Elves Come To the World

Chapter 165 Meltan's Footsteps (First update, please subscribe)

"It should be left by Meltan!"

Luo Chen looked at the passage where the gravel was scattered, and followed it carefully without hesitation.


But within a few steps, he was stopped by Desert Naia again.

Following the direction that Naiya pointed in the desert, Luo Chen immediately saw a few small fist stones.

"A lot of small fist stones."

"Could it be that this is Little Fist Stone's lair?"

Looking at the small fist stones buried in the ground like landmines one by one, Luo Chen was startled.

However, before Luo Chen gave the order to fight, he suddenly saw Long Longyan beside him coming out of the team, and then walked directly in front of the little fist stones.


Accompanied by Long Longyan's roar, he saw these little fist stones jump up one after another, opened their eyes one by one, and looked around in surprise.

Just when they stood up and wanted to teach the guy who disturbed their dreams a lesson, they saw Longlongyan in their final form standing in front of them.

Immediately, all the small fist stones were planted, and for some reason, a big brother suddenly popped up in front of him.

Long Longyan ignored the rapidly changing expressions on the faces of these small fist stones, and said something loudly to the small fist stones in the passage, pointing at Luo Chen from time to time.

After a while, with Long Longyan waving his hand, he saw all the small fist stones scatter in a rush, drilling towards all directions of the passage.

A few small fist stones rolled past Luo Chen directly, which startled him and almost made a move.

After seeing the little fist stones leave, Long Longyan walked to Luo Chen's side and began to explain with dancing.

"You mean, you asked these little fist stones to help us find Wang Ning and the others?"

After some guessing, Luo Chen finally figured out what Long Longyan meant, and said in surprise.

After sending Xiaoquanshi to find Wang Ning and the others, Luo Chen led Long Longyan and the others to continue walking along the passage, intending to continue their exploration.

After all, it is not easy to find Wang Ning and the others in this huge cave.

"It seems that the elves still have to tame a few more elves, and when the time comes, they may be an army of elves." Walking unimpeded in the passage, Luo Chen thought to himself.

As Luo Chen went deeper, he gradually discovered that the entire passage was getting bigger and bigger, and the traces of excavation could be seen through the traces on the rock wall.

"This is……"

After turning a corner, a huge cave appeared in front of him.

In the cave at this time, a large snake made entirely of rocks was curling up and resting on the ground.

"It turned out to be a big rock snake!"

"And that's... Meltan!"

Luo Chen's pupils shrank when he saw the huge figure of the big rock snake, and then he glanced around, and immediately found that in the corner of the cave, Meltan was moving carefully at this time, fearing that it would disturb the sleeping big rock snake.

And after Luo Chen's figure appeared, Meltan noticed it immediately, and was startled immediately, his eyes stared out of the nut, looking frightened!

Then, I saw Meltan's eyeballs roll, and a piece of iron ore floating beside him slowly floated up and shot directly at the sleeping big rock snake.


With a loud roar, I saw the iron ore slamming hard on the head of the big rock snake, which directly made the sleeping big rock snake's whole body stand upright. It was confused at first, and then let out an angry roar !


Seeing that the big rock snake was awakened, Meltan immediately controlled a few pieces of iron ore and floated towards the passage where Luo Chen was, while he hid in the corner and buried his body in it with iron ore.

After the big rock snake roared, its eyes immediately locked on the iron ore floating in it, and with a movement of its figure, it rushed over quickly!

"This cunning Meltan!"

Seeing Meltan's actions, Luo Chen's face changed drastically.

Cursing secretly, he looked at the passage behind him, then at the big rock snake rushing up, gritted his teeth, and instead of retreating into the cave, he chose to flash into the cave with a few elves .

This cave is very big, enough for a few elves to use their skills, but if they are forced into the passage, it will be difficult for a few elves to use their skills!

Ho ho ho!

After Luo Chen came out, the Big Rock Snake's eyes were on Luo Chen, apparently thinking of him as the culprit for waking him up!

After Luo Chen came out, he directly directed the Big Tongue Shell and Desert Naia to launch an attack to suppress the rock snake's forward movement.

Among them, the water gun and the magic leaf both have some obvious attribute restraint relationship with the big rock snake, which immediately made the big rock snake let out a painful roar.

Afterwards, Longlongyan used a heavy attack of steel attributes, the three-in-one magnet monster used a spinning top ball, and Dunjia used frozen teeth, all of which bombarded the big rock snake!

Amidst a painful neighing sound, the body of the big rock snake was seen twisting rapidly, and its tail began to slap the ground indiscriminately, making a roar.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a big rock snake, and its physical strength is sufficient!"

Luo Chen secretly praised, and let the elves launch another round of attacks, finally making the big rock snake lose its fighting ability, and its figure fell to the ground.

"Go, Poké Ball."

As the elf ball was thrown out, the big rock snake was undoubtedly subdued.

"Big guy did a great job."

Luo Chen praised the little elf a few times, then looked into the cave, and found that Meltan's figure had already disappeared.

"It runs really fast."

His gaze directly locked on to another exit, and he quickly chased after it with a few elves.

"Another big rock snake."

"This place is a bit like a break-through game!"

Through the passage, Luo Chen came to a cave again, and there is no doubt that there is also a big rock snake here, just like a gatekeeper, blocking the only way to pass!

"It seems that only by defeating this big rock snake can we enter the next passage!"

As soon as they said to fight, the five elves surrounded them instantly, and there was a burst of crackling and roaring, and this big rock snake fell down without exception!

Afterwards, Luo Chen killed several big rock snakes one after another, and finally came to the last level.

Walking in front of Luo Chen is a huge underground cave. In this underground cave, you can see randomly discarded iron ore everywhere!

And on top of these iron ore, a colossal monster is quietly crawling on the ground, like a prehistoric monster, giving people an unparalleled oppressive force!

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