standing by, had not expected things to turn out this way, so they quickly chased after them and tried to pull the two apart.】

【But Ash and Lucario were already really angry with each other, and the cold pool water couldn't calm them down, and the two were still fighting in the pool.

The audience was also dumbfounded, they didn't expect that Korne and Daigo's words would come true, and Ash and Lucario really fought. What was even more surprising was that Ash was not at a disadvantage in the fight with Lucario. He even suppressed Lucario at one point, which shocked the audience.

It was obvious that Lucario didn't let up at all, and basically, except for not using any skills, Lucario was going all out.

But even so, he still only tied with Ash, which was something the audience didn't expect.

Hiss, Ash's value is still rising.

【"Xiaozhi, you're going too far."】

【With the persuasion of his friends, the fight between Xiaozhi and Lucario was finally settled.】

【Xiaoyao gave Xiaozhi a dry towel and asked him to wipe his hair first.】

【Seeing that Xiaozhi had almost calmed down, Xiaoyao also said:"Xiaozhi, you are too much!"】

【Xiaozhi was a little unconvinced. If Lucario hadn't said that Pikachu escaped from it, he wouldn't have treated Lucario like this.】

【"That's because you just said something very harsh to him!"】

【Xiaoyao tried to calm Xiaozhi down】

【On the other side, Xiaosheng found Lucario. The two siblings had their own division of labor. Xiaoyao was responsible for persuading Xiaozhi, while Xiaosheng was sent to persuade Lucario.】

【Xiaosheng is still very good. He used a piece of chocolate that Lucario had never seen before to successfully bring the two closer together.】

【At night, Xiaozhi, who was sleeping in the car, suddenly woke up. He opened the door and got out of the car.】

【The noise of Xiaozhi getting off the car also woke up Lucario】

【Seeing Xiaozhi's face full of worry, Lucario's heart was touched.】

【The next day, early in the morning, the team started moving forward again.】

【Suddenly, the Lucario in front stopped. After several people got off the car to ask, they learned that this was the place where Lucario was sealed.】

【Until now, Lucario still can't accept that it was abandoned by its beloved Lord Alang.】

【It was because he cared too much that Lucario lost control of his emotions yesterday.】

【Lucario knelt down in pain. Coincidentally, there happened to be a flower of time where Lucario knelt down.】

【Lucario's unintentional touch made the flower of time bloom】

【Everyone was drawn into the miracle of time. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Through the Flower of Time, Xiaozhi and his friends saw the process of Lucario being sealed, and also saw part of what happened after Lucario was sealed.】

【After sealing Lucario, Aaron left on Pidgeot, and the sealed area soon became a battlefield, with countless elves fighting here.】


【Lucario attacked the phantom frantically, trying to stop the war, but all the wave missiles it fired passed through the phantom and hit the mountain wall.】

【"Stop it, Lucali, none of this is true!"】[]

【After Xiaozhi's shout, Lucario finally woke up.】

【The phantom disappeared and everything returned to peace.】

【But the horrible scene just now still left a shadow in everyone's hearts.】

【"This used to be a battlefield. It turns out everything Lucario said was true."】

【Xiao Gang took a deep breath and said】

【What they saw in the Flower of Time was exactly the same as what Lucario said, could it be that the legend was wrong?】

【Yalang is not a hero, he is a villain who abandoned the royal city and the elves and ran away. 】

Comment area chat room

【Korni: I always feel like there must be something else going on.

If Aaron really ran away, where did he go?

Also, it was Pidgeot who sent the scepter that sealed Lucario back to the royal city.

If Aaron really ran away, he wouldn't have let Pidgeot send Lucario back.

【Fujiki: Maybe it's crocodile tears. 】

Maybe after Aaron escaped, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked Pidgeot to send the scepter back to the royal city.

【Yasha: Ahhhhh! I hate deciphering the answers so much, just reveal the correct answers.

My brain isn't working anymore!

【Karuna: Let's stop guessing. We should know what's going on if we keep watching.

Karuna is still inclined to believe that Yalang didn't run away.

There's no reason, it's just a sixth sense.

Back to video——

【"But Aaron doesn't look like a bad guy."】

【How can such a good-looking guy be a bad guy? Xiaoyao, who loves appearance, is the first to disagree.】

【Xiaosheng also gave his opinion, maybe Aaron sealed Lucario to prevent Lucario from being hurt】

【This actually makes sense, because not long after, this place became a battlefield.】

【Lucario knelt on the ground and couldn't calm down for a long time.】

【Xiaozhi also took the initiative to step forward and apologize to Lucario. He did not consider Lucario's feelings and said such words. He was really sorry.】

【After personally experiencing what Lucario encountered, Xiaozhi can now understand why Lucario has such prejudice against humans.】

【Anyone who is abandoned by the person they trust the most will be left with an incurable pain in their heart.】

【"Xiaozhi, you must never abandon Pikachu"】

【It can't let its pain happen to Pikachu again. In order to prevent the tragedy, it must help Xiaozhi find Pikachu.】

【The two people who had a big fight yesterday announced their reconciliation at this moment】

【Lucario wanted to say something, but suddenly his expression became serious.】

【It heard something approaching】

【Xiaozhi wanted to ask Lucario what happened, but Lucario pushed Xiaozhi to the ground.】

【It was this push that successfully saved Xiaozhi.】

【A stone giant appeared in front of everyone. When the attack failed, the stone giant jumped behind them and picked up the car they were driving and threw it forward.】

【This elf that suddenly appeared is the legendary elf, Regirock. 】

Chat room comment area

【Daigo: It's Regirock!

Daigo didn't expect Regirock to appear here.

【Xiao Feng: Reggie Locke? Who is Reggie Locke?

Xiao Feng saw Reggie Locke for the first time.

【Dr. Odamaki: Regirock is one of the legendary giants. In ancient legends, three Pokémon were created from the crystals of Regigigas, icebergs, and lava. They are Regirock, Regice, and Regisquirrel. Fearing their power, the ancient people of the Hoenn region sealed them away.】

【Konan: Dr. Odamaki, I still have questions!】

【Dr. Odamaki: Please go ahead.】

【Konan: Why did Regirock, who was sealed by the ancient people in the Hoenn region, appear in the Kanto region?

This question was a bit too sharp, and Dr. Odumaki didn't know how to answer it. After thinking carefully for a while, Dr. Odumaki spoke

【Dr. Odamaki: It's probably because the sealed Regirock is not the Regirock in the video. 】

The legendary giant is not the only one. As far as Dr. Odamaki knows, the famous archaeologist Kamishiro has a Regirock in his hands.

【Daigo: This is troublesome, Regirock is not easy to deal with.

But it is a bit strange, why did Regirock take the initiative to attack Xiaozhi and his friends.

Logically speaking, Regirock is not the kind of Pokémon that likes to fight.

【Shindai: It should be to protect the territory. Regirock should be the guardian of the World Tree, and he will prevent everyone from entering the World Tree.

This can also explain why no one has successfully entered the World Tree.

The World Tree is still a mystery.

Video continues——

【Destroy the Death Light】

【Continuous destruction of death】

【Reggie Locke wants to drive everyone away】

【Lucario used the Wave Missile to block the Destruction Beam that was fired at Ash.

The Wave Missile not only shattered the Destruction Beam, but also caused damage to Regirock.

This gave the audience a new understanding of Lucario's strength.

However, the most terrifying thing about Regirock is not its terrible destructive power, but its defense.

The Wave Missile hit Regirock's head head-on, but Regirock continued to attack as if nothing had happened.

Helplessly, Ash and his companions in the video could only choose to temporarily avoid the limelight.

【After passing through the cliff and entering a cave, they officially stepped into the tree of the beginning of the world.】

【"Why would Reggie Locke suddenly come and attack us?"】

【"It doesn't allow us to get close"】

【"Is it a warning?"】

【"Maybe it is protecting the tree of the beginning of the world from invasion by outsiders."】

After a question and answer session with Lucario, he finally figured things out.

I can only say that Kamiya is quite knowledgeable. His judgment is spot on.���, Regirock is protecting the tree of the beginning of the world

【After walking through the mine for more than ten minutes, they finally saw light again, and the exit was right in front of them.】

【An incredible world. Rocks, rivers, trees, and within the tree that was the beginning of the world, there is a small world hidden. Here, everything remains the same as it was in the past.】

【Xiaozhi and his friends even saw Ammonite and Prickly Ammonite in the stream nearby.】

【Fossil Pokémon that are almost extinct outside are everywhere here.】

【Fossilized pterosaurs, sickle helmets, tentacle lilies, and ancient armor. 】

(Second update, please subscribe!!).

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