Elves Come To the World

Chapter 196 Watching a Movie

New Year's Day, February 10th.

On this day, it is the time for the new students to start school.

Therefore, the entire campus seemed to come alive at this moment.

When Luo Chen and Lin Ye arrived at the teaching building, the teaching building was already full of people.

Although the threshold for entering the intermediate campus is an intermediate trainer, there are still many old students who have become intermediate trainers this year without a specified age.

Therefore, the number of newcomers entering the intermediate campus this time is really quite a lot.

"Is this the whole classroom?"

Luo Chen looked at the large classroom that could accommodate thousands of students in class, and was a little lost in thought for a while.

"That's right, so everyone will be classmates in the future, and it will be more convenient to communicate."

Lin Ye smiled, and walked towards one of the four classroom doors in the classroom.

"Luo Chen?"

"Who is this Luo Chen?"

Just as Luo Chen walked to the door of the classroom, he heard a discussion coming from inside the classroom, and the topic of discussion was undoubtedly him.

"what's the situation?"

Luo Chen couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly squeezed into the classroom.

Looking up at the big blackboard in the classroom that looks like a movie theater screen, there are names lined up on it at this time, and the first name on the list is Luo Chen!

Under Luo Chen's name, the members of the school team, Wen Cheng, Jiang Long, Lin Ce, Wang Ning, and Lin Ye, were lined up at this time.

"Luo Chen, you are actually number one!"

Lin Ye also saw the ranking projected on the screen at this time, and his eyes showed surprise.

"I'm number one, what's wrong?"

After a brief surprise, Luo Chen turned his head and looked at Lin Ye with some doubts.

"Luo Chen, this ranking is actually based on the ranking of the annual assessment."

"The sixth to tenth places are the list of those who successfully entered the school team in this annual assessment."

"And the top five in the ranking are naturally the five of you who were admitted early by the school team's reserve team."

"In addition, Luo Chen, you are ranked first, so you are probably the captain of the reserve team of this year's school team!"

Lin Ye explained in a low voice next to Luo Chen, which made Luo Chen confused.

He's the captain of the varsity reserve team?

"Luo Chen, long time no see."

At this moment, Wen Cheng and Jiang Long also walked into the classroom.

After greeting Luo Chen, the two naturally looked at the big screen in the classroom.

Immediately, the pupils of both of them shrank, obviously seeing the ranking projected on the screen, especially when seeing Luo Chen's ranking, Wen Cheng could be seen frowning slightly.

Obviously, after so long, Wen Cheng has been playing the role of captain, and even Luo Chen and the others have acquiesced to the fact that Wen Cheng is the captain.

But as soon as the ranking came out, Luo Chen was directly promoted to the position of captain, which no one could have imagined.

"Luo Chen, you guys came early."

It was another old acquaintance, Lin Ce, who detected it.

This was the first time Luo Chen and Lin Ce met since the last time they parted.

During that exploration of the secret realm, all three of them benefited enormously.

Among them, Luo Chen should have received the most benefits, including the two elves Meltan and Jaw Ant, as well as a lot of resources.

On the other hand, Wang Ning subdued the gear and got the chance to stay at the headquarters of the Elven Scholars Guild in the secret sky.

In the last Lin Che, since the secret land appeared in the abandoned mine pit of his family, the alliance directly paid for that area to enclose that area directly, which made Lin Che's family a windfall. Cocoa Dora is also very rewarding.

Several members of the reserve team of the school team got together and naturally formed a small group.

It is also worth mentioning that the tenth place in this ranking list happens to be Lin Ye, and the other four people have not shown up until now, but according to Lin Ye, these four are old students of the school, and they only reached this year intermediate trainer.

"Zhang Song, Yang Feifei, Hu Yue and Ma Qun."

While Luo Chen was muttering, he saw four boys stepping into the classroom at the same time.

And the first time these four people entered the classroom, there was a sound of exclamation in the classroom.

Obviously, these four people were influential figures in the original junior campus, and they were immediately recognized by the students.

"Those four are the other four from the school team."

When Lin Ye saw these four old students from the junior campus, he immediately recognized them.

"Hmph, what's the point of getting admitted to this intermediate campus after staying for several grades?"

Jiang Long, who has always had his say, said with some disdain when he saw the arrogant appearance of the four of them.

"Jiang Long, don't underestimate them. I heard that their strength has already reached the level of intermediate trainers. It's just that in the last session, Captain Wang Teng and the others were too aggressive."

"Unable to stably enter the school team, the four of them endured for a while. When Captain Wang Teng and the others successfully entered the high-level campus, they were promoted to the intermediate campus."

"These four people, or the few people who ranked after the tenth place, they are obviously here for the spot in the school team reserve team this time."

Wen Cheng glanced at the four people who were also looking over from the opposite side, and said with a serious expression.

These few people have settled down for a year longer than them, and no one dares to underestimate each other before they officially fight.

Just as the atmosphere in the arena gradually became dignified, a light coughing sound was suddenly heard, and then a middle-aged teacher came in with a textbook in his arms, and a strong flame chicken followed behind him.

With the sound of the middle-aged teacher's cough, I saw the flame chicken's sharp eyes sweeping across the audience, which made the hearts of all the students tense.

"What a scary flame chicken."

Immediately, all the students in the audience fell silent, and quickly found a place nearby to sit down, not daring to make a sound at all.

The middle-aged teacher looked at the students who had calmed down and nodded, then went directly to the computer without saying anything, turned off the ranking list on the screen, and after some operations, opened a video directly.

The large classroom where Luo Chen and the others are located and the huge screen on the blackboard are actually very similar to a movie theater.

At this time, after the teacher turned on the video, many people suddenly had a strange illusion of watching a movie in a movie theater.

"This is……"

"Video of secret exploration!"

And in the next moment, the picture in the video made all the students present exclaim.

I saw that in the video, it was the whole process of an elf hunter exploring in the secret realm.

Immediately, the students were deeply immersed in the strange scene in the secret realm, the powerful elf of the elf hunter, and various skills to deal with crises in the wild.

Chapter Two, please.

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