Elves Come To the World

Chapter 115 Barrier

After getting Luo Chen's affirmative answer, Bai Yuxin smiled slightly.

Then he threw out the elf ball in his hand, and a Bi Diao appeared in the field.

Then I saw Bi Diao leaning over and letting Bai Yuxin ride on it.

"This is my flying mount Bi Diao, come up, it can take us to the area where the big tongue shell gathers."

After Bai Yuxin rode Bi Diao, she explained a few words to her sister, and then said to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen nodded, and carefully climbed onto Bi Diao's back.

Then I saw Bi Diao flapping his wings fiercely, his figure quickly raised his height, and flew into the sky quickly.

Luo Chen couldn't help being a little nervous when he was flying the elf for the first time. Feeling the strong wind blowing constantly, he could only hold on to Bi Diao's feathers.

Bi Diao's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to fly to a shoal, and his figure landed steadily on the ground.

"It seems that you still need to find some time to practice riding. If you want to become an elf hunter, you can't do without mastering riding skills!"

Looking at Luo Chen, whose feet were limp after getting off the ground, Bai Yuxin covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Well, the next step is to practice riding well."

Luo Chen nodded, patted his weak feet, and then stood up.

And when he looked at the beach in the distance, he was taken aback for a moment, and saw that on the beach at this time, there were big tongue shells all over the beach!

The structure of these clams is similar to that of clams. The inside is covered by a sharp and hard shell. The upper and lower shells each have two sharp spines. The eyes are located in the black soft body inside the shell, and they always stick out their tongues.

"Good... so many big tongue shells!"

Luo Chen was immediately stunned.

"Ah, these big tongue shells seem to be planning to build a nest here."

"The alliance originally planned to send elf hunters here to expel the big tongue shell. After I saw it, I just took over this task." Bai Yuxin smiled slightly.

"Well, with so many big tongue shells, I will definitely be able to find the one I want."

Luo Chen nodded excitedly, then threw the elf ball, and the figure of King Chuanshan appeared in the field.

"Then leave it to yourself, I am responsible for protecting you."

After getting Bai Yuxin's consent, Luo Chen immediately brought Chuanshan King to the embankment in front of the beach.

"Then let's get started, King Chuanshan used a sandstorm on the big tongue shell underground!"

After receiving Luo Chen's order, Chuanshan King nodded, and under Bai Yuxin's amazed eyes, he spun and splashed the sand and spread it out, immediately turning into a sandstorm and covering it!

And at Luo Chen's request, King Chuanshan weakened the damage of the sandstorm and instead expanded the scope of the sandstorm's influence.

Feeling the sudden sandstorm, I saw that the big tongue shells shrank into their shells one after another, letting the sand and dust hit their bodies, making a crackling sound.

Luo Chen stood on the embankment and looked down, his eyes swept over the big tongue shells, trying to find a big tongue shell that could not be affected by the sandstorm.

"Can't you?"

Luo Chen looked at it for a while, only to feel that his eyes were a little dazzled, and suddenly he felt a little miscalculated.

Although his plan is good, it seems that it is not suitable for such a large-scale screening!

"Luo Chen, look there, there are super power fluctuations."

At this moment, Bai Yuxin who was standing behind Luo Chen suddenly spoke.

Luo Chen's spirit was shaken, and he followed Mali Luli's guidance, and he found that a barrier was erected in the middle of the sandstorm, and the sandstorm hit it, making crackling sounds!

"I'll catch it for you, come out, natural bird, and use the exchange field against the big tongue shell that uses the barrier!"

As Bai Yuxin's voice fell, a natural bird was released into the open space where it was.

Then I saw a powerful mental wave erupting from the natural bird, and then I saw its figure suddenly disappear in place, and then I saw a big tongue shell appear at the place where the natural bird disappeared!

At the same time, in just an instant, the figure of the natural bird reappeared, but the latter used teleportation.

Luo Chen couldn't help but be amazed by the combined use of switching venues and teleportation.

"The next battle will be left to you."

After moving the big tongue shell to an open space, Bai Yuxin let the natural bird back and looked at Luo Chen with interest.


Luo Chen nodded, and then began to look at the big tongue in front of him.

The big tongue shell was suddenly caught by the exchange site, and it also felt the crisis, so it used a barrier in an instant to block it in front of it.

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