【Perseverance is commendable, but perseverance alone is useless in Pokémon battles】

【The level gap between the two elves is too big.】

【If we compare them intuitively, it is probably level 40 vs level 18. The level gap is so big that it cannot be made up by any method.】

【Xiaozhi, who had been going smoothly all the way, suffered his first defeat since his journey, and the opponent he lost to was Cross, the opponent he was most reluctant to lose to.】

【This caused Xiaozhi's mentality to change.】

【And Kroos's post-match ridicule exacerbated this change.】

【After losing the game, Xiaozhi was in a very bad mood. After leaving the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi walked down the street listlessly.】

【"It's not right for him to be a trainer like that!"】

【"Logically, there is no reason for me to lose to him, but the result is"】

【Until now, Xiaozhi still can't accept that he lost to Cross】

【"But we can't easily deny his beliefs."Kross is much more rational than Xiaozhi.】

【In his opinion, Cross and Blazing Roaring Tiger both have the same belief of wanting to become stronger. It is true that Cross is a villain, but villains can also become strong.】

【There is no conflict between the two】

【Souji and Seiko tried to persuade Xiaozhi, but Xiaozhi was stuck in a dead end and couldn't get out of it.】

【He also said something that almost made him regret his whole life.】

【The moment he stepped into the shadow, an idea suddenly popped up in Xiaozhi's mind,"I can win with Pikachu."】

Hoenn area, Saiyu City Park


"Such words actually came out of Xiaozhi's mouth?"

Xiaosheng couldn't believe his ears.

Was this really what Xiaozhi said?

"It seems that losing to Cross was a huge blow to Xiaozhi."Xiaogang sighed and said,"Xiaozhi, you still need to hone your skills." Xiaozhi in that world was too smooth sailing, and he had basically not suffered any setbacks in his travels so far. As a result, he lost to Cross, which was a huge blow.

"Xiaozhi is different. Xiaozhi has always lost, so even if the same thing happens, I believe he will not say such words."

Xiaogang is still very confident about this.

Because of the many failures he has experienced, Xiaozhi has already tempered a heart of steel. Even when Charizard did such a thing at the Quartz Conference, Xiaozhi did not collapse and say that it would be better if he did not use Charizard.

"Are you praising me or insulting me?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help it.

What does it mean to have experienced a lot of failures? Can a trainer's business be called a loss?

Xiaogang really doesn't understand it at all!

Video continues——

【Chengzi and Souji were still trying to persuade Xiaozhi, but they didn't notice that in Xiaozhi's shadow, there was a Pokémon staring at him.】

【It is luring Xiaozhi into the abyss】

【Machado is infinitely magnifying the evil thoughts in Xiaozhi's heart.

The audience also suddenly realized it when they saw this.

It turned out that everything was caused by Machado.

If there was no Machado, Xiaozhi might have such thoughts, but I believe he would quickly drive away such terrible thoughts.

However, because of Machado's presence, the evil thoughts were not only not dispelled, but were infinitely magnified.

【The setting sun shines on the earth on Souji and Seiko's side, while on Xiaozhi's side, shadows are everywhere, and the two places are clearly divided.】

【This seems to be foreshadowing something.】

【The moment Xiaozhi completely stepped into the shadow, the test of the shadow also began】

【If he can successfully walk out of the test of the shadow, then he will be qualified to meet the Phoenix King. If he fails, then everything is over.】

【The moon is hanging high above the branches, Xiaozhi is walking in the woods with Pikachu】

【Thinking of Souji and Seiko, Xiaozhi said indignantly:"What are they doing? They are just talking big."】

【"Does Pikachu think so too?"】

【Xiaozhi's tone was filled with anger,"Do you also think it's my fault?!"]

Chat room comment area

【Furong: What a terrifying mythical Pokémon. 】

A Pokémon that can magnify the evil thoughts in people's hearts, Furong no longer thinks Machado is cute, but instead thinks it is a little scary.

Even a simple guy like Xiaozhi has become like this under the influence of Machado. If the person whose evil thoughts are magnified is her, then...

Furong doesn't dare to think about it anymore

【Dr. Oak: Is this the true test of the King of Phoenix?

Dr. Oak now suspects that Cross appeared in the library because he was lured by Machado.

This was to trigger Xiaozhi's evil thoughts.

【Xiaosong: The reason why the Phoenix King left the human world was because he had seen too many evil people, so it is normal for him to do this. 】

It seems that the Phoenix King is no longer willing to let people with greedy thoughts see him, so he hired Machado as an examiner.

So can Xiaozhi pass the test of Machado as an examiner?

Video continues——

【Normally, the bad words that Xiaozhi would never say came out of his mouth, but now they kept coming out of his mouth like spitting beans.】

【"It would be nice if the initial Pokémon was Squirtle or Bulbasaur."】

【At this, Xiaozhi and Pikachu were both stunned.】

【Xiaozhi felt a little regretful, but he didn't apologize in the end. He gritted his teeth and kept moving forward. When he turned around again, Pikachu was gone.】

【At this moment, he was the only one in the entire forest.】

【Xiaozhi leaned against a tree and slowly fell asleep under Machado's control. At the same time, the rainbow feather in his hand was slowly fading.】

【The colorful light has disappeared and has become dim at this moment.】

【The real test begins】

【Xiaozhi had a dream. In the dream world, he became an ordinary student. There were no Pokémon or Pikachu in that world.】

【After class, Xiaozhi and his classmates came to the rooftop, where he talked about his dreams. He wanted to travel around the world and see the charm of different places.】

【"At night, I look up at the stars, chat with my companions, and as long as I have it, I can go anywhere."】

【Xiaozhi said with longing】

【It? Who is it?】

【The students asked curiously】

【"Still have questions? The one who has always been with me"】

【Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment.】

【He seemed to have forgotten something】

【Xiaozhi tried hard to recall, and finally remembered that what he had forgotten was his companion who had always accompanied him on the journey - Pikachu.】

【The moment Xiaozhi remembered, the dream collapsed, and the world went from being dim to becoming bright again.】

【Xiaozhi in the forest suddenly woke up. Pikachu was right in front of him, looking at him worriedly.】

【The rainbow feather that fell to the ground regained its rainbow color. His companions had also arrived and were looking at him worriedly.】

【Seeing Xiaozhi come out of his gloom, everyone was relieved.】

【Xiaozhi had also come to his senses by this time. He took out Charmeleon's Poké Ball and sincerely apologized to Charmeleon.】

【In front of the campfire, Xiaozhi talked with Chengzi and Souji about the dream he had.】

【"I actually forgot all about the existence of Pokémon. This must be a dream. I never want to be like that!"】

【Chengzi shuddered unconsciously. She couldn't imagine what life would be like without Pokémon.】

【Souji was much calmer. When he was a child, his parents were often away from home because of work, and it was Roentgen cat who took care of him. One day, there was a blizzard outside, and he ran out alone and finally fell in the snow.】

【Finally, it was Roentgen the cat that arrived and warmed him with his body, which saved him from death in the blizzard.】

【But the Roentgen cat】

【Since then, he didn't dare to get too close to Pokémon until he met Lucario, and then he finally untied the knot in his heart. 】

Chat room comment area

【Fujiki: Soji is also a man with a story.

I think that the death of Roentgen Cat to save him must have been a big blow to Soji.

Maybe it was because of this that Soji chose to become a Pokémon doctor.

【Yasha: Woohoo, luckily that didn’t happen to me, otherwise I would have collapsed】

【Du Juan: Next time you have a lesson, you can use this case to tell the children that they should stay home alone on snowy days.】

【Xiaonan: Xiaofeng, did you hear that? You should stay at home alone from now on!】

【Xiao Feng: I'm not a child, sister!!! (To read the most exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Video continues——

【In the chat room, Pikachu accidentally noticed Machado hiding in the shadows. Pikachu wanted to pull Machado out, but he accidentally angered Infernape living in the tree.】

【Finally, with the help of Metapod, they managed to escape. Metapod also successfully evolved into Butterfree after this battle.】

【While traveling to a forest, Xiaozhi and his friends saw a Butterfree being chased by a Toucan. In order to save Butterfree, Xiaozhi sent out his Butterfree.】

【In the end, Butterfly successfully completed the heroic rescue of the beauty.】

【This is a small gap in the journey】

【Going forward, Xiaozhi and his friends are finally about to reach their destination.】

【At the foot of the Yunying Mountains, the mountains are already visible.】

【The rainbow feather was dancing, and when Xiaozhi took out one of the feathers, a rainbow bridge connected Xiaozhi to a mountain.】[]

【The mountain pointed by the rainbow feather is the highest mountain in the Yunying Mountains - Tianqing Mountain.】

【In the evening, when passing a mountain range, Xiaozhi and his friends saw Butterfree all over the mountain.】

【Xiaozhi also let his Butterfree out for a spin at this time. Coincidentally, the pink Butterfree they rescued in the forest happened to be here too.】

【Two butterflies gathered together and began to dance】

【At this time, Souji also gave some scientific knowledge. At this time, the butterfly will fly south in groups to reproduce.】

【Souji then pointed at Xiaozhi's Butterfree and said,"Look, your Butterfree is also like this. This is a courtship dance."】

【"Looks like he's won the heart."】

【After seeing the other party's response, Souji smiled and said】

【Xiaozhi was very excited to see that his Butterfree had found a girlfriend, but Makoto reminded Xiaozhi that if it had a girlfriend, it would have to fly south, and then it would have to leave Xiaozhi.】

【The sun slowly sets and the moon slowly rises】

【The great migration of the Butterflies has also begun】

【Xiaozhi was also stunned at this time. Butterfree was the first Pokémon he captured in the wild and was a very important partner of his. He didn't want to be separated from Butterfree.】

【Chengzi also expressed her understanding. If it were her, it would be difficult for her to accept the departure of the elves she had nurtured. 】

Chat room comment area

【A-Bi: Xiaozhi's Butterfree has good talent. It would be a pity to let it go. 】

The three fans used it to perfection. It seems that it can also use telekinesis. This Butterfree is definitely one in a million.

If it is cultivated well, it has the chance to become an ace.

【Liu: If it were me, I would definitely not let Butterfree go. But if it were Satoshi,

I think Satoshi would still choose to let Butterfree go in the end.

Because he is such a young man who always thinks of others.

【Karuna: Machado won't cause trouble again, right? 】

Video continues——

【Xiaozhi handed the initiative to his Butterfree. Should he say goodbye to them here and go south with his friends, or choose to stay?】

【On one side is the close trainer, and on the other side is the girlfriend. It's really hard to make a choice.】

【Finally, Butterfree flew to Xiaozhi and hid behind him, not daring to look at the girl again. It still wanted to be with Xiaozhi.】

【Looking at the lost pink Butterfree and his Butterfree with its head down behind him, Xiaozhi made a decision.】

【".Follow them to the south."】

【Xiaozhi grabbed Butterfree's hand and pushed it to the woman.】

【Like an old father, Xiaozhi handed Butterfree to the woman.】

【Under the setting sun, Batday left with tears in his eyes】

【"Batday, take care of yourself!!!"】

【Xiaozhi's eyes were soaked with tears. He really, really couldn't bear to part with Butterfree. 】

Hoenn region, Saiyu City Park

"I wonder how Butterfree is doing now?"

Xiaozhi misses his Butterfree a little bit.

"It should have several children now."

Xiao Gang replied with a smile

"Did Xiaozhi also separate from Butterfree? That's right."

Xiaosheng suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Xiaozhi.

"Why didn't Xiaozhi capture Butterfree at that time?"


Xiaozhi was stunned.

The more Xiaosheng thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea.

"Life in the wild is not that easy. You have to compete with Beedrills for territory, and you may be hurt by bad guys. You don’t have to go to the south to get married and have children. Isn’t Professor Oak’s research institute also okay?"

The environment in the research institute is much different from that in the wild.


Xiaozhi didn't know what to say.

It must be said that Xiaosheng did make a good suggestion.

If he had captured the other Butterfree and placed them both in the doctor's research institute, it wouldn't be so difficult to even see Butterfree now.

"Alas, we didn't think about that at the time."

Xiaogang also felt a little regretful.

This is indeed a way to have the best of both worlds, but unfortunately, it's too late now.

Looking at Xiaozhi's frustrated look, Xiaoyao comforted him:"It's okay, Xiaozhi, maybe the reward given by the system this time can help you make up for your regrets."

""Yes, Xiaozhi, if it really doesn't work, we can go with you to find Butterfree."

Diancie also said gently.

She was still very confident in finding someone.


Video continues——

【The Butterfrees have all left.】

【The valley became empty again.】


【It's the sound of electric current】

【Pikachu sensed something and quickly turned around to look.】

【Above the three people, a tiger-like Pokémon was watching them.】

【It looks like a saber-toothed tiger, with golden hair, strong limbs and sharp fangs.】

【There is a black steel headdress on its forehead, which covers its forehead, nose and mouth, and below the headdress is an X-shaped beard. It has an electric-shaped light blue tail with a spark-shaped tip.】

【It is none other than Lei Gong, the last member of the Phoenix Guard.】

【According to legend, Raikou is a ferocious Pokémon that descends with thunder and lightning.】

【Fortunately, the Thunder God in front of them seemed to have no ill will towards them.】

【It just stared at Xiaozhi quietly.】

【After staring at Xiaozhi for more than ten seconds, Lei Gong roared, and the sky and the earth changed color for a moment, and golden lightning flashed continuously in the sky.】

【The three people, startled by the lightning and the roar, unconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.】

【When they put their hands down, the Thunder God had disappeared, as if he had never appeared.】

【In the misty mountains, Xiaozhi and his friends were walking on a narrow road. Above them, on the high slopes on both sides, stood a group of wild Pokémon. They were silently watching Xiaozhi and his friends.】

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