Elves Come To the World

Chapter 162 Magic Spirit

After a while, there was only one gear set left in the field.

The gear set has a larger dark gray gear with 8 teeth behind the right gear than the one before the evolution, and it rotates at the same speed as the small gear in front.

But between the two gears of the gear set, the power is much stronger than that of the gears. When the roots were wrapped around its body, I saw it twist violently, and I used the clamping skill to break the roots. , the figure broke free.


And at the next moment, I saw white light emitting from the body of the gear set. At the moment of crisis, it evolved from the gear set to the final form of the gear monster!

On the basis of the gear set, the gear monster adds a small gear. This small gear is in the lower front of the right gear, and it keeps rotating vertically. Its center is red.

This small gear also drives a floating metal ring on the outside, which is not connected to it, but maintains the same rotation speed. The metal ring surrounds the entire body of the gear monster, and there are 6 spikes on the outside, which can emit energy outward. .

"I'm dizzy, it actually evolved at this time."

"There is only one gear monster left, let's go together!"

"Desert Naia, use roots to entangle!"

At Luo Chen's order, he saw more than a dozen roots emerge from the ground, winding towards the gear monster from all angles.


Facing the attack of these roots, I saw the gears on the gear monster turning rapidly, like a chainsaw, cutting the roots quickly, and saw sawdust flying in the air!

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Long Longyan and Dunjia had already rushed to the side of the gear monster. The figure of Dunjia jumped out, and flames burst out from a pair of fangs, and directly used the teeth of fire.


Fang of Fire collided with the Frisbee in mid-air, and the flames splashed, and the figure of the gear monster was knocked upside down and flew out.

Then I saw Long Longyan's figure jumping up, clenched his fists, and smashed out a million tons of punches, directly smashing the gear monster's figure into the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the water gun of the big tongue shell, the 100,000 volts of the three-in-one magnet monster, and the magic leaf of the desert Naia also submerged towards the gear monster.


There was a violent roar, and the entire cave was shaken violently, and then a crack like a spider's web was formed on the wall, and stone chips continued to fall from the top of the head!

And when the smoke and dust fell, a faint energy fluctuation was seen emitting from the body of the big tongue shell, and the dust-proof feature suddenly activated, directly resisting all the smoke and dust.

"Thanks, Big Tongue."

Luo Chen smiled slightly, he didn't expect the dustproof properties of the big tongue shell to be so useful.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Luo Chen saw that poor gear monster that had just evolved, fell to the ground and lost its fighting ability.

"Go, Poké Ball."

Luo Chen was not polite, and directly subdued the gear monster with the elf ball.

"Huh, fortunately there are these three elves of Wang Ning, otherwise it would be dangerous."

"Secret Realm Exploration is really not that simple, anything can happen!"

"However, every time you explore the secret realm, you can make a lot of money. Not to mention the little elves I have subdued, even the metal film is definitely enough."

Luo Chen picked up the gear monster's elf ball, thinking excitedly in his heart, thinking that after going back this time, he won't need to worry about the resources for cultivating elves in the near future.

After the elves rested in place, Luo Chen led the elves to continue exploring the cave ahead.

"Is this the gear's lair?"

Along the way, Luo Chen also encountered several lone gears, and couldn't help guessing in his heart.

"Be careful, it's another gear."

When turning around, Luo Chen gestured to the elves, and then poked his head out to observe carefully.

Immediately, he saw more than a dozen gears flying in the air, and at this moment, they were all holding a piece of iron ore, like pallets flying out of nowhere.

After these gears flew into a cave, after a while, they flew out again, and the iron ore on them had disappeared at this time.

"It seems that the cave is the old nest of the gear."

Looking at the gears going in and out of the cave, Luo Chen couldn't help guessing in his heart.

"I just don't know if there are any good treasures in it."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to observe the whereabouts of these gears.

"These gears are quite regular."

"It's basically a gear set with ten gears moving together."

"It seems that there are three gear sets inside, that is to say, the number of gears is about thirty, and there is a gear monster among them."

Luo Chen began to check the movement rules of these gears at the entrance of the cave, and thus roughly judged the number of gears.

"More than thirty gears, three gear sets, and a gear monster at the end, I can give it a try."

Luo Chen's eyes were fixed on the cave where the gear came in and out, his small eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to think about how to get into it.

"It seems that it is more reliable to knock down these gears first."

After doing some calculations, Luo Chen decided to use the safest way.

After a few hours, Luo Chen finally seized the opportunity to disable all the gears.

And the last gear monster is obviously an elf that has evolved for a long time, and its strength will definitely not be weaker than the Boscodora he subdued back then.

However, under the restraint of the two ground-type elves, Longlongyan and Dunjia, several elves fought in groups, and they still subdued the gear monster without any risk.

"I don't know what kind of treasures there will be in the cave."

Luo Chen's figure stood in front of the cave, thinking a little excitedly in his heart.

Afterwards, led by Long Longyan and Dunjia, Luo Chen walked slowly into the cave holding the big tongue shell.

First of all, what caught his eyes was a hill piled up of iron ore, and these were all iron ore collected by the gears.

"Isn't there only iron ore in it?"

Luo Chen frowned slightly, then looked around again.

"Desert Naia, use your roots."

"Then use the roots to remove the iron ore from the iron ore mountain."

"Na Nana!"

Desert Naia nodded and began to use the rooting skills. After the roots grew, he controlled the roots to fiddle with the iron ore.


And when Naia in the desert was using the roots to fiddle with the iron ore, he saw a current lasing like a laser light, directly blasting the roots of Naia in the desert!


Luo Chen was taken aback, looked over, and immediately saw a phantom elf with a nut on his head and a body made entirely of liquid metal!

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