"I can only say that Palkia is a bit pretentious."

Ah Li couldn't help but complain.

Look at how Dialga blocked the Abyss Slash?

It used the power of time to build an absolutely solid protective shield, but what about Palkia? He directly used his body to resist Dialga's Time and Space Roar.

It would be unfair if he didn't lose.

Palkia lost to arrogance!

Video continues——

【The main film has begun】

【Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, and Xiaogang appeared in the camera, and they were heading to the next town.】

【The destination is Baiyang Town, where the Pokémon Contest is about to be held.】

【"Xiaogang, haven’t you arrived yet?"】

【Xiaoguang was a little anxious. She was worried that she had taken the wrong road again. If she got lost and missed the gorgeous competition held in Baiyang Town, she would probably not be able to sleep well for several days.】

【Fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen. Xiaogang was still very reliable this time.】

【Walking up the hill, Baiyang Town can be seen】

【"Pikachu, let's find an opponent as soon as we get there!"】

【There were no trainers along the way, and Xiaozhi couldn't help himself.】

【"I have to prepare for the glamour contest, which dress should I wear this time?"】

【Xiaoguang is also very excited. She must win the ribbon of the gorgeous competition this time.】

【Wait, Xiaozhi suddenly found something wrong】

【There was no road ahead, and a big river separated them from Baiyang Town.】

【Looking at the other side of the river, at the Baiyang Town standing on the top of the mountain, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang were stunned.】

【Xiaogang flipped through the map and replied that they seemed to have walked to the other side.】

【The strength in her body slipped away at once, and Xiaoguang felt unwell. She said dejectedly,"I suddenly feel so tired."】

【Can you be reliable for once? Xiaogang!】

【"Do you want me to give you a ride?"】

【The sound came from the sky. A sweet-looking blonde girl appeared above Xiaozhi and his friends in a hot air balloon.】

【On the hot air balloon, the girl told Xiaozhi and his friends her name, Alice. 】

Unova, Dragon Country

"What? Her name is also Alice?!"

If she is Alice, then who am I?

The grandmother patted Alice's head and said with a smile:"Alice is a very common name."

"I think there is at least one person named Alice in every city."

She didn't know what Alice was struggling with.

Fortunately, Alice was only struggling for a short while, and soon she turned her attention back to the video.

The grandmother told her that Dialga and Palkia are also dragon-type Pokémon.

Oh, right.

Alice suddenly thought of

"Granny, aren't Dialga and Palkia also no match for Kyurem?"

Because Granny had told her before that Kyurem was the strongest dragon on earth.

This question was really sharp, and Granny was also stumped.

After thinking for a while, Granny gave her answer.

"Dialga and Palkia do not belong to this world.

One is the god of space, and the other is the god of time. They both live in their own space.

Therefore, there should be no dragon Pokémon like Kyurem.

"I told you so."

She had already seen that Kyurem's momentum was no match for Digalka and Palkia.

It seems that Kyurem's title of the strongest dragon on earth is still quite untrue.

Video continues——

【"Are you Miss Alice from Poplar Town?"】

【Xiaogang quickly took out his treasure manual. After reading it, he found that Alice's name was indeed not there. Xiaogang suddenly blamed himself. He actually missed a beauty like Alice in his manual. He was such a failure.

Xiaoxia and Xiaosheng saw this scene and couldn't help but cover their foreheads.

Without them around, Xiaogang began to let himself go.

Xiaogang and Xiaoguang didn't seem like the kind of people who could punish Xiaogang.

Just when Xiaoxia and Xiaosheng thought that Xiaogang was about to usher in the biggest enhancement in history, Xiaogang in the video suddenly fell down.

A bad frog appeared behind Xiaogang.

The stinger hit Xiaogang's waist directly.

Xiaogang, who was still flying just now, was pulled back to the ground by the bad frog.

After seeing this scene, Xiaoxia and Xiaosheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

【Alice drove the hot air balloon and soon arrived above Baiyang Town.】

【Xiaozhi and his friends also saw the iconic building of Baiyang Town - the Tower of Time and Space.】

【This is a work designed by the genius architect Gaudi a hundred years ago.】

【"It is also the venue for the Pokémon Contest.."】

【Alice said with a smile】

【Xiaoguang's heart jumped out. It was absolutely a dreamlike experience to participate in the gorgeous competition under such a simple building.】

【"Pickup truck?"】

【Pikachu seemed to sense something. A gust of evil wind suddenly blew, and Pidgeot and the gulls were scared and ran around. The hot air balloon that Xiaozhi and his friends were riding was also affected and began to sway constantly.】

【In the laboratory】

【The young man with glasses kept operating the instruments in the room.】

【"Somewhere, a powerful force is colliding violently. What on earth is happening?!"】

【On the hot air balloon, the wind slowly calmed down.】

【Alice also told everyone about the strange things that happened recently. Things seemed a little strange these days, and it didn't seem to be affected by the air currents.】

【Poplar Town】

【Maybe it's because of the upcoming Pokémon Contest, the town of Baiyang has been very busy these days, with trainers and coordinators from all over Sinnoh everywhere on the street.】

【In the central park of Baiyang Town, Xiaozhi met a male trainer with a turtle. At Xiaozhi's request, the opponent agreed to have a Pokémon duel with Xiaozhi.】

【The Pokémon that the man usually sends out is Tortoise, and Xiaozhi also takes out Pikachu without hesitation.】

【Dawn and Brock also found the right opponents. Dawn's side was Pogona versus King Nabo, while Brock's was Frog versus Infernape.

The audience who saw this scene couldn't help but say that if they are not from the same family, they will not enter the same door.

No wonder Dawn and Dawn became Xiaozhi's companions. It turns out that they are the same kind of people in their bones. They both like to use baby Pokémon to fight Pokémon that have evolved to their full form.

【After the battle, Alice led everyone to a courtyard.】

【She walked at the front of the team and introduced the various facilities in the courtyard. She also told Xiaozhi and the others that this courtyard was also designed by designer Gaudi.】

【Alice is very popular in the courtyard. When she appears, all the wild Pokémon in the courtyard gather around her.】

【Humans and Pokémon live in harmony, which is also the original intention of Gaudi to design the garden】

【Alice smiled and told Xiaozhi and the others that she had been playing in the courtyard since she was a child, so all the elves here were her good friends.】

【It would be a shame not to share such a beautiful garden with the Pokémon. Under Xiaozhi's leadership, everyone released all the Pokémon.���Come】

【Squirtle, Mook, and Scrabble. The first two are new Pokémon that Xiaozhi captured in the Sinnoh region, and Scrabble secretly followed him to the Sinnoh region. 】

Chat room comment area

【Xiaomao: I want to ask a question, are there three starter Pokémon everywhere? How come Xiaozhi can capture three starter Pokémon wherever he goes?

Xiaomao actually wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

In the Kanto region, Xiaozhi captured Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur; in the Johto region, he captured Chikorita, Crocodile, and Charmeleon. In the

Kanto and Johto regions, Xiaozhi adopted a one-pot approach.

When he arrived in Hoenn, Xiaozhi finally restrained himself and only captured Boswell. (To read the novels of Baoshuang, go to Faloo Novel Network!) As for Sinnoh

, it seems that he has only captured Squirtle, but it is not certain, maybe he will capture other three starter Pokémon. When he arrived in Unova, he started to capture them all at once, and took in Otter, Warm Warm Pokémon, and Snake; he also captured Frog in the Kalos region.

No matter which region he went to, Xiaozhi was guaranteed to capture a local three starter Pokémon. Xiaomao really wanted to ask, are the three starter Pokémon really that easy to capture?

【Cai Zhong: My God, you are still fussing over such trivial matters.

Cai Zhong thought Xiao Mao was going to say something, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter.[]

For Xiaozhi, is it a big deal to capture a few starter Pokémon?

He is already very respectful if he does not capture a few legendary Pokémon and mythical Pokémon in every region.

Even legendary Pokémon and mythical Pokémon are around Xiaozhi, so what are a few starter Pokémon?

【Yasha: Damn it! It seems to be true. I feel sorry for myself for some reason. It is so difficult for her to capture a Fire Chick in the wild, but Xiaozhi can easily encounter fire beasts. God is too unfair.

【Du Juan: Why are you being pitiful here? Your grandfather was the former Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn. If you really want one, a mere Fire Chick is nothing! 】】

Let alone Fire Chick, even more precious fire spirits, Asha's grandfather can get them for her.

Don't underestimate the power of a Heavenly King who has been in office for more than 30 years.

Asha stuck out her tongue.

Doesn't she want to conquer it herself?

She doesn't want others to say that her success is all due to her grandfather.

Video continues——

【Following Xiaozhi's path through the courtyard, Xiaozhi and his friends soon arrived at the end of the courtyard.】

【This is a pavilion built by the lake. From the pavilion, they can even see the other side of the lake. That is the road they took when they came to Baiyang Town.】

【Xiaozhi and his friends were still admiring the beautiful scenery in the courtyard, but the Pokémon who had been playing happily just now were quarreling.】

【The two sides were clearly divided into two teams, the indigenous team and Xiaozhi's Pokémon.】

【As for why the elves who were helping each other harmoniously just now suddenly quarreled, it is a long story. In short, it was a conflict caused by three sweet peaches.】

【In the end, it was Alice who blew the leaf flute and calmed the elves' irritable hearts, and the conflict was settled.】

【Suddenly, an Aledo came into the courtyard and motioned for Alice to follow it, as if something extraordinary had happened.】

【Aledo led everyone to the pond at the entrance of the courtyard.】

【The pond that was flowing with clear water just now has become dilapidated.】

【Even the stone pillars placed nearby for decoration were broken.】

【"This is outrageous, who did this?!"】

【Even the good-tempered Alice got angry】

【"It's Darkrai!"】

【A man in ceremonial clothes slowly appeared in front of everyone. Alice also knew this man, Albert. 】

Chat room comment area

【Cai Zhong: Darkrai? Is it the nightmare god Darkrai?

After hearing Darkrai's name, Cai Zhong shuddered unconsciously.

It's really not her fault, because her mother always used Darkrai to scare her when she was a child.

If she didn't sleep well, she would be taken away by Darkrai at night, and so on, so she habitually feared after hearing Darkrai's name.

【Daye: If it's Darkrai, then everything makes sense.

Darkrai is indeed the kind of Pokémon that would destroy a pond for no reason.

Someone would ask at this time, Daye, have you seen Darkrai? Otherwise, how do you know that Darkrai is such a Pokémon.

Daye would then laugh, does he need to see Darkrai?

All the books describe Darkrai like this.

When he was a child, the comics he read, basically the final boss was Darkrai.

There is no mistake, Darkrai is such an evil Pokémon!

【Dr. Yamanashi: A Pokémon that is born evil? Not necessarily.

Dr. Yamanashi has done a detailed study on Darkrai.

After his study, he found that Darkrai is not as evil as everyone thinks.

Yes, Darkrai does drag people and Pokémon into nightmares, but its main purpose for doing so is to protect itself.

Darkrai is a Pokémon with a strong sense of territory. Once it enters its territory, it will expel the invader at all costs.

But if you don't invade Darkrai's territory, Darkrai will not attack you for no reason.

In general, Darkrai is not an evil Pokémon, and of course, it is not a kind Pokémon either.

It can be considered neutral.

【Xiaosong: If that’s the case, then Darkrai won’t just rush into our house for no reason and capture and eat us, right?】

【Melissa: Where did you hear this rumor from? I have never heard that Darkrai would eat people.】

【Xiaosong: This way I can rest assured. 】

Video continues——

【Albert walked straight to Alice and said confidently:"I heard that someone saw it on the street recently."】

【"Darkrai? What is that?"】

【This is the first time Xiaozhi has heard of Darkrai.】

【Albert obviously had a deep prejudice against Darkrai. He kicked the broken stone pillar and shouted,"It's the magical (Wang Wang's) baby who did all this!"】

【"I heard that Darkrai lives in this courtyard."】

【Alice heard that Darkrai lives here.】

【Xiaogang has also heard of Darkrai, a Pokémon that drags people and Pokémon into nightmares.】

【At this moment, a sound came from the bushes not far away, and Albert immediately sent out his elves】

【It's a super large tongue licking】

【This is a recently discovered Pokémon, the evolution of Big Tongue.】

【The big tongue licked the destruction light and successfully forced the creature out of the bushes. However, he was not Darkrai, but a man in his early twenties.】

【The man walked out of the bushes in a panic, holding a computer.】

【The moment she saw the man, Alice rushed over, her eyes full of worry.】

【"Tony, are you okay?!"】

【After Alice's introduction, Xiaozhi and his friends learned that the man in front of them was called Tonyo, and he was a scientist.】

【Donio placed the computer on the edge of the pond, and told everyone his discovery with a serious expression, and also told everyone the reason why he came to the courtyard.】

【Because there was a fluctuation in the space nearby, he came here to investigate.】

【Tonyo kept observing the destroyed pond. The more he observed, the more serious his expression became.】

【"This is impossible!"】

【At this time, a piece of rubble hit Tonyo on the head. Alice quickly asked Tonyo if he was okay.】

【Albert seemed a little jealous, he walked up to Alice and put his arm around her shoulders,"Alice, you don’t have to be so gentle to this guy, because you are my future wife!"】

【But it was obviously just Albert's wishful thinking. Alice pushed Albert away and told him clearly that she had rejected his proposal and she had no plans to get married recently.】

【"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't mention this in front of outsiders. How about we have a cup of tea in my mansion next?"】

【Albert started to move his hands again】

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