Elves Come To the World

Chapter 142 Weaknesses of roots

"How is this going?"

"Is this Alidos too poisonous?"

Luo Chen was also taken aback when he saw this situation.

It would be fine if the toxin stored in Alidos's body had that kind of power, but now even the poisonous needle he spit out can cause this kind of damage to the roots!

This couldn't help but make Luo Chen start to wonder in his heart, could it be that this Alidos is really too strong?

"Desert Naia, use the missile needle!"

After realizing that the roots couldn't do much damage to Alidos, Luo Chen directly directed Desert Naia to attack!

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately, I saw spikes protruding from Naia's hands in the desert, which turned into streaks of white light and shot towards Alidos!

Seeing this, Alidos immediately fought back, shooting out poisonous needles one after another, and started shooting in the air with Naia in the desert!

Boom boom boom!

After a round of confrontation, Naia's missile needle in the desert completely suppressed Alidos's poisonous needle attack. After neutralizing most of the poisonous needles, the missile needle broke through the siege and blasted towards Alidos!


There was a roar, and Alidos, who was caught off guard, was directly hit by the missile needle, and his figure fell from the branch!

"Um, did you win?"

Seeing that Naia in the desert defeated Alidos' poisonous needle by relying on the missile needle, Luo Chen couldn't help being stunned.

Not only Luo Chen, but Naia in the desert was also stunned. The roots that were originally intended to be used for defense froze in mid-air.

If the strength of this Alidos has really reached the level where he can easily crack the rooting skill, wouldn't it be an easy task to defeat the Naia missile needle in the desert?

"Why doesn't this Alidos look that strong?"

Luo Chen's eyes flickered for a moment, and he asked Desert Naia to use the missile needle again, and began to shoot out continuously.

Perhaps Alidos was hit by all the missile needles without realizing it for a while, causing a violent explosion!

After the smoke from the explosion passed, Alidos was seen lying on the ground with circles in his eyes, and he had already lost his ability to fight!

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Luo Chen hesitated, then took out the poke ball and threw it out.

As a result, after the poke ball hit Alidos, a red light flashed, and Alidos was included in it, and then the poke ball was locked, and he lay motionless on the ground.

"Is this how to subdue this Alidos?"

Stepping forward to pick up Alidos' poke ball, Luo Chen was still a little stunned.

Originally thought that this Alidos was extraordinary in strength, but it turned out to be a silver spear with a wax rod, which is not very useful.

But how does this explain Alidos's ability to use venom to easily corrode the roots of Desert Naia?

"Could it be that the roots of Naia in the desert are afraid of poison!"

Luo Chen's eyes flashed, and he suddenly guessed this possibility.

Could it be that when the roots of Desert Naia absorbed the life energy, they also absorbed the toxin?

"If this is really the case, it seems that we need to subdue a steel attribute elf to defend."

Luo Chen pondered for a while, and put Alidos' poke ball in his backpack, intending to keep an eye on this matter first, and then verify his conjecture when he finds an opportunity.

"If you can tame a flying mantis or a hazelnut ball, then it would be great."

With a secret prayer in his heart, Luo Chen took Desert Naia and continued to walk deeper into the insect hunting park.

Most of the insect-type elves in the insect hunting park are elves raised by humans, and they have not received much training, so the desert Naia along the way was completely swept away.

At the same time, in order to verify his conjecture, Luo Chen also collected some poisonous substances such as the poisonous powder of Ba Dahu and the venom of the large needle bee during this period.

Luo Chen found that the roots of Naia in the desert were not afraid of Ba Dahu's poisonous powder, but after absorbing the venom of the large needle bee, the whole root immediately corroded continuously.

And if the poisonous powder is added to water to make venom, after the roots of Desert Naia absorb it, the whole root will also fester.

After some experiments, Luo Chen finally confirmed that the roots of Desert Naia are afraid of venom, and the reason is precisely because it absorbed the water containing poison!

"It seems that there are pros and cons to everything."

Luo Chen shook his head helplessly. It seems that Desert Naia would not be able to become a powerful elf if he only relied on the trick of rooting.

During this period of time, Luo Chen was also a little obsessed with the power of rooting skills, thus ignoring the exercise and training of other skills in Desert Naia.

And this Alidos was a lesson for him, which gradually cooled the little pride in his heart, and he planned to help Desert Naia to exercise other abilities.

Especially Desert Naia's close combat ability, as long as it evolves into Mengge Naia, its body that is close to human form is destined to be able to master many fighting skills.

And in conjunction with the spike defense, Mengge Naia can also take a very big advantage in close combat!


Just when Luo Chen was immersed in how to help Desert Naia in melee training, he suddenly heard a cry from Desert Naia's mouth.

Luo Chen turned around suspiciously, and suddenly saw Desert Naia, who was using rooting to restore his physical strength, and at this moment, something was entangled on one of its roots.

"Hey, this is..."

Luo Chen looked over, and suddenly his eyes widened.

What was caught by the roots was an elf that looked like a little turtle. Its body was yellow and looked very soft, wrapped in a red turtle shell!

"Isn't this elf a pot pot?"

Luo Chen immediately recognized this kind of elf, and suddenly cried out in surprise.

Although it is said that Huhu is a kind of elf with insect and rock attributes, Luo Chen never thought that he could find such a rare elf in the insect hunting park!

That's right, in the real world, Hu Hu is a very rare elf.

Or it can't be said to be rare, but little elves like pots are basically monopolized by those big forces. It is very rare to find a pot in the wild!

Because the elves like Kehu can ferment the fruit stored in the carapace for a long time into juice that can replenish physical strength.

And human beings rely on this, relying on long-term experiments, so that even ordinary fruits in reality can become nutritious juices that can replenish physical strength!

Therefore, this kind of elf itself has a very large commercial value, making it a very precious material elf!

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