Elves Come To the World

Chapter 173 Huge Opportunity (3rd update, please subscribe)

"We know, leave this matter to us."

"The owner of the German shop is also an old acquaintance with us, and we will definitely not let you suffer."

After listening to Luo Chen's words, Professor Lin nodded. For Luo Chen, this is indeed the best way to deal with it.

After hearing Professor Lin's assurance, Luo Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the body of the big steel snake and said: "The evolution method of the big steel snake is very simple, that is the metal film."

"Metal film?"

Professor Lin and Professor Yan looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

They all knew that the evolution stone could allow elves to evolve, but they didn't expect that the metal film could have a similar effect? !

"I happen to have the metal film prop here!"

Afterwards, Professor Yan fumbled in his backpack for a while, and really took out the metal film.

Metal film is an item that can enhance the power of steel attribute skills, and Professor Yan, who specializes in refined steel attribute elves, will naturally have a collection.

"Professor Yan, let my big rock snake try it out. I will compensate you for the metal film after the research is done."

Hearing Professor Lin's words, Professor Yan rolled his eyes, said nothing, and threw the metal film in his hand to Professor Lin.

Professor Lin took the metal film and smiled mischievously. Then the two of them walked side by side towards Professor Lin's laboratory without saying anything.

After returning to the research room, Professor Lin called the big rock snake over, and then put the metal film on the big rock snake.

Originally, Professor Lin thought that the metal film was something similar to an evolutionary stone, which could cause the rock snake to evolve immediately, but the light of evolution that Professor Lin expected did not appear.

"Professor Lin, this big steel snake evolved at the exit of the secret realm."

"So I think that in addition to the metal film, the evolution of the big steel snake needs to evolve through space evolution like the Longlong Rock."

Seeing that the big rock snake did not evolve immediately, Luo Chen quickly reminded Professor Lin.

"Space evolution?"

Professor Lin nodded, and then led the big rock snake to the exit of the secret realm.

Afterwards, after the big rock snake entered the secret realm with the metal membrane, a strong evolutionary light erupted from its whole body instantly, and its figure elongated rapidly in the white light.

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen immediately took out his mobile phone and started filming, recording the evolution of the big rock snake.


Accompanied by a roar, Professor Lin's giant rock snake, whose strength has reached an extreme, successfully evolved into a big steel snake through a special method!

"It has really evolved!"

Seeing that the big rock snake has successfully evolved into a big steel snake, Wang Ning's mouth grew bigger.

Not only Wang Ning, but even Professor Lin and Professor Yan showed surprise on their faces at this time.

"Sure enough, it has successfully evolved!"

Professor Lin took a deep breath, then looked at Luo Chen with admiration.

He felt that Luo Chen was completely his lucky star. In addition to bringing him into the realm of sandstorms, now he even made his old buddy successfully complete the evolution!

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it. The big rock snake carries a metal membrane, and then through space evolution, it can smoothly evolve into a big steel snake!"

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, holding the big steel snake's elf ball in his hand, and the corners of his mouth slowly drew an arc.

With the successful evolution of the steel snake, he only needs to edit the video in his hand, and with Professor Lin's steel snake as proof, his knowledge of the evolution of the steel snake has been successfully completed!

"Luo Chen, to be honest, I also underestimated the value contained in your "knowledge of the evolution of the big steel snake" at the beginning!"

Professor Lin stroked the big steel snake that had just evolved successfully, and his face became very solemn.

"Elfs evolve through spatial stimulation by carrying certain props, which completely opens up a new research direction on the evolution of elves!"

"The meaning contained in it is really too great!"

Professor Yan also nodded at the side. Before today, they could not have imagined that the elf could complete evolution in this way!

Just like Professor Yan, he has a metal film prop in his hand, but who would have imagined that this prop can make the big rock snake evolve into a big steel snake!

The effect of the metal film is to enhance the power of the steel attribute skills, so it is basically the standard configuration of the steel attribute elf, coupled with the rarity of the elf props, no one would think of wearing the metal film on a big rock snake !

It is conceivable that after today, there will definitely be countless scholars who will start experiments on the evolution of new elves, and perhaps more elves will evolve through this special method by then!

It can be said that Luo Chen's discovery completely opened a new door for the research of elf scholars!

"Luo Chen, I hope you will seriously consider this matter."

"Although selling the knowledge of the evolution of the big steel snake to the German store can be exchanged for a huge return in the short term."

"But if you hand over the knowledge of the evolution of the big steel snake to the Elven Scholars Guild, you can definitely become a senior elf scholar directly by virtue of the fact that you have discovered the new evolution direction of the elves!"

"And relying on this, I will definitely be able to get you no less resources than the German store!"

Professor Lin took a deep breath, and looked at Luo Chen with a serious expression.

"Senior Elf Scholar!"

After hearing Professor Lin's words, both Luo Chen and Wang Ning were taken aback.

Especially Wang Ning, he knows what a high-level elf scholar represents. This is almost at the pinnacle of elf scholars, and on top of that, only Professor Lin and the others are master elf scholars!

"A new direction for elf evolution?"

Luo Chen muttered these words, and was in a daze for a while.

He never realized that the knowledge in his mind would be so valuable, it could even cause a storm in the academic world!

"It seems that it is because the integration time between the secret realm and the real world is still short."

"And as the fusion of the two worlds continues, these evolutionary methods will be exposed sooner or later!"

Luo Chen closed his eyes and thought for a while, then looked at Professor Lin and nodded, with gratitude in his eyes.

He knew that Professor Lin and Professor Yan must have played a very important role in the reason why he was able to obtain such great benefits!

Only those college students like them can truly see the significance of "the knowledge of the evolution of the big steel snake". Otherwise, if there is no professor Lin and them, Luo Chen only needs to sell this secret, then the so-called "new knowledge of elf evolution" Orientation" or something, maybe he has nothing to do!

Only the chance that is really caught can be regarded as a real chance!

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