【First he patted Xiaozhi's left shoulder, then hid to the right, then the right, and then hid to the left.】

【After several times, Xiaozhi got a little angry,"Who is it?"】

【But when he turned around and saw who was playing the prank, he suddenly became excited.】

【Miss Sirona is right, this is definitely a big surprise! 】 In the Sinnoh region, Futaba Town.

Xiaoguang, who was watching a video while enjoying delicious ice cream on the sofa, suddenly froze. He didn't even react when the spoon in his hand accidentally fell to the ground.

"It's Xiao Guang"

"It seems that he is very familiar with Xiaozhi."

Mother Caizi was surprised.

She did not expect that the old friend of Xiaozhi mentioned by Miss Sirona was actually her daughter Xiaoguang.

"Oh my god, Xiaozhi and I are actually companions!"

Xiaoguang came back to her senses and showed a look of surprise on her face.

What made her even happier was that she also saw the Pokémon she would capture in the future.

It was a super cute Pokémon.

Video continues——

【During the chat, Xiaozhi learned that Xiaoguang came to the Unova region by hitchhiking with Miss Sirona.】

【As for why she didn't contact Xiaozhi immediately after arriving in the Unova region, it was because she went to Raven City first.】

【She watched the Pokemon musical there, and not only that, she also went to see Juer's fashion show, which was definitely her most unforgettable memory.】

【"Poga, Poga"】

【Pogaman looked behind the sofa with a puzzled expression.】

【Seeing Pogamon's troubled look, Xiaozhi probably guessed what was going on.】

【At this time, Alice also understood why Meloetta hid. She must have sensed Xiaoguang and Pogaman in the villa, so she hid shyly.】

【Xiaozhi originally wanted to call Meloetta out and introduce her to Xiaoguang, but Meloetta didn't seem to have any plans to show up, so Xiaozhi could only put this idea aside for the time being.】

【In Miss Sirona's backyard, everyone released all the elves. There were nearly twenty elves in total, making the originally spacious backyard a little crowded.】


【At this time, Pikachu also noticed Juanjuan hiding behind the tusk pig and greeted Juanjuan cordially.】

【Juanjuan, who was already very shy, blushed even more.】

【But it still mustered up its courage and slowly walked towards Pikachu. 】

Hoenn region, Caiyou City Park.

Seeing Juanjuan's shy look, Xiaozhi asked curiously,

"Why did Juanjuan'er's face turn so red? Is she afraid of meeting strangers like Meloetta?"

Xiaosheng was speechless and couldn't help but complain,"Xiaozhi is still a child and doesn't understand the adult world at all."

"What? Isn’t Xiaosheng younger than me?"

""Do you understand the world of adults?"

Xiaozhi was a little unconvinced.

Seeing Xiaozhi's angry look, Xiaoyao and Xiaogang couldn't help laughing.

Xiaosheng was right. Xiaozhi was really naive and didn't understand the world of adults at all.

Video continues——

【A funny scene appeared. When Juanjuan came over, the water otter thought Juanjuan was coming towards him, and his cheeks turned red with excitement.】

【As a result, Juanjuan ignored the water otter and leaned on Pikachu, and the water otter was petrified.】

【Worse things are yet to come. Pogaman picked up a water otter shell and started playing with it. He tried to stick the shell on his forehead, but it slipped off.】

【The water otter was still laughing at Pogaman, but Hikaru's Pachirisu rushed over and kicked the shell away.】

【All villains!】

【After playing in the yard for a while, Meloetta gradually realized that Xiaoguang was not a bad person. With Xiaozhi's encouragement, Meloetta showed her true identity in front of Xiaoguang.】

【Under Xiaoguang's initiative, Meloetta quickly became friends with Xiaoguang.】

【In the evening, everyone returned to Sirona's villa and enjoyed afternoon tea arranged by the housekeeper.】

【It was at this time that Meloetta, perched on the rocks on the beach, began to sing.】

【I was being chased by evil villains for a while, and my nerves were always tense. I finally relaxed today.】

【But what Meloetta didn't know was that Team Rocket hadn't given up and was still planning to capture Meloetta.】

【At night, in a specially built submarine】

【Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow handed over the singing voice of Meloetta that they successfully recorded today to Dr. Seg.】

【Through data analysis, Dr. Seg was finally able to determine that this wavelength would undoubtedly be the key to unlocking the seal.】

【But these fragments of melody are not enough, they need a complete song】

【Team Rocket has a new plan. They don't have to capture Meloetta, because even if they capture her, they may not be able to sing the song completely.】

【As long as they quietly follow behind Meloetta and secretly record, I believe it won’t take long before they can copy the entire song.】

【In this case, they should thank the little brat. Without the little brat, Meloetta's emotions would not be so stable, and she would definitely not sing loudly. 】

Chat room comment area

【Adu: The key to unlocking the seal? What is Team Rocket doing again?! 】

Adu has already smelled the smell of danger.

He knows Sakaki too well.

Sakaki has spent so much effort, it is impossible for him to just do something small.

What is he planning?

【Kona: Is Sakaki planning to take advantage of Reshiram and Zekrom? 】

Sent the Rocket trio to the joint���region, Kona's first reaction was that Sakaki wanted to subdue the Black and White Dragons

【Cattleya: Now our Unova region is really going to be lively. 】

It’s not enough to have Team Plasma, the crazy people, Team Rocket is here again. What evil have they done to Unova?

【Lingonberry: If a major crisis really occurs, Adek will definitely take full responsibility!!!】


【Kaluna: Seal? Meloetta? Is she related to the black and white dragons of Unova?

I don't understand at all.

Video continues——

【Because they heard that there was a rare giant rock snake on the nearby uninhabited island, Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, Alice, and Tiantong decided to go to the island to take a look.】

【On the motorboat, Xiaozhi asked Jerome about the rare Onix, but unfortunately Jerome had never heard of it.】

【He only knew that there were many giant rock snakes living on the uninhabited island, but he had never heard of the rare giant rock snake.】

【Camera Switch】

【A huge helicopter flies over the sea】

【Musashi in the cockpit said seriously:"Approach point X, prepare to drop the underwater probe."】

【"OK, you can vote anytime, meow"】

【Captain Meow Meow began to control the machine】

【On the other hand, Kojiro's mood also became cheerful, and he finally started to investigate.】

【In front of the cave, just as Xiaozhi was about to take a look, a large group of rolling bats flew out, scaring Xiaozhi.】

【Not long after entering the cave, several people were attacked by a giant rock snake.���Kill, there is no other way, the four can only flee】

【During the escape, the four of them got separated. Alice and Xiaoguang successfully escaped from the cave, while Xiaozhi, Tiantong, and Xiaoguang's Pogaman were all gone.】

【On the other side, Xiaozhi and his friends also successfully escaped from the cave.】

【After discussing for a while, the two decided to go back to the beach to see if they could find Xiaoguang and Alice.】

【But who would have thought that even after they left the cave, Rock Snake had no intention of letting them go.】

【The ground began to shake, and a giant rock snake emerged from the ground, blocking their path.】

【The sudden appearance of the giant rock snake scared Meloetta. Seeing Meloetta close her eyes in fear, Pogaman and Water Otter suddenly became excited.】

【They seem to want to replicate Xiaozhi's previous actions and win Meloetta's heart by being a hero and saving the beauty. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【We are no longer in a small cave, so there is nothing to be afraid of.】

【Pogamon and Water Otter successfully repelled the Onix with water guns.】

【But before Pogaman and the water otter could have a moment of joy, the ground began to shake again.】

【Another Rock Snake appeared, this time three of them appeared at once】

【"Water Otter uses a water gun, and Pogaman uses a bubble ray!"】[]

【Xiaozhi quickly ordered Pogamon and Water Otter to attack, trying to stop the Onix.】

【But this time, Onix came prepared.���They were so fast that they all dodged the water guns.】

【Three large rock snakes are already in sight. If they hit you, the consequences will be disastrous.】

【Seeing that Xiaozhi was about to be hit by Onix, Meloetta took action.】

【She stood in front of Xiaozhi and sang a beautiful song】

【The power contained in the song successfully forced the Onix to retreat.】

【It's not over yet. Meloetta is getting more and more excited as she sings. She starts to dance.】

【In the beautiful city of songs, accompanied by intense dance, Meloetta's appearance changed】

【The flowing light green hair had turned orange at some point and was curled upwards. 】

Chat room comment area

【Lian Wu: Is this evolution?

But he doesn’t seem to see the light of evolution. What’s going on?

【Daye: Can mythical Pokémon evolve? This is the first time I've seen this!

Daye thought that mythical Pokémon and legendary Pokémon could not evolve.

Now it seems that he is ignorant.

【Professor Oak: This is not a change, but a change in form. Just like the cherry blossoms, they look one way on a cloudy day and another way on a sunny day.

Professor Oak said his guess.

【Dr. Yew: Dr. Oak is right, this is the form change. Meloetta has a skill called Ancient Song. After using the Ancient Song, Meloetta will switch from singing form to dancing form. 】

I see, the audience suddenly realized it after hearing this. However

, you really have to admit, Meloetta's strength is really good. She easily repelled three angry Onixes. No wonder she is ranked sixth on the list.

Asking for flowers. Among the many mythical Pokémon that have been counted before, perhaps only Machado who has obtained the Rainbow Feather can surely beat Meloetta.

But that is also because of the help of external forces. In terms of hard power, Machado should not be Meloetta's opponent.

【Ami: If you look at it this way, the Rocket trio has really become stronger.

Meloetta is powerful, but she is still being chased by the Rocket trio.

Hiss, the Rocket trio is still getting more valuable.

They are really not funny characters anymore.

Video continues——

【it's not finished yet】

【The wonderful show has just begun】

【Meloetta rushed to the nearest Onix, punched and kicked it, and beat it at close range, knocking it dizzy.】

【The two big rock snakes next to them were also stunned, and turned their heads and burrowed into the ground.】

【The remaining rock snake saw that its companions had all fled, so it quickly chased after them.】

【In this way, Meloetta easily defeated the three attacking Onix.】

【This time it's no longer a hero saving a beauty, it's a beauty saving a hero】

【"Awesome, Meloetta, thanks to you we are saved"】

【Xiaozhi excitedly expressed his gratitude to Meloetta】

【Hearing Xiaozhi's words of thanks, Meloetta's face lit up.���It turned red. It can be seen that Meloetta really likes Xiaozhi.】

【Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, Alice, and Tiantong finally met successfully, but the current situation is quite bad.】

【There are big rock snakes everywhere, but the headache is that these big rock snakes look quite angry.】

【There was no other way, Xiaozhi could only choose to ask Meloetta for help again.】

【With Meloetta's singing, the Onix slowly calmed down. Just when Xiaozhi and his friends thought the problem had been solved, another accident happened.】

【For some reason, the Onix became violent and restless again.】

【Xiaozhi and his friends thought a fierce battle was inevitable, but they found that the Onix did not attack them immediately, but all of them roared to the sky.】

【Amid the cries of the Onix, a special Onix slowly appeared.】

【It has a completely different skin color from the ordinary rock snake. It is a rock snake made up of huge pieces of khaki rocks.】

【It should be the rare Onix that Xiaozhi and his friends are looking for.】

【Shining Onix roared, and all the Onix that were just irritable were scared away.】

【The power of a roar is so terrifying】

【Then Shiny Onix looked at Xiaozhi and the others again, and slowly returned to the forest.】

【It should be the ruler of the giant rock snakes on this island. 】

Chat room comment area

【Xiba: It's incredible, a different-colored Onix can actually become the master of Onixes, how strong must it be? 】

Xiba was moved.

In nature, being different will be discriminated against.

Obviously, this is definitely not because of other reasons that Shiny Onix can become the master, it can only be because its strength is far superior to other Onixes

【Kona: Are you going to change your job to Rock King?

It's not enough to have a Onix in your hand, you want to capture a new Onix?

What happened to the kings in Kanto? They are all not doing their jobs properly.

The Dragon King has all Flying Pokémons, the Fighting King loves Rock Pokémons, and the Ghost King is actually better at Poison Pokémons, which means that all the Pokémons she has are Ice Pokémons.

But if Sheba wants to change her job to Rock King, it will be a good thing for her.

Compared to Fighting Pokémons, Rock Pokémons are obviously easier to deal with.

【Kona: Sheba, I support you. When are you going to Unova? I will buy you a ticket.】

【Xiba: ???????】

Video continues——

【Xiaozhi and his friends boarded the motorboat for the return trip.】

【They were about to go back, but a few of them were still discussing what happened today. It seemed that today's adventure was an unforgettable memory for them.】

【On the other side, the Rockets trio is still carrying out their plan.】

【At the flick of a switch, another detector was thrown into the sea.】

【"It's only a matter of time before the ruins are discovered!"】

【Musashi's heart began to beat rapidly.】

【It's time to prove to Boss Sakaki that they are definitely the Rockets players he can trust.】

【Captain Meow Meow kept pressing various buttons to control the spacecraft."Everything will be ready as long as we have Meloetta. Meow Meow!""】

【"Now, just hand over the little devil for now and they will be fine."】

【I want to leave Meloetta with the little brats and take her back when they need her.】

【Promoted to cadre, appointed as branch director, this time it is definitely not just talk】

【The three of them had never felt that success was so close to them. 】

(Second update, there is more today, I will continue to update after eating, please vote for me, please subscribe!!!)

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