Elves Come To the World

Chapter 148 Melee

the next day.

Because today is Double Twelve, the streets are extraordinarily lively.

The four of Luo Chen got up early because they had to participate in the competition early in the morning and walked towards the gymnasium.

Entering the gymnasium, you can immediately see various slogans about Double Twelve, and the whole gymnasium is like a huge exhibition hall.

"These merchants really won't let go of any opportunity to make money."

"Mid-year promotions, Double Eleven, Double Twelve, there are so many activities."

Lin Ye looked at the layout in the gymnasium and shook his head slightly.

"It's not the same in your family's insect hunting contest."

Luo Chen shook his head slightly, feeling that he could participate in this kind of competition a few more times, after all, the rewards were real.

"Hey, society society."

Lin Ye smiled awkwardly, and then the four of them entered the gymnasium.

Perhaps because Double Twelve is a men's and women's doubles, there are obviously not as many players on the field as Double Eleven.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the Double Twelve competition officially kicked off.

After the old-fashioned opening ceremony, the competition organizers also announced the rules of the competition.

Compared to the main competition of Double Eleven, all the matches this time actually adopted the mode of melee.

There will be ten scuffles in the morning to determine the ten winning groups, and then in the afternoon, let the ten winning teams continue the scuffle, and then the final winner can be determined directly.

The rules are simple and rude!

And the rules of the competition are also very special, that is, both men and women participating in the competition, as long as any elf loses the ability to fight, the other elf will also be eliminated directly.

Obviously, this kind of competition tests the cooperation ability of both men and women. The two elves must cooperate with each other and cooperate with each other to protect each other in order to win the game, not as long as you are strong enough.

"A little elf lost the ability to fight, and the game is over?"

After hearing the rules of the game announced by the host, Lin Ye's expression also changed slightly.

Originally, he planned to ignore Bai Yating's oil bottle and rely on the flying mantis to defeat all opponents in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that besides defeating his opponent, his Flying Mantis must also protect the Marsh Leap Fish.

And this also raised the difficulty of the game several levels!

"Uh, I didn't expect that the rules of the game would be like this."

After Luo Chen saw the rules of the game, he also held his forehead with some headaches. He was just making up the numbers, so he and Qin Yuxin didn't conduct any cooperative training at all.

In addition, he actually had the same plan as Lin Ye, planning to rely on Desert Naia to sweep the audience.

"But it's not a big problem. Desert Naia can use the roots to fight and also play a protective role." Luo Chen's face showed deep thought.

"Luo Chen..."

"Why are you everywhere!"

At this moment, Luo Chen suddenly saw Wen Cheng walking over from the opposite side.

"Uh, Wencheng."

Luo Chen was also a little embarrassed, and suddenly thought of a possibility, this Wen Cheng also came to participate in the competition, right?

"This competition was originally held by our German store and other stores, so you know..."

Wen Cheng seemed to see the doubt on Luo Chen's face, shrugged and said.

Speaking of which, he, the young master of the German family, is also very busy. While being the new generation spokesperson of his family, he also needs to cooperate with the family to participate in various competitions.

"I thought it would be a very boring social event, but I didn't expect to meet you, an old opponent. I am looking forward to it more and more."

Wen Cheng glanced at Luo Chen, then at Lin Ye, Bai Yating and Qin Yuxin, smiled slightly, then said cheers to Luo Chen, and then went back to socializing.

"I didn't expect to meet Wen Cheng here."

"It seems that this time the game is a bit hanging."

Lin Ye looked at Wen Cheng's leaving back, his face changed slightly.

"Wen Cheng?"

"Is it great?"

Bai Yating's lovely brows frowned slightly.

"Ah, this guy, like Luo Chen, is a member of the school team."

"Although he was defeated by Luo Chen twice, his strength is indeed strong."

Lin Ye's face became serious. He had seen Wen Cheng's battle before. That metal monster was definitely very powerful. Even if Luo Chen won twice by chance, it was still very reluctant. After all In that case, it is not surprising who wins!

"School team member? Luo Chen?"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Bai Yating narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Yes, Luo Chen, Luo Chen."

Then, she seemed to think of something, and her face changed suddenly.

At the same time, she also thought that there seemed to be a Chuanshan King in Luo Chen's hand, that is to say, this Chuanshan King is the one with red bristles?

Thinking of this, Bai Yating's face turned red. Back then, she thought that Luo Chen sent Desert Naia because he was afraid of her.

But now that I think about it, the other party is already showing mercy. If she sent the Chuanshan King who participated in the school exchange competition, her Marsh Leaping Fish would probably lose even worse!

After the rules of the game were announced, the host immediately started the grouping of the melee.

It seemed that Luo Chen was really destined to be number seven, and was assigned to venue number seven again.

Lin Ye was assigned number five, and Wen Cheng was assigned number three. In the first round, the three of them were very lucky not to meet each other, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Since the ten melee battles started at the same time, the four of them also separated here and walked towards their respective competition venues.

"Wait a minute, your Caracalla will stand beside Desert Naia, and my Desert Naia will protect it."

On the way, Luo Chen also told Qin Yuxin about his plan.

"Well, I see, my Caracalla will buy you time."

Qin Yuxin is also a smart girl, when she heard Luo Chen's plan, she immediately knew what she should do.

"Relax, it's just entertainment, anyway, we don't intend to compete with Bai Yating and the others for the final championship." Luo Chen smiled slightly.

Although he was also very greedy for Nidolan's elf eggs, Lin Ye and Bai Yating also went for these two elf eggs, so he didn't intend to fight.

In addition, his abilities are limited after all, and now he already has the four little elves Chuanshanwang, Desert Naia, Big Tongue Shell and Huhu. If he wants to breed another one, he must carefully consider it.

Therefore, for a Nidoran's elf egg, he would not take it indiscriminately before confirming whether this Nidoran is worth cultivating!

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