Elves Come To the World

Chapter 175 Champion Trainer (, please subscribe)

Bi Diao's figure quickly shuttled through the air.

In the distance, the majestic building of the Elf Scholars Guild slowly became clear in front of his eyes.

This Elven Scholars Guild looks like a huge palace. On the huge square, several flying mounts can be seen standing in the field, which looks like a western magical world!

"Here we are, welcome to the Elven Scholar Headquarters!"

President Gu stood in front of the square, and introduced to Luo Chen and Wang Ning solemnly again.

"This is the holy land of elf scholars!"

Yearning appeared in Wang Ning's eyes, and he strengthened his determination to become a master elf scholar!

"Come on, come in with me."

Seeing the yearning expressions on the faces of the two, President Gu smiled with satisfaction.

Then he held Luo Chen's thesis in his hand, and led a few people into the majestic palace!

Walking through the huge palace, several people soon came to the office of the president of the Alliance Elf Scholar, which symbolized the highest power of the guild.

"come in."

After hearing President Gu's knock on the door, a steady voice came from inside.

And as the office door slowly opened, I saw a very young-looking figure sitting in it, and a Xanadu was making tea beside him, and the faint tea fragrance echoed in the office .

"This is President Fang of our Elven Scholars Guild, champion trainer and top elf scholar master!"

After seeing that young figure, Professor Lin's eyes showed admiration. Although the chairman of the conference is younger than him, he has already achieved the highest achievement in the world!

"Champion trainer?!"

Luo Chen's eyes widened involuntarily after hearing this title.

In the alliance, the levels of trainers are mainly divided into three levels: junior high school and high school, and above these three levels, there are also king trainers and champion trainers.

And the champion trainer is already the strongest in this world, beyond that, there is only the illusory legend!

"President, please take a look at this paper."

President Gu nodded to President Fang, and then passed Luo Chen's paper on "New Directions for Elves' Evolution".

"This is……"

"A new evolutionary direction for elves!"

And after seeing the title of the thesis, even a big man like Chairman Fang, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Afterwards, he also opened the thesis very seriously and began to read it. After watching the video of the big rock snake successfully evolving into a big steel snake, the president of the conference also flickered for a while.

"How many people have read this paper?"

The president closed his eyes for a moment and pondered for a while, then opened them suddenly, full of fierceness!

"Only a few of us have read it. I sent it over as soon as I saw this paper."

President Gu naturally knew what the president meant, and nodded very seriously.

"You did a great job!"

"This matter is of great importance. If the authenticity of this matter is confirmed, it will definitely play an extremely important role in the development of the alliance!"

The president of the conference glanced at President Gu with appreciation, then looked at Luo Chen and the others and said, "Now, without my permission, you can't tell anyone about this!"

Hearing the President's words, Professor Lin and Professor Yan looked at each other and nodded seriously. Obviously, the importance of this matter has risen to the level of an alliance, and even the President has to be careful!

"Xanadu, you go and close the entrance to the secret realm now!"

"President Gu, go find a laboratory and bring over some experimental rock snakes."

Soon, the president of the assembly issued a series of orders, showing how much he attaches importance to this matter!

Soon, President Gu finished setting up the laboratory. The President led a few people into the airtight laboratory, then locked the door of the laboratory, and sent a few elves to guard it!

After making all the preparations, the president personally released the five big rock snakes, and took out all the metal films in the headquarters, with a total of eight pieces!

Obviously, although the Elven Scholars Guild is rich and powerful, metal films are not a commodity after all. Even a powerful force like the Elven Scholars Guild only has eight pieces of metal films in stock!

"Let's start the experiment, activate the space gate!"

After wearing the metal film on the five big rock snakes, the president nodded to president Gu.

Immediately, I saw a gate rise up in the field, and the strange energy continuously condensed on the gate, and finally formed a colorful curtain inside the gate, just like a huge mirror, reflecting a magical world!

This is the space gate, a prop used to cooperate with the research on the space evolution of elves!

After the space door opened, five big rock snakes lined up and began to slowly pass through the space door under the command of the president.

And after the first big rock snake passed through the space gate, the colorful curtain in the whole space gate immediately trembled violently, and as the figure of the big rock snake gradually disappeared into it, waves of light flowed on the other side of the space gate.

After a full half a minute, the big rock snake passed through the space door and shuttled from the other side of the door.

But the big rock snake is still a big rock snake, and the evolution that everyone imagined has not occurred!

"It seems that this evolutionary method may be the same as the evolutionary stone, and it also requires the elf's own strength!"

The president of the assembly nodded slightly, and asked the president to record the information, and then directed the second big rock snake to pass through it.

The strength of this big rock snake is obviously stronger than that of the previous big rock snake, but it still hasn't reached the standard of evolution.

Then came the third one, and when the third big rock snake entered the space gate, it immediately saw that its huge rock body seemed to resonate with the metal membrane.

The two began to shine continuously, and just when a few people thought that the big rock snake was going to evolve successfully, the big rock snake still came out from the space gate.

Obviously, the strength of this big rock snake has reached the threshold of evolution, but it still lacks some fire to really evolve!

"It seems that this evolution method is indeed possible!"

The president's eyes flickered for a moment, and he looked at the fourth big rock snake that entered the space gate.


Suddenly, a violent light emanated from the big rock snake, and then saw the figure constantly changing in the white light, and with the white light, it continued to sink into the space door.

And when the big rock snake came out of the space door, the white light on its body had dissipated, and what appeared in front of several people was a big steel snake with a size of nearly ten meters!

"Evolution succeeded!"

Seeing the big rock snake successfully evolve into a big steel snake, even President Gu, who has always been calm, cried out in surprise at this time!

"The metal membrane can actually function like an evolutionary stone!"

The president played with the metal film in his hand in amazement, and there was a fiery look in his eyes!

"Your name is Luo Chen, right?"

"This is really a great discovery!"

"If this direction of evolution can be carried out on other elves, then your name will definitely be recorded in history!"

The head of the assembly looked at Luo Chen, and he didn't hide his admiration in his eyes!

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